- Bioscience Club -Carolyn Zeiher-Rm M211
- Academic Decathlon- Chris Yetman-Rm J502
Raise funds and promotes the Academic Decathlon Team(competition)
- Engineering Club- ToddHatchRm-M223
- Chemistry Club – Jill Christman-Rm-M222
- IB Club – Stephen Rothkopf-Admin
International Baccalaureate fundraising/support
- Psychology Club- Lisa Aukee- Rm-E805
**Club members must be on a team
- Soccer Club (Boys) – Jake Gillengerten
Fundarising and support of Boys Soccer Team
- Softball Club – Kelly Fowler
Fundraise,promoting the sport of Softball
- Lady Dorados – Soccer–Dave Peron
Fundraise in support of Women’s Soccer–
- Green and Gold – Football – Dusty Peace-Rm GymClub for all CDO football players
- Grapplers– Wrestling –David Sholes-Tournaments and fundraisedavid
- Mountain Bike Club- Ryan Vossler-Gym
- Dorados BBB - Keelan Williams
Boys basketball, tournaments, fundraising
- CDO Spiritline–Cindy Bellavia
Promote and support Cheerleading/Pom
- Canyon Cagers–Girls Basketball- Kent Senzee
Girls basketball, fundraise, tournaments
- Boys Golf – Ryan Call
Support,fundraise program
- Baseball Club -TBA
Play baseball, fund, tournaments
- Striders– Cross Country – Rick Glider
Promote and support the sport of Cross
- Sports Medicine Club- Cassidy Edwards-Rm G702 Activities relating to sports medicine
- Swim Club–Todd Hatch- RmM223
Promote and support the Swim team
- Trackers– Track & Field - Michelle Gerard- GymFundraise
- Volleyball – GirlsDavid Garwaki/Michelle GerardPlay volleyball, fundraise,
- Hitmen- Boys Volleyball- TBA
- Tennis Club - Dan Prasil
- FCCLA- Early Child Development
Jennifer Atteberry–Pierpont Rm-R609
Class,conference, leadership, competition
- FCCLA-Culinary Arts– NickMeitner –Rm-C412Explores culinary arts/
- FCCLA/Catering Club- Dan Glor-RmH301
- FBLA – Yearbook – Rob Cannon-Library
Photograph, write story, captions and create the yearbook to document this year in history.
- Skills USA-Architecture & Construction
Josh Ronstadt–Rm J501Vocational Industrial
- Skills USA-Autos-Jeremy TarbetRm-J506
Automotive mechanics-Vocational Industrial Club
- HOSA- Carolyn Zeiher- Rm M211
Health Occupations Student Association
- Orchestra Club –ToruTagawa–m K911
Fundraising activities and musical performances for the orchestra
- Canyon Players – Rob Cannon-Rm 902
developing skills for drama presentations
- All School Musical - Rob Cannon Rm K902
All students invited to audition- every
- Canyon Singers–Laonna Davis-K 911
Performing, fundraising and promote
- Marching band/concert- Daniel Bitter-Rm K909
- Gallery Club-LeeStreet-Rm T26
- Dorado Dancers– Casonti McClure- Rm Dance
performance dance
- IB Film Club-Cymry DeBoucher-Rm K905
Producing short film
- Sign Language – Neala Sillman-Rm G706
promote understanding of diverse populations with students who wish to learn ASL
- German Club – Kerry MarnellRm-D109
to develop a broader understanding of the German language, speaking, cultures
- French Club– Sarah Moser-RmE802
to develop a broader understanding of the
French language and speaking
- Spanish Club - Sarina McCann-Smith-Rm E804
Develop broader understanding of the Spanish language
- Link Crew–Michelle Gerard-Gym
enhance leadership skills in upperclassmen & provide mentors/role models for Freshman/New students
- Key Club- Charlene Stone-Rm M210
Service organization helping needy groups in school/community
- National Honor Society - DavidAlzner-Library
Students are selected as members based on scholarship, leadership, character, and service
- Student Government –Tenaya Snider-Rm-Dome
Elected class officers promote school spirit, activities, & fund-raisers
- Youth Empowered for Success(YES)-Julie Cota–Counseling-Students promoting positive change on campus and in the community
- Odyssey of the Mind –Cymry DeBoucher- Rm E810 Regional, state, national competition promoting creative thinking to solve a predefined problem
- Model UN- Ruth Erickson-Rm T23
Promotes education in cultural diversity and the workings of this institution
- Gay Straight Alliance – Mitzi Wieduwilt-Rm-M212-To promote understanding of
- Be Kind/Ben’s bells- Jill Christman-M222
Promoting kindness at CDO
- Society–Stephanie Kati RM-R607
- Dorado Business Club-Loretta Alvarez- RmD107
- Dream Team- Pam Duarte-Rm D104
Experiencing real life skills
- Amphi All Stars - Pam Duarte-Rm D104
Students with intellectual disabilities and partners participate to develop physical fitness, friendship and embrace inclusion
We invite all CDO students to get involved inextracurricular activities! Whether the activity is part of a sports program, a club, a special interest program, or student government it is an opportunity to make friends, learn important social skills, develop leadership and time management skills, and take part in fun events. Research indicates that students who participate in extra-curricular activities are more likely to develop important life skills and achieve more success in their academic work. New clubs may have formed after the printing of this brochure. Contact Mr. Enright in the Admin building for any updated information.
Clubs, Organizations & Extracurricular Activities
For detailed information regarding criteria to participate, mission statements, meeting times and locations, contact information and more, please contact the club sponsor listed next to the club name.