
Section 1.North DakotaStateStaffSenate(ND SSS) Agenda

1. ThePresident, withadvicefromofficersand members, will setan agendapriorto each scheduled meeting. Theagendamustbedistributed toallcampusrepresentatives, theCore TechnologySystem

Office(CTSO) andtheChancelloratleast two weeksin advanceofthemeeting.

Section 2.North DakotaStateStaffSenate(ND SSS)Functions

1. Liaisons

1.a. ND SSS shall establish formal liaisons withtheStateBoard ofHigher Education, Chancellor, NDUSoffice and other groupsdeemed appropriatebytheND SSS.

2. Recalland Initiative

2.a. Anymotion passed bytheND SSSmayberescinded byavoteoftwo-thirdsofthestaff- governanceorganizations.Motionsmaybeplaced on theND SSSagendafor consideration byatwo- thirdsvoteofstaff-governanceorganizations.

Section 3.North DakotaStateStaffSenate(ND SSS)Committees

1. Bylaws

1.aReviews, suggestsandmakesamendmentstothebylaws.

1.b Thiscommitteewill be chaired byPast President oftheND SSS.

2. Elections

2.aRuleson questionsrelatingto qualificationsofelectorsandmembers.

2.b Nominatesand receivesnominations, presentsaslateofnomineesand conductstheelections.

Section 4. AmendmentstoBylaws

1. AmendmentstotheBylawsmaybeintroduced byanymember oftheND SSSto theBylaws Committeefor consideration. Upon approval bythe ND SSSBylawsCommittee, theproposed amendments shall bedistributedto allmembersoftheND SSSat least ten daysbeforethemeetingat which theyareto beconsidered.

2. AmendmentstotheBylawsmust be approved bytwo-thirdsofthemembers.

3. TheBylawsmaybesuspended byatwo thirdsmajorityofthemembers.

Section 5. Meetings

1. Meetingtimes

1.aMeetingsmaybeheld viatelephone,interactivevideo systemsor other remotemeansprovided that such action isdecidedprior totheagendabeingpublished. In the event ofweather or other

conditionsthat precludesphysical travel, adecisionto holdthemeeting viatelephone,interactive video or otherremotemeanscan bedonebymajority vote, bypoll doneviatelephone, e-mail or both

2. RulesofOrder

2.aMeetings will beconductedaccordingto Robert'sRulesofOrder, latest edition.

3. Visitor Attendance

3.aAllmeetingsoftheND SSS areopen tothepublic.

3.b Campusesmaybringadditionalattendeestomeetingsbeyond therepresentativemember

3.cIfavisitor/guest wishesto makeapresentation or statement onthefloor oftheND SSS, the Secretaryshall benotifiedin advance. Theperson shall sign up withtheSecretarywho shall, inturn, notifythePresident prior to thestartofthemeeting.ThePresident shall,attheappropriatetime,

informtheND SSSthata visitor/guest wishesto read or makeastatement relativetotheND SSS interest, ormakeastatement onamotion/resolution formallyintroducedand under discussion. A motionmust bemadeto"suspend therules"(witharequired second) toallowvisitors/gueststo have accessto thefloor. A two-thirdsvoteisrequired for suspension. Themotion tosuspend isnot debatable.

4. Visitorsmayspeak duringthe“CommunicationsfromtheAudience” agendaitem. Unlessvisitors

arerecognized bythe chair duringthe courseofthemeeting, theymaynot participateinND SSS

debateor discussion.

Section 6. Officers

1. President

1.aPresidesatND SSS meetingsand otherwiseactsasthechiefexecutiveofficer oftheND SSS.

1.b Breakstiesin votesheld atND SSSmeetings.

1.cHastheauthorityto appoint suchcommitteesasaredeemed necessary for thebusinessoftheND SSS.

1.d Insuresthat allactionsconformto theND SSSconstitution and bylaws.

1.eIsthespokesperson for theND SSSat meetingsand functions.

1.fServesasthe direct communicationliaison between theNDUSChancellorand theND SSS.

1.g InvitesrepresentationofNDUS Human ResourceCouncil representative.

2. VicePresident


2.bAssumesthedutiesofthePresident for theunexpired termin the eventthePresidentisunableto completethetermofoffice.


2.d AssumesofficeofthePresidentattheend ofthesittingPresident’sterm.

2.ePresidesat theJune meetingafter thepassingof thegavel.

3. Secretary/Treasurer

3.aRecordsandmaintainsafileofminutesoftheND SSS meetingsand distributescopies within two weeksaftereach meetingto allND SSSmembersand to theChancellor.

3.b Keepsarecord ofmembershipand activitiesoftheND SSS.

3.cDistributesthe agendato all ND SSSmembersprior toeach ND SSSmeeting.

3.d Maintainsan accuraterecord ofall resolutionsdulyadopted bytheND SSSand thevoteon such resolutions.

3.eReceivesand keepsallcommunicationsand reportsto and fromtheND SSS.

3.fMaintainspermanent recordsofSenatorsand terms served.

3.gMaintainsaroll ofcurrent membersandtheir attendanceatND SSSmeetings.

3.h Keepsanaccount ofanyand all receiptsand expendituresoftheND SSS, coordinates reimbursementsand isprimarilyresponsiblefor theND SSSfiscal affairs.

4. Communication Officer

4.aPreparesall material that isreleasedto thepublic.

4.b Proofreadsand approvesallmaterial fromotherareasoftheND SSS.

5. Past President

5.aServesasan activemember oftheExecutiveCommitteeprovidingcontinuityin the administration oftheND SSS.

5.b Servesasan advisor tocurrent and proposedactivities, usingpreviousExecutive-Committee experienceto giveahistorical perspective.


5.d Contactscampusrepresentativesto fill vacancies withineach campus.

5.d Servesaslegislativeliaison andchair oftheLegislativeCommittee.

6. Representativeto theStateBoard ofHigher Education

6.a Therepresentativeto theSBHEshall report totheSBHEtheactionsand concernsoftheND SSS

asagreed to byavoteoftheND SSS.

6.b Therepresentativeto theSBHEshall report totheND SSSthe actionsandconcernsofthe


7. Removal fromoffice

7.a This section shall govern theremoval processofofficersand shall beinterpretedin suchmanner asto afford equityand fairnessto all affectedthereby.

7.b An officer oftheNDSSS mayberemoved fromofficefor reasons such as: violation ofthe constitution,bylawsor policiesor procedures; malfeasancein office; lackofattendance; or neglect of

dutyto theND SSS.

7.c Theprocessto remove an officer can beinitiatedbythesubmission ofawritten petition tothe president, signed byat minimumofthree(3)members listingreasonsfor removal. Ifthepresident is

theofficer in question,thepetition shall bepresentedto thevicepresident. Thesignaturesonthe petition will beverified asappointed representativesofthemembers bytheND SSS Secretary. Upon verification,thepetition will bepresented atthenextregularlyscheduled senatemeeting. A written copyofthe accusations shallimmediatelybegiven to theofficer in questionand allmembersofthe ND SSS. Theofficer in question will begiven an opportunityto question all membersoftheND

SSS. Theofficer in question will begiven an opportunityto resignon his/herown volition after receivingthe accusations.Ifthereisno voluntaryresignation, at thenext regularND SSS meeting, after areadingofthepetition, theofficer in question,or his/herdesignated representative, shall be given an opportunityto providearebuttal totheaccusationstothefullND SSSin attendance. Followingtherebuttal opportunity, thepresidingofficer will call for avote asto theremoval ofthe

officer in question fromhis/her officeor to theremoval ofhim/her fromtheND SSS. Thevoting process shall beconducted usingpaper or electronicballots withamajorityof thosememberspresent required tocarrythemotion. Upon themotion’sapproval, thepresidingofficer oftheND SSS shall


Section 7. ExecutiveCommittee

1. Membership ofthe committeeshall consist ofpositionsidentified in “Section 6. Officers”. This

committee shall bechaired bythePresident oftheND SSS.

2. Purposeofthe committeeisto addressissuesasappropriatebetweenregularlyscheduledND SSS


3. TheExecutiveCommitteehasthepower tomakedecisionson behalfoftheND SSS asappropriate.

4. Decisionsand actionsofthiscommittee areto be communicatedto theND SSSno later than thenext

ND SSSmeeting.

Section 8. ElectionprocessforStateBoard ofHigher Education StaffRepresentative

1. Nominations; refer to Section VI.2 oftheND SSSConstitution.

2. Itemsto besubmitted twoweekspriorto election,distributed withagenda/minutesfor January meeting:

a. Written statement fromcandidate addressingwhy theywant to serve asthestaffadviser to


b. Letter ofsupportfromsupervisor/university

3. Dayofelection:

a. 5 minutespeechaddressing goals/platform

b. 3-5 minutesofQAfrom audience.

4. Election process:

a. Eachcampus/senateorganization will haveonevote viaarollcall vote. b. Representativemust beelected byamajorityofthemembers.

Section9. History

1. November 14, 2008- Constitution &Bylaws writing committeenamed-Liepold, McGray, Nodland, Olson.

2. November 25, 2008- Initial writingofConstitutionBylaws submitted toBylawsWriting


3. December 9,2008- Version 2 ofConstitutionBylaws submitted toBylawsWritingCommittee.

4. December 15,2008- Version 2 ofConstitution &Bylaws submittedto MembersoftheNDUS Staff


5. January9, 2009- Version 3 ofConstitution &Bylaws submitted to BylawsWritingCommittee.

6. January19, 2009- Version 4 posted to “Blackboard”web sitefor NDUS Staff Senate evaluation.

7. March 2, 2009-Version BSC Draft for reviewand votingon March 3rd.

8. March 4, 2009-Version BSC 2 for reviewand votingon March 13th.

9. March 12, 2009- VersionBSC2.1 for reviewand votingon March 13th.

10.March 13, 2009- VersionBSC 3 for reviewand votingon March 31st.

11. April 8, 2009- Version BSC4 for reviewand votingon April 9th

12.Final- passed withmajority vote, April 9, 2009.

13.Final with punctuationand terminologycorrections– submittedto NDUS StaffSenatefor review prior toJune17, 2009annual meeting. Rn

14.June23, 2009 – Version Final w-changesfrom annual meeting6.17.09 for reviewand votingAugust


15.June24, 2010 - Version Final with changesfrom annual meeting6.18.10 for reviewand voting

August 2010.

16.June14, 2011 – Version final with changesapproved at annualmeeting.

17.September 23,2013– Addition ofExecutiveCommittee(Section 7)

18.April 21, 2014 – AdditionofCore TechnologySystem Office andchangein namefromNorth

DakotaUniversitySystem Staff Senateto North DakotaStateStaffSenate.

19.January26, 2015 – Addition ofSection 9.Election procedurefor SBHERepresentative