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TITLE: Student Support Policy
Policy Number / 0076
Effective Date / February 2008
Next Revision Date / CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW - Extract from Student SupportPolicy (Constitution)
Reviewed / 2008
Approval / 17/02/2008



1.1.WHERE AS the student of Waterberg FET College recognized the need to act in unity and cohesion in our quest to contribute to the transformation process of further Education and Training Sector.

1.2.UPHOLD principles of transparency, accommodation, responsiveness and broad participation of the student community.

1.3.EMBRACE the vision, mission and values of the College.

1.4.THIS CONSTITUTION shall therefore be a legal and legitimate document governing Student Representative Council subject to the FET College Act, Act no 16 of 2006 as amended and Standard College statutes and any other relevant legislation.

1.5.ACKNOWLEDGING that Education is a basic right that has corresponding obligations, responsibilities and it must be accessible to all.

1.6.NAME: The name of the structure shall be called Waterberg FET College SRC. The Central SRC shall be called Institutional SRC whilst the local SRC shall be called Centre SRC.

1.7.APPLICATION: Each campus shall have its own SRC which shall be referred to as a campus SRC and the College as a whole shall have an Institutional SRC.

1.7.1.The ISRC and CSRC shall have the powers and functions as set out hereunder

1.7.2.In the event of there being any conflict, contradiction, and/or uncertainty as to the powers and functions of theCSRC and the ISRC, the College Council shall assume/reserve such powers.


In this constitution, unless the context indicates otherwise, any word or expression has the meaning so assigned to it.

2.1.Act: means the Further Education and Training College Act, 2006(Act 16 of 2006);

2.2.Academic Board: means board of the college accountable to the council for all the teaching, learning, research and academic functions of the college as contemplated by Further Education and Training College Act;

2.3.Academic year: in respect of the student means a year commencing on the first day of January and ending on the last day of December of the same year;

2.4.Centre: Shall mean one of the registered delivery sites (with EMIS number) of the College i.e. Engineering and Skill Training Centre, IT and Computer Science Centre and Business Studies Centre.

2.5.Centre SRC: means the local SRC;

2.6.Chief electoral officer: means a person authorised by the College Council to be in charge of the entire SRC election process

2.7.College Council: Means highest governing structure of the college as stipulated in the further Education and Training College Act, Act 16 of 2006;

2.8.Electoral Committee: Shall consist of 7 members of which Management shall appoint three (3) full time members of the College Staff and the outgoing SRC shall appoint three (3) registered students.

2.9.Ex-Officio: Shall mean by virtue of his/her office and without voting rights

2.10.Institutional SRC (ISRC): Means the central SRC composed of representatives from all centres (CSRC)

2.11.Registered student: Means any person registered as a full time student at the Waterberg FET College

2.12.SRC: Means Student Representatives Council as contemplated in section 14 of Further Education and Training College Act;

2.13.Student body: Means registered full time students of the Waterberg FET College

2.14.Student Organisation: Mean any student society, clubs or association set on campus of the college;

2.15.Term of Office: SRC members are elected for the term of one (1) year. The term of office will be from February to February.


The aims and objectives of the SRC are to:

3.1.Strive for a just education system that seeks to uplift the standard of students at all levels.

3.2.Establish consultative mechanism between the students, management and council.

3.3.Foster spirit of UBUNTU, humanity, dignity, equality and moral enlistment.

3.4.Take up demands of the students in social, economic or educational spheres.

3.5.Promote by example and leadership, a culture of democracy and tolerance within the college community.

3.6.Strive for the participation of students in college activities and further advocate non racism, non sexism and democracy as enshrined in the constitution of the Republic.

3.7.Act as ambassadors of the college in the community.


4.1.The CSRC (Centre Student Representative Council) shall comprise of the following positions per Centre:


4.1.2.Deputy Chairperson



4.1.5.Educational Officer

4.1.6.Sport Officer

4.1.7.Gender and Cultural Officer

4.1.8.Constitutional and Disciplinary Officer x 2

4.1.9.Media and PR Officer

4.2.The ISRC (Institutional Student Representative Council) shall comprise of the following positions:


4.2.2.Vice President


4.2.4.Educational Officer

4.2.5.Sport and Cultural Officer

4.2.6.Media and PR Officer

  1. TASKS OF SRC PORTFOLIOS – still to be combined

The following shall constitute the terms of reference for the aforementioned portfolio:


5.1.1.Chairs SRC meetings

5.1.2.Sets meeting dates and ensure that notices are sent out in time

5.1.3.Ensures the orderly, constructive meetings take place

5.1.4.Responsible for discipline of SRC body and individual members

5.1.5.Represent the college by invitation at the official functions and meetings or nominates substitute from the SRC to go on his stead.

5.1.6.Responsible for the smooth functioning of the SRC

5.1.7.Liaises with staff members appointed by the principal

5.1.8.Reports to students, staff and college council about visits, meetings and events attended

5.1.9.Assists members in requesting funds from the college council by ensuring that a written report is submitted

5.1.10.Ensures that decisions taken by the SRC are carried out


Be the most senior and accounting official in their respective constituency.

Officially preside over meetings the SRC and of the student body meetings in consultation with the secretariat officer.

Form part of the signatories in the financial transaction of the SRC.

Be the representatives of the students on the college council together with one additional member as may be determined by the SRC.

Strive,promote protect protect and uphold the image and the dignity of the SRC and that of the college.

Present leadership reports at the Annual General Meetings.

Shall be an ex officio member of standing committees of the SRC.

Shall cast a deciding vote in an event of a tie.

Shall sign all minutes of the SRC meetings.


5.2.1.Assists the chairperson

5.2.2.Stands in for the chairperson when he/she is unable to fulfil duties

5.2.3.Liaises with staff member appointed by principal

5.2.4.Ensures that all SRC members are involved in college functions where the assistance of the SRC is required

Deputy President/Vise Chairperson

Shall perform duties of the president/chairperson in his/her absence.

Be responsible for disciplinary matters and implement the disciplinary code of the SRC.

Convene and receive report from the SRC sub-committees, portfolios and will in consultation with the president represent the SRC in any other committees of the college.

Responsible for internal relations together with the Deputy Secretary General/Deputy Secretary.

Keep records of all students disciplinary cases handled by various student disciplinary committees.


5.3.1.Informs SRC members of meeting s by means of written notice at least three days prior to meeting

5.3.2.Request permission for the use of a meeting venue and prepares venue

5.3.3.Keeps the register at meetings

5.3.4.Keeps and files minutes of the meetings

5.3.5.Receive and respond to all correspondence intended for the SRC. Copies to be filed.

5.3.6.Ensures that all correspondence, minutes, reports, notices etc. issued by the SRC is without any errors in order to contribute to the positive, professional image of the SRC

5.3.7.The secretary can be requested to assist with the sending out of invitations to guests at official college functions.

5.3.8.Liases with staff member appointed by the principal.

5.3.9.Should the secretary wish to type anything, permission can be requested from a staff member. No typing may be done during official class hours.


Be the chief administrative officer in their respective constituency.

In full consultation with the president convene student body meetings.

Present an organazational report during the Annual General Meeting.

Write munites and circulate such minutes to all the members of the SRC before the next meeting.

Keep records and all correspondence that concern the SRC and its structure.

Receive reports of intended and performed actions from other SRC portfolios.

Keep academic records of all SRC and continuously assessing whether or not they attain 50% pass threshold of their courses.

Represent the SRC on the HR committee or any structure as may be decided by the SRC.

Be responsible for correspondence to and from the SRC.

Be responsible for coordination of the sub committees of the SRC and further assume the responsibility of both the president and deputy in case they are not available.

5.4.Educational Officer

5.4.1.Takes responsibility for health and safety issues.

5.4.2.Promote awareness of health related issues.

5.4.3.Procures and makes available information about health issues by means of posters, leaflets etc. that may be displayed in an area designated for that purpose and after consultation with management.

5.4.4.Liaises with staff member responsible for organizing the graduation ceremony

5.4.5.Takes responsibility for safety and orderly conduct of students on an outing.

5.4.6.Liaises with designated staff member.

Education and Transformation Officer

Be responsible for academic affairs of the college.

Be instrumental in the establishment of a unit that is responsible for conducting class representatives elections.

Head the education desk of the SRC.

Select and head the SRC transformation committee.

Organize faculty committees.

Sit on behalf of the SRC on the Academic Board of the College.


5.5.1.Keeps record of money received by and spent by the SRC.

5.5.2.Quarterly reports must be made to the SRC and the college council about income and expenditure.

5.5.3.The treasurer is responsible for the procuring, filing and safe-keeping of all relevant source documents.

5.5.4.The treasurer should assist students whom are experiencing financial problems regarding the payment of student fees to find ways of procuring money.

5.5.5.Liaises with staff member appointed by the principal.

Financial Officer

Be the chief accounting officer in all the SRC financial matters.

Head the monthly financial

Present the financial report to the Annual General Meeting.

Ensure that funds are spent within the parameters of approval SRC budget.

Exhibit activities that promote arts and culture in the college

Make contact with the relevant cultural media to expose students to a variety of opportunity.

Financial officers to Manage finance as students agreed to pay a levy fee for SRC

5.6.Member for media/marketing

5.6.1.This member takes responsibility for compiling and publishing the in-house magazine together with the staff member responsible for this task.

5.6.2.Assist SRC members in design and distribution of information about college activities.

5.6.3.Takes responsibility for requesting permission from the governing body for placing notices, pamphlets etc on campus

5.6.4.Takes responsibility for community projects launched by the SRC together with co-opted staff member(s)

5.6.5.Liaises with responsible staff member.

Public Relations Officer

Publish any event and plans of the SRC as may be requested by any committee within the structure.

Is responsible for marketing all SRC activities and those of the college as may by the SRC.

Head the media desk that will responsible for SRC media strategy including newsletter and other related project.

Projects and Campaign Officer

Organise any products and resources that are of benefit to the student.

Put forward projects that raise awareness on HIV aids pandemic and other disease affecting the student community.

Initiate outreach initiative programmes.

Sit in the Estate committee to represent the SRC.

5.7.Gender and Cultural Officer

5.7.1.Takes responsibility for organizing extramural cultural activities at the college in liaison with responsible staff member(s)

5.7.2.Takes responsibility for organizing outings

5.7.3.Accompanies students on outings and ensures safety and orderly conducts

5.7.4.Make students aware of nationally and internationally accepted awareness days by means of posters, leaflets etc. that may be displayed in designated areas after consultation with management.

5.7.5.Liaises with the staff member responsible for organizing the graduation ceremony.

5.7.6.Liaises with designated staff member.

Constitutional and Gender officer:

Ensure the updating and development of the SRC constitution.

Facilitate the process that seeks to engage the college policies for transformation purpose.

Represent student at the college disciplinary committee or may delegate this responsibility to any SRC member.

Convene the SRC constitutional summit whenever and possible.

Organise policy conference.

5.8.Sport Officer

5.8.1.Takes responsibility for organising all extramural sport activities at the college in liaison with designated staff member(s)

5.8.2.Organises activities and accompanies students

5.8.3.Takes responsibility for student safety and orderly conduct during outings

5.8.4.Liaise with designated staff member

Sport officer and Cultural:

Be responsible for the co-ordination of sports activities in the campus.

Organizing, develop and promote sports events and sports trips in consultation with the SRC.

Be responsible for coordinating a league and federation of sporting codes and cultural events calendar.

Together with the student affairs the participation of the college in national and provincial sporting federation and as the jurisdiction of participation may extend in this regard.

Organize all traditional cultural and social activities within the college.

5.9.Constitutional and Disciplinary Officer x 2

5.9.1.These two members will serve on the disciplinary committee of the college.

5.9.2.All meetings of the disciplinary committee must be attended

5.9.3.Their main task is to assist in disciplinary matters

5.9.4.Members of the disciplinary committee has to attend training sessions

Constitutional and Gender officer:

Ensure the updating and development of the SRC constitution.

Facilitate the process that seeks to engage the college policies for transformation purpose.

Represent student at the college disciplinary committee or may delegate this responsibility to any SRC member.

Convene the SRC constitutional summit whenever and possible.

Organise policy conference.


6.1.Members of the SRC shall attend all SRC and class representative committee meetings, workshops and training sessions. In case of unavoidable absence, a written apology will be submitted to the chairperson, vice-chairperson or secretary of the SRC.

6.2.No member shall bring the SRC or the college into disrepute through his/her public conduct.

6.3.No member shall act in such a way as to create disunity and division in the SRC.

6.4.No member shall distort SRC policy and misrepresent the SRC for personal gain.

6.5.No member shall imply to represent the SRC without a proper mandate.

6.6.No member shall involve his/herself in confrontations that will diminish the integrity and reputation of the SRC.

6.7.No member shall use the name of the SRC for personal gain and abuse the SRC or college property for his/her own benefit.

6.8.No member shall divulge information deemed to be confidential by the SRC.

6.9.No member shall neglect the performance of duties, which are assigned to him/her by the SRC constitution or the college.

6.10.All members of the SRC are bound to honour the code of conduct and the rules of the college.


7.1All meetings shall be held after official college hours end or before official college hours commences.

7.2 The SRC shall meet not more than once a week and not less than once every fortnight.

7.3After every SRC meeting a meeting will be held with the class representative committee to inform them of any matters of interest to the students.

7.4The chairperson in consultation with the vice-chairperson may convene a special meeting.

7.5The chairperson or, in his/her absence, the vice chairperson, will preside at all SRC meetings.

7.6Decisions of the SRC will be based on a majority vote.

7.7Voting shall be by secret ballot.

7.8The chairperson of the SRC has a casting vote.

7.9Decision can only be taken if a quorum is present. A quorum consists of two thirds (six) of the members. Decisions are binding.

7.10Notice of meetings will be given at least three days prior to a meeting. The notice will be written and will indicate the day, date, time and venue of the meeting.

7.11Apologies will only be accepted if they are received in writing by the chairperson, vice-chairperson or the secretary prior to the meeting.

7.12The secretary or in his/her absence, an SRC member appointed by the chairperson, shall take responsibility for taking minutes at the meeting.

7.13The chairperson and secretary shall sign the minutes of the previous meeting in the presence of the meeting after the minutes have been approved.

7.14The signed minutes and agenda of every meeting, together with a register, will be filed in the LSO’s office.

7.15All meetings will be conducted according to acceptable meeting procedure.


8.1.A petition directed to the SRC with at least 15% signatories of all full-time registered students shall be the automatic ground for calling students body meeting;

8.2.For such a meeting, compliance with notice requirements for meeting where they are applicable may be waived.


9.1.The membership of any SRC member shall be terminated when:

9.1.1.The term of office, for which the member was elected, comes to an end.

9.1.2.A member terminates his/her studies at the college.

9.1.3.A written resignation is submitted.

9.1.4.The member has not successfully completed a semester at the college.