Title: Gravity Light

Duration: 2.47 minutes


Gravity Light innovates to use weight and gravity to produce electricity.

The Technical Director of Gravity Light explains and demonstrates the power of weight, lifted by a winch, and the pull of gravity in generating low cost electricity for people on low incomes in mind. Kerosene lighting is bad for health and provides poor quality lighting for family homes, where children suffer the consequences. Ideas and innovation lead the way to practical, low cost solutions, all of which will be demonstrated at “Make the Future London” festival this year.

Gravity Light Transcript

[Background music plays]

Background of pulsating musical notes.

[Animated sequence]

Black letters on a yellow block background imposed on a close up of Jim Reeves pulling down winch cord.

{Text displays}

Can you get light from a bag of rocks?

[Background music plays]

Background of pulsating musical note continues.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“Living in an environment lit by kerosene is really harmful to your health.”

[Animated sequence]

In a dark background, a hand holds a lighted match ready to light a kerosene candle.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“So you can breathe in an awful lot of noxious fumes.”

[Animated sequence]

In a dim lit living room, a family sits around a table in the light of a kerosene candle and a kerosene lamp. A wide eyed baby sucks his thumb. A boy sitting at the table doing his homework by the kerosene candle light.

[Background music plays]

Background of pulsating musical notes continues.

[Animated sequence]

Move to front of boy doing homework, nose close to book on table. His mother looks on over him.

[Animated sequence]

Close up of base of modern lamp with brand name stamped on it – GRAVITYLIGHT, and beads of light cord.

[Animated sequence]

Focus on Jim Reeves, seated, speaking in his workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“Gravity Light seeks to give people who presently rely on kerosene for their home lighting access to power and light.”

[Background music plays]

Background of pulsating musical note continues with more notes added.

[Animated sequence]

Still Jim Reeves, seated, in close up but background comes into clearer focus to show work benches covered in electronic tools and equipment and angle-poised lamps.

{Jim Reeves}

“It relies on a lifted weight…”

[Animated sequence]

Jim Reeves demonstrating how Gravity Light works. He looks up at a suspended white lamp and pulls a yellow beaded cord.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…and while that weight slowly descends, a gear train inside…”

[Animated sequence]

Close up of Jim Reeves’ hands handling gear train. Then close up of Jim Reeves’ hands showing the inside of a gear train.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…turns that descending weight into electrical power, which in turn rides through…”

[Animated sequence]

Scene back to close up of Jim Reeves seated in workshop, speaking to camera.

{Jim Reeves}

“…high efficiency LEDs providing ambient light and task lighting for a dwelling.”

[Background music plays]

Background music still pulsating but becoming more a melody.

{Visual transition}

Close up of white beaded lamp cord, background out of focus. Then focus moving on to a Gravity Light packaged in a box standing on a top of a desk at the workshop.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“I’m Jim Reeves, technical director of Gravity Light.”

[Animated sequence]

In darkness, two hands direct a glowing light over an open book on a desk.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“I’m a design engineer.”

[Animated sequence]

Return to Jim Reeves seated in workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“Innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Ideas don’t just arrive. Problems arrive.”

[Animated sequence]

Reeves handling an electrical part at his workshop desk.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“You start out with a lot of questions…”

[Animated sequence]

Close up of Jim Reeves” face as he examines what is in his hands.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…and if you’re going to be…”

[Animated sequence]

Back to Jim Reeves seated in workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“…a successful innovator then you have to ask the rights ones. But you also need to be willing to ask the harder ones.”

[Animated sequence]

Reeves against workshop benches in focus, gesturing as he talks.

{Jim Reeves}

“Like, what are the constraints, because the constraints drive everything. The solutions come, or the innovation comes, when you’ve taken that problem apart.”

[Background music plays]

Music begins to fill out into melody.

[Animated sequence]

Close up of a pile of shiny new steel screws over a green surface.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“What are the physical limitations of materials?”

[Animated sequence]

Black beaded light cord over the same green surface.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“What is practical? What is achievable?”

[Animated sequence]

Back to close up of Jim Reeves at the workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“What do you do if you’re not going to store power?”

[Background music plays]

Music full melody, the pulsating still discernible.

[Animated sequence]

Jim Reeves against focused background of the workshop, gesturing.

{Jim Reeves}

“You have to look at what’s abundantly available. What people already have.”

[Animated sequence]

Person in front of two computer screens on a desk, one screen showing a diagram of the Gravity Light lamp with its cords and weight.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“Very few products…”

[Animated sequence]

The screen showing the diagram of the lamp zooms in to show the brand name GRAVITYLIGHT

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…are designed with people…”

[Animated sequence]

Hands working on the internal workings of lamp, assembling it parts.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…on low incomes in mind. So we went through a process of developing…”

[Animated sequence]

Close up of hands pulling white beaded cord through the internal workings of the lamp on a workbench.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…a first product. And when you have that first product…”

[Animated sequence]

New scene showing a screen with a recording of the workshop wall, with electronic equipment and weights suspended from it. The recording fast forwards to show Jim Reeves climbing a ladder to check the parts of the light.

[Animated sequence]

Close up from beneath the suspended weights, sequence fat-forwarded.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…that’s a vehicle for then gathering more information.”

[Background music plays]

Musical background rises into full melody.

[Animated sequence]

Back to close up of Jim Reeves talking, seated, in workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“So with Gravity Light 1 you pick the weight up from the ground.”

[Animated sequence]

Man holding a weight suspended from a winch attached to overhead beam.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“We found out that…”

[Animated sequence]

Back to close up of Jim Reeves talking, seated, in workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“…if you are a child and you’re studying then you haven’t got independence to study because you’re lifting a big heavy weight that might be too much for you.”

[Animated sequence]

Close up of two hands fitting the casing on a Gravity Light lamp.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“Yellow 2 uses a winch”.

[Animated sequence]

Close up of a lamp suspended showing yellow and black beaded cords. A hand pulls the cords.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“You pull down on a cord with a couple of kilos of effort…”

[Animated sequence]

Back to close up of Jim Reeves talking, seated, in workshop

{Jim Reeves}

“…and you lift 12 kilos. That massively expands the opportunity that offers to people to use it independently.”

[Background music plays]

Background melody ebbs and flows.

[Animated sequence]

Cardboard packaging beside the black box package for the lamp.

Written on the black box package:



[Animated sequence]

Close up of hands holding the lamp showing the brand name – GRAVITYLIGHT

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“As we go into the future, what are the right ways…”

[Animated sequence]

Jim Reeves sitting at his workshop, talking.

{Jim Reeves}

“…that we can set about answering that power requirement that are sustainable, more ubiquitous, more fair, more spread…”

[Animated sequence]

Close up profile of Jim Reeves face as he looks down.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…and that’s going to…”

[Animated sequence]

Hands open casing to reveal workings of gravity light.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…require the efforts of an awful lot…”

[Animated sequence]

Back to close up of Jim Reeves talking, seated, in workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“…of innovators all working towards a future which is really trying to address those concerns in a very thoughtful manner.”

[Background music plays]

Background melody ebbs and flows, the pulsating beat now part of the melody.

[Animated sequence]

Reeves face seen through yellow and black beaded lamp cords.

[Background music plays]

Background of pulsating musical note continues with added piano and orchestral melody.

[Animated sequence]

Back to close up of Jim Reeves talking, seated, in workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“So at Make the Future London we’re going to be demonstrating Gravity Light to the public and the opportunity…”

[Animated sequence]

Dark background with suspended white casing of lamp turned on to reveal the brand name – GRAVITYLIGHT, and yellow and black cords hanging from lamp.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…to share what we’re doing and to explain that,…”

[Animated sequence]

Girl’s hand in darkened room hold lamp and turns it on.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…and to explain the nature of the problems…”

[Animated sequence]

Man sits in darkened room between two illuminated Gravity Light lamps.

{Jim Reeves – voice over}

“…and the challenges that exist in the world that people may not be aware of.”

[Animated sequence]

Back to close up of Jim Reeves talking, seated, in workshop.

{Jim Reeves}

“It’s a really fantastic opportunity. It’s something which is enormously positive.”

[Background music plays]

Melody reaching crescendo.

{Visual transition}

Dotted yellow line runs across white background screen into a yellow block where white letters appear.

[Text displays]

Experience the answers that are shaping tomorrow

{Visual transition}

Dotted yellow line continues to run across screen into another yellow block, the background fills up with different drawings in yellow surrounding the yellow block in the middle that brings up the white letters.

[Text displays]

Make the Future London


{Visual transition}

Screen transition from below, a white screen with the Shell logo at the centre. Below the logo, text displays.

[Text displays]


[Music fades]