Completed applications and a copy of your CV to be returned to Joanne Frank
by 4.00pm, 19 December 2014, , with a copy of your updated CV
Selection Criteria
Applicants must be able to demonstrate:
· Employment within the Thames Valley geographical area
· Approximately 2 years’ public health experience, usually having occupied a public health practitioner post at NHS Agenda for Change band 5 - 7 or equivalent in other sectors; operating at Level 5 on the Public Health Skills & Knowledge Framework (formerly PHSCF)
· Self-assessment against the Public Health Practitioner Standards. Applicants must be able to demonstrate (through completing the self-assessment form) a broad range of relevant experience with only a few gaps, each of which should be relatively easy to address within the timescale for portfolio submission.
· A signed commitment to completing a portfolio against the Public Health Practitioner Standards for Registration in the timescale specified. This must be a genuine commitment to completing a portfolio by 16 November 2015 for verification, with a view to completion by end December 2015.
· A signed commitment from the line manager for active support and encouragement through practitioner attendance at learning sets, writing time for portfolio development and relevant CPD events to address development needs, to a maximum of 8 days in the period specified. Applicants are encouraged to include participation in the Scheme in their Personal Development Plan. Line managers will be kept updated of an applicant’s progress in their journey towards registration.
Application Form – overview & checklist
· Section A: applicant details
· Section B: supporting information
· Section C: for completion by Line Manager
· Section D: for completion by Director of Public Health if applicable
· Section E: self-assessment
· Section F: commentary & signed declaration
· Attach CV
All sections must be completed, scanned and emailed to by 19 December 2014 with a copy of your CV.
Important dates:
· Deadline for submission of application: 19 December 2014
· Confirmation of applicants’ places on the Scheme: 2 February 2015
· Interview: 30 January 2015
· An in-depth practitioner induction day will be held on 9 February 2015
· Facilitated learning sets (dates to be circulated)
· Deadline for practitioners’ submission of completed portfolio: 16 November 2015
Please complete all sections, failure to do so and by the deadline of 19 December 2014 will result in the application not being put forward for shortlisting.
Section A: Applicant details
Name:Job Title:
UK Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework level or Agenda for Change / KSF Banding of current post (or equivalent):
Length of time in current position:
Duration of experience working at AfC 5-7 or equivalent / Please attach CV prior to submission
Employing Organisation:
Employer’s Address including postcode:
Telephone number:
Mobile phone number:
Your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. We will not disclose such information to any unauthorised person or body but where appropriate will use such information in carrying out its various functions and services.
Section B: Supporting information
Please detail in no more than 200 words why you are applying to the Public Health Practitioner Registration Scheme and any progress you have made to date on developing your portfolio:Using the baseline self-assessment form, please summarise below any competence gaps you have already identified & your plans to address them:
Competency Ref
(e.g. Standard 4) / Proposed activity to address gap (i.e. training, shadowing etc.) / Target completion date
Terms and Conditions:
In submitting an application to the Scheme, applicants will have read and fully understood the Public Health Practitioner Development Scheme Framework & Guidance Document.
Applicants must be committed to full participation in all elements of the Scheme to develop their portfolio within the timescale specified on page 1. This means commitment to attend the Practitioner Induction Day; full attendance at learning sets; an absolute commitment to undertake the associated commentary writing; submission of a completed portfolio by 16 November 2015, which may require a significant commitment of your personal time.
Failure to comply may result in withdrawal from the Scheme.
Please ensure that your Line Manager and/or Director of Public Health complete the following section:
Section C: for completion by Line Manager
Please provide below a signed written statement of support for the applicant (not more than 200 words), detailing the ways in which you feel they are suitable and ready for the Scheme. By completing the statement, it is assumed that you fully support the applicant’s participation in the Public Health Practitioner Development Scheme (should they be accepted) and confirm that they will be afforded the required time to attend learning sets (up to a maximum of 8 days) to ensure maximum participation in the Scheme and its constituent parts.
Line managers will be kept updated of applicants’ progress in their journey towards registration. Applicants are encouraged to include participation in the Scheme in their Personal Development Plan and appraisal.
Please acknowledge the competence gaps identified and provide any additional and relevant information.
Line manager details:
Signature / PositionPrint name / Date
Email / Phone
Section D: for completion by Director of Public Health, if applicable
Please sign below to confirm your support for the applicant’s participation in the Public Health Practitioner Development Scheme (should they be accepted). Please also include any additional comments you may wish to make.
Signature / Position / Director of Public HealthPrint name / Date
Email / Phone
Any additional comments from DPH:
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Section E: Baseline Self-Assessment Form
This section provides an opportunity to recognise current achievements and to explore the number of evidence gaps you may have within the practitioner standards required for registration. Using the indicator key below, please select the appropriate RAG rating against each of the standards/indicators.
An additional column has been included to list the evidence you may draw upon to demonstrate the standard/indicator. You may find one piece of evidence will cover more than one standard/indicator. Evidence can include course/training certificates, documents you have produced/contributed to e.g. reports, action plans or presentations; minutes of meetings, emails, assignments (e.g. dissertation), reflective accounts, testimonies etc.
Indicator Key (RAG rating)
I have sufficient evidence to demonstrate this standard/indicator(GREEN) / I have some evidence to demonstrate this standard/indicator
(AMBER) / I have no evidence to demonstrate this standard/indicator
Practitioner Standards / RAG Rating / Evidence (Knowledge, Understanding & Application)
1. Recognise and address ethical dilemma and issues – demonstrating
a) knowledge of existing and emerging legal and ethical issues in own area of practice
b)The proactive addressing of issues in an appropriate way (e.g. challenging others’ unethical practice)
2. Recognise and act within the limits of own competence seeking advice when needed
Practitioner Standards / RAG Rating / Evidence (Knowledge, Understanding & Application)
3. Act in ways that:
a) acknowledge and recognise people’s expressed beliefs and preferences
b) promote the ability of others to make informed decisions
c) promote equality and value diversity
d) value people as individuals
e) acknowledge the importance of data confidentiality and disclosure, and the use of data sharing protocols
f) are consistent with legislation, policies, governance frameworks and systems
4. Continually develop and improve own and others’ practice in public health by:
a) reflecting on own behaviour and practice and identifying where improvements should be made
b) recognising the need for, and making use of, opportunities for personal and others’ development
c) awareness of different approaches and preferences to learning
d) the application of evidence in improving own area of work
e) objectively and constructively contributing to reviewing the effectiveness of own area of work.
5. Promote the value of health and wellbeing and the reduction of health inequalities - demonstrating:
a) how individual and population health and wellbeing differ and the possible tensions between promoting the health and wellbeing of individuals and the health and wellbeing of groups
b) knowledge of the determinants of health and their effect on populations, communities, groups and individuals
c) knowledge of the main terms and concepts used in promoting health and wellbeing.
d) knowledge of the nature of health inequalities and how they might be monitored
e) awareness of how culture and experience may impact on perceptions and expectations of health and wellbeing
6. Obtain, verify, analyse and interpret data and/or information to improve the health and wellbeing outcomes of a population / community / group - demonstrating:
a) knowledge of the importance of accurate and reliable data / information and the anomalies that might occur
b) knowledge of the main terms and concepts used in epidemiology and the routinely used methods for analysing quantitative and qualitative data
c) ability to make valid interpretations of the data and/or information and communicate these clearly to a variety of audiences
7. Assess the evidence of effective interventions and services to improve health and wellbeing – demonstrating:
a) knowledge of the different types, sources and levels of evidence in own area of practice and how to access and use them
b) the appraisal of published evidence and the identification of implications for own area of work
8. Identify risks to health and wellbeing, providing advice on how to prevent, ameliorate or control them - demonstrating:
a) knowledge of the risks to health and wellbeing relevant to own area of work and of the varying scale of risk
b) knowledge of the different approaches to preventing risks and how to communicate risk to different audiences
9. Work collaboratively to plan and / or deliver programmes to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for populations / communities / groups / families / individuals – demonstrating:
a) how the programme has been influenced by:
I. the health and wellbeing of a population
a) how the programme has been influenced by:
II. the determinants of health and wellbeing
a) how the programme has been influenced by:
III. inequalities in health and wellbeing
a) how the programme has been influenced by:
IV. the availability of resources
a) how the programme has been influenced by:
V. the use of an ethical framework in decision making / priority setting
b) how evidence has been applied in the programme and influenced own work
c) the priorities within, and the target population for, the programme
d) how the public / populations / communities / groups / families / individuals have been supported to make informed decisions about improving their health and wellbeing
e) awareness of the effect the media has on public perception
f) how the health concerns and interests of individuals groups and communities have been communicated
g) how quality and risk management principles and policies are applied
h) how the prevention, amelioration or control of risks has been communicated
10. Support the implementation of policies and strategies to improve health and wellbeing outcomes – demonstrating:
a) knowledge of the main public health policies and strategies relevant to own area of work and the organisations that are responsible for them
b) how different policies, strategies or priorities affect own specific work and how to influence their development or implementation in own area of work
c) critical reflection and constructive suggestions for how policies, strategies or priorities could be improved in terms of improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities in own area of work
d) the ability to prioritise and manage projects and/or services in own area of work
11. Work collaboratively with people from teams and agencies other than one’s own to improve health and wellbeing outcomes – demonstrating:
a) awareness of personal impact on others
b) constructive relationships with a range of people who contribute to population health and wellbeing
c) awareness of:
I. principles of effective partnership working
c) awareness of:
II. the ways in which organisations, teams and individuals work together to improve health and wellbeing outcomes
c) awareness of:
III. the different forms that teams might take
12. Communicate effectively with a range of different people using different methods
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Section F: Commentary Form
You have to combine your knowledge, understanding and application in practice in order to demonstrate you have the underpinning skills and knowledge to undertake the work and make a knowledge claim. You need to say how you gained the knowledge, describe clearly your understanding of what you have learned and say how you have applied that in practical examples.
For the purposes of recruitment, this exercise should demonstrate your ability to articulate your knowledge, skills and understanding of public health clearly. It will be used to inform both the selection of participants for the scheme, and also to inform the initial portfolio learning sets.
Title of piece of workTimescale of project
Summary of competencies demonstrated
[insert here] why did this piece of work need to happen.
Own role
[insert here] what did you do
Aims & objectives of this piece of work
Acquisition of knowledge and evidence to support meeting the
competence / How would you evidence this, e.g. minutes of meeting, report, email etc ** / Standard/ indicator met
[insert here]which public health skill/competence you are demonstrating with this project.
Key outcomes / results
[insert here]
[insert here]
Reference List
I confirm that the information I have given is accurate, and should I be accepted onto the Scheme I agree to abide by its principles and to participate fully, including in the evaluation process. I confirm that all work submitted is my own personal work.
Applicant SignatureDate
Do not forget to include a copy of your updated CV
**simply reference the evidence, do not include copies of the evidence with this application
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