Section 3 Session 18b: Resources for teaching and learning 2
Online sources of learning materials
Note: NIACE nor any of its agents is asserting that these resources are copyright-free. Individuals using these resources are responsible for complying with any terms and conditions.
Take a look at this list to identify anything which you particularly want to explore during this task.
Ferl / The Ferl resource bank holds ILT/blended learning materials mainly contributed by FE practitioners and also relevant to WBL. Some, especially basic skills and MLF materials, will also be relevant to ACL and voluntary contexts.Community Learning Resource / The e-Learning Content Resource exchange contains website links contributed by practitioners for a wide range of curriculum areas. There is also a growing number of practitioner-created resources.
The site also links to Images2Teach, where you can find image, audio and video files to incorporate in your resources. This can also be reached directly at
Times Educational Supplement / Go to the Resource Bank. Some curriculum areas have a post-16 category; others which do not may still contain resources which can be used with adults; particularly strong on MFL materials.
Learners Online - courses and games for adults and communities / Online learning site from the Greater Manchester Community Grid for Learning with complete free e-learning courses.
RDN Resource Discovery Network (RDN) / Provides selected links to resources relevant to teaching and learning that have been selected, indexed and described by its members. The RDN is a collaboration of over 70 educational and research organisations, including the Natural History Museum and the British Library.
Learning and Teaching Scotland / Select ICT in Education > Classroom resources for some unusual weblinks including downloadable programmes. Aimed at Scottish schools, but many links transfer well.
The Learning and Skills Network E-learning and technology CPD website / Take the Ask Butler link and use keywords to find resources on particular topics. Use the Advanced Search options to refine your search.
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Section 3 Session 18b: Resources for teaching and learning 2
Learning and Skills Web / Acts as a portal to resources held on other sites supporting the learning and skills sector with information.Teachnology / American site offering free worksheets, downloadable programmes and online resource generators.
CurriculumOnline / Source of information on using multimedia in schools, but much of the advice is applicable to post-16 contexts.
Smart Education / Access to ready-made Smart Notebook files and other interactive resources. Registration required.
BECTA – Schools / This site supports ICT in schools, but has much advice and information of value to post-16, including advice on choosing and using hardware and software. Includes help for SEN, travellers and ESOL learners.
The Teacher Resource Exchange / National Grid for Learning website. Resource bank includes a post-16 section mainly geared to AS/A2, but it may be useful to explore the site by keyword.
DfES / The Resources link takes you to Teachernet. Select the Teaching and Learning link to access their resources.
BBC Learning / Choose any area of learning to be taken to a sub-site; excellent interactive quizzes and activities throughout.
Teachers’ TV / A limited amount of material for the post-16 sector, but the video clips are downloadable.
Guardian Education / Limited resources for post-16, but the e-learning section is good for keeping abreast of developments and as inspiration for innovative projects.
Science Enhancement Programme / Resources for science teaching, free to secondary science teachers but other applications considered. Registration / approval required (takes up to 14 days).
Boots Learning Store / Resources which could be used in a range of contexts including basic skills, science and business. Registration not required.
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Section 3 Session 18b: Resources for teaching and learning 2
JISC Regional Support CentresAll of these offer a variety of resources relating to using e-learning / ILT across the post-16 curriculum.
East Midlands /
Eastern /
London /
North West /
Northern /
Northern Ireland /
Scotland North & East /
Scotland South & West /
South East /
South West /
Wales /
West Midlands /
Yorkshire & Humber /
East Midlands /
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