VI. A. 1. Program Committee - POSITION DESCRIPTIONS

a. Membership

1) The Section Program Chairperson (CSM) Vice-Chairperson (CSM) and ELC Program Chair are appointed by the Section President, with BOD approval, to 2 (two) year terms,

2) Re-appointment of the Program Committee Chair, Vice-Chair, and ELC Program Chair for subsequent terms shall be determined by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.

3) The Program Committee shall be made up of the Program Committee Chair, the Vice-Chair, the At-Large Representative for Professional Development ELC Program Chair and one representative from each Special Interest Group.

4) Additional voluntary Section members may be active

b. Responsibilities

1) Explore programs of interest to the members of the Education Section and other physical therapists

2) Generate revenue for the Education Section

3) Provide continuing education opportunities for the membership

4) Serve as a resource for the Education Section

5) Manage meeting space for the Combined Sections Meeting other meetings as designated by the President in collaboration with the Executive Officer of the Section

c. Duties

1) The Program Committee and ELC Program Chair duties shall be to work under the advisement of the Treasurer to plan and secure all arrangements for Section meetings and seminars subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.

2) Report of the Program Committee activities and ELC Program Chair are to be submitted to the Board of Directors.

3) The Program Committee Chair or Vice-Chair shall represent the Education Section to the all Section Programming Committee for CSM

4) The ELC Program Chair shall provide direct oversight management of the Education Leadership Conference

SPECIFIC Responsibilities

1) Program Chair assisted by the Vice-Chairperson in collaboration with the Executive Officer of the Section:

a. Oversees all educational programming activities for the Section

b. Serves as liaison with APTA for all relevant communication around programming

c. Represents the Section at Program Chair meetings

d. Works with SIG program committee members on SIG programming

1) Assists in development of programs

2) Approves programs, budgets, contracts, etc.

3) Assures deadlines are met

e. Works directly with speakers for general Section programming

f. Coordinates all room and refreshment arrangements for Section and SIG programming

g. Coordinates activities of program committee for planning of general Section programming

h. Coordinates with the Research Chair regarding abstract presentations

2) SIG Program Committee Representatives:

a. Assists the Chair and Vice Chair in conference programming generating programming ideas, recommending speakers, program development and assisting with conference coordination and registration as assigned.

b. Provides information on Section programming to SIG

c. Assists with Program Chair, Vice Chair and other SIG committee members to plan and implement Section programming.

d. Assists in identifying and developing new program committee members.

3) Program Committee Members:

a. Assist as delegated by SIG Program Representatives, Program Chair and Vice-Chair

for Program Committee functions

b. Serve as Speaker Introducers, runners, and time keepers for programming needs

4) ELC Program Chair:

a. Organizational, thematic program planning and sponsorships for the annual Educational Leadership Conference (ELC) with Executive Officers of the Section and Academic Council

b. Co-Chair responsibilities for ELC with the appointed representative from the Academic

Council or other co-programming entities

c. Coordination of conference call agendas, timelines, and minutes

d. Pre-planning for venue location, dates, and on-site facility needs

e. Coordination of communication and reviews for all program planning volunteers, i.e.

SIGS: CE, PTA, Academic Council Representatives and other volunteer and event staff

f. Debriefing post ELC

d. Budget

1) The Program Chairs for the Education Leadership Conference and Combined Sections Meeting shall be reimbursed travel, hotel costs and meals for the days that the person/s must attend Section activities and required duties. Requests for annual Budget items are to be submitted annually to the Section Treasurer for review and BOD approvals.

In general, for the Program Chair for CSM and Vice-Chair reimbursement includes airfare for

APTA CSM planning and APTA Combined Section meetings. The CSM Program Chair and

Vice Chair are expensed for CSM.

CSM Program Chair/s and/or Vice-Chair (if not funded through APTA), the Education

Section funds as follows:

a. The annual CSM & Section Program Chairs meeting: airfare, 2-3 days per diem

b. CSM: airfare, 5 days per diem

The ELC Program Chair reimbursement includes airfare for APTA Education Section

Educational Leadership Conference and is expensed for 2-3 days travel, hotel, per diem.

Expense reports are submitted to the Treasurer for Reimbursement for per diem, as described in the PNP manual and published on the Education Section website.

2) Speakers:

a. Honoraria and Travel for speakers are negotiated with the Education Section Executive Officer in collaboration with the Program Chairs and Executive Committee. Speaker travel and honoraria are generally announced in the Calls for Programming for CSM and Pre-conference courses and ELC. Standard reimbursement procedures are followed with the Education Section Executive Officer and speakers shall submit the Education Section Expense Report Forms as described in the PNP manual and published on the Section website.

October 4, 2012