Library Hacks: Getting the most out of YOUR Music Library!
Presenter Notes
Hacks: The Better Way
- Life hacks show people the more efficient, smarter way to handle everyday tasks
- Library Hacks will show you several ways to enhance your library experience and make you a savvier user of everything the library has to offer
**The presentation includes a few examples of life hacks from the internet--feel free to add your own and personal favorites!
Library Materials: How Do I Find Them?
- Physical Resources
- Catalog Searching
- Basic
- Allows the user to specify keywords or strings of keywords and a descriptor for that search (title, author, etc.) in a single field
- Advanced
- Provides the user three fields for keyword/descriptor searches linked with Boolean search terms (and, or, not)
- Summon
- This discovery tool allows users to search not only physical holdings, but also within all databases to which FSU subscribes
- Which one do I choose and why?
- Basic and advanced only search physical holdings or e-book resources within the catalog
- Summon pulls from a MUCH larger pool of resources linked through the electronic subscription databases
- Does it make a difference which is used?
- Each search function operates a different way and offers a variety of results--smart searching will make research far more efficient! (Demonstrations)
- Single word vs. keyword strings in Basic Search
- Keyword string broken into Advanced Search
- Keyword string entered into Summon
- Hack # 1- Limit, limit, limit!
- Whichever search you use, start broad and use facets (located on the left hand side) to quickly find exactly what you’re looking for!
- Narrow down by author, format, collection, etc.
- Hack #2- Subject Headings & Uniform Titles
- Within the catalog, individual item records feature subject headings and uniform titles as hyperlinks which provide results with the same title or general subject area
- Clicking on this link provides a wealth of resources similar to the result you already found!
- Electronic Resources
- Allen Music Library provides a wide range of online resources accessible to all FSU students through the Music Library website
- What are the major music resources?
- Grove Music Online (2 slides)
- Encyclopedic entries on subjects pertaining to music and musicians
- Biographical information, complete works lists, bibliographies
- Oxford Bibliographies(2 slides)
- Massive bibliography database on a wide range of subjects beyond even just music
- Constantly expanding repertoire of subjects.
- JSTOR(2 slides)
- Retrospective collection of periodicals on a wide variety of topics.
- “Moving wall”- Not all journals have the most current issues; check the journal listings to see how far the dates extend.
- Note: Some articles may cut out charts and illustrations that existed in the original.
- IPASource(2 slides)
- International Phonetic Alphabet (I.P.A.) Source
- Search for phonetic and English translations of a vast array of vocal music
- Many different searching options; files available for download.
- ProQuest(1 slide)
- Scholarly database of printed writing on music and other topics
- Excellent for finding dissertations and theses; also searches articles, conference papers/proceedings, etc.
- May or may not provide full text
- Streaming Sources(2 slides)
- Naxos (Classical, Jazz, and Video)
- Alexander Street Press Resources (
- Many others as well!
- Hack #3- Proxy Access: Use Web resources anywhere at anytime!
- Through the Music Library page, click Off-Campus Proxy Login under Quick Links on the right hand side. Use BlackBoard login to gain access to web resources 24/7 from home, work, or anywhere!
- Some databases are now going mobile as well--take them on the go!
Accessing Library Collections(2 slides)
- Physical collections in Allen Music Library
- General (Books, scores, etc.--2nd floor of AML)
- Media (CDs, DVDs, etc.--Ask at Circulation)
- Special Collections (Various collections housed in locked storage at Circulation)
- Reference (Dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.--1st floor of AML)
- Research (Collected works, critical editions, etc.--1st floor of AML)
- Old media (Reel-to-reels, DATS, cassettes, laserdiscs, etc.--Ask at Circulation)
- Accessing other collections at FSU
- Visit the other campus libraries: Strozier, Dirac, Goldstein, Medical, Law, etc.!
- Visit the main University Libraries webpage for even more resources (
- Hack #4- There’s a whole world beyond the catalog!
- Some items/collections don’t fit nicely into the catalog and won’t pull up with your regular search results
- Special Collections- visit the special collections portion of our website to explore a number of significant individual items, personal faculty collections, and various other major collections
- Students, faculty and staff are welcome to access these items! Some restrictions apply depending on the condition of the items
- Older media may no longer loan out, but we are happy to take digitization requests--ask at Circulation!
- Hack #5- Library Express Delivery Service (LEDS)
- Faculty and Teaching Assistants have access to a campus-wide delivery service known as L.E.D.S.
- Requests are placed online (Faculty Quick Links on
- Items are delivered to faculty office, library, or other designated pickup location within 24 hours
Library Services
- Troubleshooting access problems:
- FSU item that is already checked out? Place a Hold!
- -When an item is checked out, use our recall process to be alerted when the item is returned.
- Placing a hold shortens the current patron’s loan period and asks that the item be returned early via e-mail.
- Once the item has arrived, the requesting patron will be notified automatically via e-mail to come pick up the item at Circulation
- Items can be routed to other libraries for pickup as well!
- Not on the shelf? Ask our staff for help and place a Search Request
- “We really should have this!”—Place an Order Request Form
- Not owned by FSU?
- Hack #6a- State Library Loan Service: UBorrow(2 slides)
- Gain 3-5 business day access to any items own by all the colleges and universities in Florida delivered right to FSU
- Place requests through the UBorrow catalog (link appears in each catalog search at the top of the page)
- Hack #6b- Interlibrary Loan Service: ILL(2 slides)
- Gain access to materials at colleges, universities, and public libraries across the U.S. and internationally within 2 weeks
- Place requests through Illiad (located under the Quick Links at the Music Library webpage)
- Login with your Blackboard ID (must setup profile this first time)
- Fill out all pertinent information on the request form for books, articles, or just chapters of books
- Hack #7- WorldCat & OCLC Numbers(3 slides)
- Using the WorldCat database on the Music Library page (Quick Links), users can view a catalog of items held by libraries around the world
- Each entry provides detailed information about each item, including which libraries hold the item
- This is very useful for knowing what items exist in the world; it is particularly helpful when searching on obscure topics!
- Use OCLC numbers to specify EXACTLY which item you would like to request in ILLiad
- This number, located in the WorldCat record, points to exactly one score (publisher, publication year, edition, etc.)
- Added specificity in ILL requests ensures you will get exactly what you’re looking for
Additional Library Services (i.e. The Good Stuff)
- Reference Sessions: Citations, Copyright, Resumes, Research, etc.
- Special Events: Banned Books Week, Study Breaks, Coffee Thursdays, etc.
- Individual consultations available upon request!
- Hack #8- Your library staff!
-Laura Gayle Green:
-Sara Nodine:
-Patrick Fulton:
- Consider asking your audience if they have used any of these tips, or do they have any tricks we did not include?
- If you have extra time, consider doing live searching within the catalog/discovery tools to demonstrate the differences in search result returns.
Warren D. Allen Music Library 2014
Created by: Patrick Fulton & Sara Nodine