Welcome to the Patient Participation Group (PPG) newsletter for January, February and March – Happy New Year! We would welcome anyone to join our PPG and more information can be found on the back page.

Opening Times

Normal opening times are 8.30am to 6.00pm. Weekend appointments can be booked via Reception.

Repeat prescriptions can be requested on line or by phoning our dedicated phone line 01253 957551 between 10am and 12 noon daily. Please ensure that you phone between these times.

It may well be that you want to make an appointment for someone else or request a prescription for them. As your data is so carefully protected, we need permission from the person for whom you are acting. Ask at Reception for a form – help us to help you.

Have you had your flu jab?

Whilst we have managed to “jab” over a thousand patients, it is not too late to ask for yours. It is important to protect yourself from this nasty illness and there is no truth in the rumor that the jab will give you flu.

Did you know that Fleetwood Surgery has a website?

Visit us on

The website is a useful way of getting information about the surgery and any relevant developments. It also has some useful links that may save you time.

Practice Staff News

There have been a number of staff changes since the last newsletter.

Louise Furnival has been appointed Practice Manager and took up her post before Christmas.

After a short employment Dr Sophie Harding has now moved on from Fleetwood Surgery.

We have two new Care Navigators: Zoe Bonney and Sarah Patterson who we welcome to the team.

We have a new FY2 (Foundation Year 2) – Miss Saba Ali who will be with us until March

We also have 2 further medical students - Naa Akushia Quaye and Ciaran Grafton-Clarke who are on a six week placement

Healthier Fleetwood

You may have seen Fleetwood mentioned in the media recently. This is due an initiative called Healthier Fleetwood. The idea is that we all work together to combine resources in order to make a difference to the health of the people who live in Fleetwood.

There is lots of stuff going on and full details can be found on:

Taking care of yourself in cold weather

Cold weather can have a detrimental effect on your health. Public Health England advise that rooms are heated to 18oC where possible, wearing layers of clothing as this helps keep you warm, have hot food and drinks, keep moving about at home. It all seems like common sense but it is important to remind ourselves of how to stay well. If know of a vulnerable or elderly neighbour, please check on them to make sure they are ok.

If you are unlucky enough to catch a cough or cold at this time, please bear in mind that it is probably a virus that would not be helped by antibiotics – drink plenty of fluids and take paracetamol. If in doubt, check out the facilities offered by Pharmacy Plus Scheme.

Pharmacy Plus

Pharmacy+ is a local scheme where you can attend your local Pharmacist and get treatment for a range of symptoms. The scheme has been designed to help local people get the most appropriate health and medication quickly and conveniently for minor health problems.

You don’t need an appointment; you can just walk in at a time that suits you for advice and treatment. In Fleetwood, the following Pharmacies have signed up for this scheme. If in doubt phone your pharmacy.

O’Briens Pharmacy - Fleetwood Health & Wellbeing Centre 770103.

Warburtons Chemist - Lord Street - 874849

Albert Wilde Pharmacy - West View Health Village - 872701

Boots - Lord Street - 873676

Here are SOME of the conditions covered:

Dermatitis mild eczemaacnepsoriasis

Scabieshead licesinusitisearache

Feversore throathay feverallergies


Diarrhoeathreadwormsback painheadache

Period painpilesthrushmigraine

All you have to do is to go to the Pharmacy nearest you and ask about the Pharmacy+ scheme. You will be offered a confidential consultation to discuss your symptoms. Give it a try – you have nothing to lose!

Your NHS & what it costs

Did you know that in December alone 141 patients did not attend for their appointments here at Fleetwood surgery? This averages out at about 10 minutes per appointment and equates to 23.5 hours wasted of GP time.

Did you know the cost of:

  • Stepping int a GP surgery - £32
  • A call to NHS 111 - £16
  • Calling an Ambulance - £247
  • Stepping into A&E - £124
  • A click on NHS choices website - £0.46

Our newsletter will promote a local support group each edition:

CSI – Carer Support and Information

This group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month from 1.00pm to 2.00pm for a “Coffee and Cake” session at Fleetwood Fire Station. General chat, guest speakers and workshops related to caring for a loved one at home. Please feel free to turn up and join us if you are a carer – the break will do you good!

Friends and Family Test

You may already have been asked to give feedback on your experience with the Surgery. Your responses are sent (anonymously) to the surgery and considered by the staff and PPG too. Last month revealed 69 responses of which 93% said they were extremely likely to recommend Fleetwood Surgery to their friends and family whilst 4% said they were extremely unlikely and 3% were undecided.

We all recognise that sometimes things go wrong and it is important that you know you can discuss any matter over which you are concerned with the Practice Manager, Louise Furnival who would be happy to meet/discuss with you. All discussions take place in confidence and details are not placed on your medical record.

Patient Participation Group

We would like to invite anyone who is a patient at this surgery to get involved and ensure that your message is heard. We are a friendly group that meet every two months to discuss what has been happening, plans for the future and an opportunity to have a say on influencing how things work. It would be particularly good to have some younger views. Would you like to get involved? Everyone is welcome – contact Karen for more details or if you would like to receive copies of the meeting minutes, send an e-mail to FWCCG.fleetwoodsurgery.nhs.uk

Our next meeting is on Thursday 16th March 2017 at 4.30pm.

This newsletter has been produced by the Fleetwood Surgery PPG in the interest of promoting excellence in communication.