GSA Manual Handling of Loads Risk Assessment
Section A - Preliminary:
Activity/Task Description:Click here to enter text.
Factors Beyond the Limits of the Guidelines:
Click here to enter text.
/ Is an Assessment Needed?
(i.e. is there a potential risk for injury, and are the factors beyond the limits of the guidelines?)
YES ☐ NO ☐
If ‘YES’ continue. If ‘NO’ the assessment need go no further.
Operations Covered by this Assessment:(Detailed description)
Location: Click here to enter text.
Personnel Involved: Click here to enter text.
Date of Assessment: Click here to enter text.
/ Diagrams (and other relevant information)
Section B (see attached Section B worksheet)
Section C - Overall Assessment of the Risk of Injury? EXTREME ☐ HIGH ☐
Section D - Remedial Action (see attached Section D worksheet for action parties/target dates)
Remedial steps that should be taken, in order of priority:- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
- Click here to enter text.
Date by which action should be taken: Click here to enter text.
Date for re-assessment: Click here to enter text.
Assessor’s Name: Click here to enter text. Signature:
Section B: More Detailed Assessment – Where necessary
Questions to consider / If YES, markas appropriate / Problems occurring from the task
(Make rough notes in this column in preparation for the possible remedial action to be taken). / Possible Remedial Action
(Possible changes to be made to system/task, load, workplace/space, and environment. Communication that is needed).
Low / Medium / High / Extreme
The Tasks:
- Holding away from the body?
- Twisting?
- Stooping?
- Reaching upwards?
- Large vertical movement?
- Long carrying distances?
- Strenuous pushing/pulling?
- Unpredictable movement of loads?
- Repetitive handling?
- Insufficient rest or recovery?
- A work rate imposed by a process?
☐ / ☐
☐ / ☐
☐ / ☐
The Loads: are they
- Heavy?
- Bulky/unwieldy?
- Difficult to grasp?
- Unstable/unpredictable?
- Intrinsically harmful (e.g. sharp or hot)?
☐ / ☐
☐ / ☐
☐ / ☐
The working Environment:
- Constraints on posture?
- Poor floors?
- Variations in levels?
- Hot/cold/humid conditions?
- Strong air movements?
- Poor lighting conditions?
☐ / ☐
☐ / ☐
☐ / ☐
Individual Capability - Does the job:
- Require unusual capability?
- Hazard to those with a health problem?
- Hazard to those who are pregnant?
- Call for special information/training?
☐ / ☐
☐ / ☐
☐ / ☐
Other factors / ☐ / ☐ / ☐ / ☐
1-4 LOW / Low risks are largely acceptable, monitor periodically to determine situation changes which may affect the risk, or after significant changes
5-10 MEDIUM / Medium risks should only be tolerated for the short-term and then only whilst further control measures to mitigate the risk are being planned and introduced, within a defined time period.
12-20 HIGH / High risks activities should cease immediately until further control measures to mitigate the risk are introduced. The continued effectiveness of control measures must be monitored periodically.
25 EXTREME / Work should not be started or continued until the risk has been mitigated. Immediate action is required to reduce exposure. A detailed mitigation plan must be developed, implemented and monitored by senior management to reduce the risk before work is allowed to commence
(Based on Likelihood X Severity)
LIKELIHOOD / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
5 / 5-MED / 10-MED / 15-HIGH / 20-HIGH / 25 -EXTREME
4 / 4-LOW / 8-MED / 12-HIGH / 16-HIGH / 20-HIGH
3 / 3-LOW / 6-MED / 9-MED / 12-HIGH / 15-HIGH
2 / 2-LOW / 4-LOW / 6-MED / 8-MED / 10-MED
1 / 1-LOW / 2-LOW / 3-LOW / 4-LOW / 5-MED
Section C: Remedial Action – Where necessary
Remedialstepstobetaken,inorder ofpriority(extreme/high/med/low) / Person responsiblefor implementing controls / Target date / Completed
Assessor’sname: / Signature: