Section 1: IEMA University Application

Section 1: IEMA University Application

Section 1: IEMA University Application

1.1. University Details

University name:
Name of school/department
Main contact: / Secondary contact:
Main contact tel: / Secondary contact tel:
Main contact email: / Secondary contact email:
Finance contact: / Marketing/sales contact:
Main address:
Commitment to academic excellence
(samples of other accreditations, awards etc.)

1.2. University Quality Standard

To ensure an effective, safe learning environment and that IEMA Standards are upheld, IEMA requests that relevant policy and procedures are in place and that effective implementation and periodic review of these policies are carried out to ensure the needs of learners are met.
*IEMA may request to review or discuss any relevant policies or procedures as part of the QA process / Please tick to confirm that the following policies and procedures are in place / IEMA USE
Partial -Compliance
A1 / The University follows sound Environment and Health & Safety principles.
Relevant policies would include:
  • Health and safety
  • Environmental and sustainability

A2 / The University has comprehensive policies to ensure effective learning.
Relevant policies would include:
  • Equal and Diversity / Safeguarding
  • Special Consideration/ Reasonable Adjustment
  • Plagiarism, Appeals, Complaints and Malpractice

A3 / The University uses appropriate, secure and auditable systems for the retention, storage and retrieval of records relating to the administration and management of learning programmes.
Relevant policies would include:
  • Data Protection
  • Retention of documentation/records

A4 / The University has an effective communications processes to ensure that changes are distributed and made available in an appropriate manner to all relevant stakeholders.
Relevant policies would include:
  • Communications Policy

B1 / The University has a procedure for recruiting appropriately qualified teaching staff. The university has a recruitment process which demonstrates clear alignment to the skills requirements of the business.
  • Recruitment policy

B2 / The University will assess, review and support teaching staff in course delivery, on a regular basis.
The University can demonstrate an effective professional development process and periodic teaching reviews which will provide a good level of confidence in staff competence.
Relevant policies could include:
  • Quality Assurance
  • Staff Learning and Development
  • Staff Observations and Performance Management

Section 2. Course and Learner Information

2.1. Course(s) to be IEMA Approved (please complete the table below)

Course title(s) to be approved
Level of course (ICC equivalent)
List of core and optional modules / Core modules / Optional modules
Duration of course
Method of delivery (classroom, e-learning, distance, blended, work-based etc.)
Learner entry requirements
Anticipated annual student numbers
Country/countries of course delivery

2.2 Learner Information

Student Information
Procedures should be in place to submit student information to IEMA on commencement of course. This will allow students to access the inclusive student membership benefits, which will support their studies and long-term employability prospects. / Please provide information on related processes and person(s) / departments responsible for submitting the information.
Graduate Member information
Procedures should be in place to send accurate learner information and details of achievements to IEMA upon completion of course in accordance with IEMA requirement along with membership payment for all learners on a course which leads directly to membership (See University Guide for details).

Section 3: Declaration and Signature

Please ensure that all of the applicable information from the Stage One list below is included with your application. If any items are not included, please indicate why this information has not been included. Your application must be submitted electronically via email.

Stage One – Initial Assessment

  1. University course application form
  2. Cross mapping tool to graduate standard
  3. Purchase order for invoice

Stage Two – Full Assessment (Sample of modules)

IEMA will request which modules will be sampled following the Initial Assessment (stage one). Once we have requested sample material payment will then be required in order for the full assessment to take place.

  1. Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
  2. Requested sample of teaching materials
  3. Assessment method(s)
  4. Short overview of module
  5. Contact details for module leader

Please tick the relevant box regarding payment:

  • I would like to pay by BACS with Purchase Order No......
  • I would like to pay by credit card

Payment Terms are 30 days from date of invoice

By signing this application form, you are confirming that:

  • To the best of your knowledge the information supplied in this application is accurate
  • This application is made in accordance with the IEMA University Partner Guidance and you understand the assessment process
  • You are aware that IEMA operate a no refund policy
  • You have Public and Professional Liability Insurance
  • Your membership will start from date of approval for one full annual year
  • IEMA will use the contact information you provide to process and maintain your IEMA membership and to deliver your membership benefits
  • By virtue of this agreement IEMA agrees to make available to the University the benefits applicable. In consideration of these benefits, the University agrees to pay the relevant approval fee(s)
  • The University agrees to assist with the coordination of all activities relating to approval
  • IEMA will issue a renewal invoice 30 days prior to renewal date
  • The University will provide information of students ‘in progress’ on the approved degree programme and students who have graduated from the approved course on an annual basis
  • The University will provide further information should any of the following arise during the lifetime of the approval or in the year prior to approval:
  • Full details of anything you consider could give rise to a conflict of interest
  • Details of any serious complaints or allegations made about your University in the last year.

Signature of Head of School / Principal (electronic signature is accepted):

Signed: ...... Print name: ......

Job Title: ...... Date: ......

Please send your completed application form as a Microsoft Word document along with all other application information in electronic format via Email: If you have any queries, please contact us on 01522 540 069.

Section 4: IEMA Training Assessment (IEMA to complete this section)

4.1.Initial Assessment

Date / Details
Application received
Sample modules requested

4.2.IEMA University Course Assessment Details

Assessor Name
Date of assessment

4.3.IEMA University and Course Approvals Outcome

University course application approved Improvement actions required prior to granting approval

4.4.IEMA University – Documentation Approval

Documentation / Compliant
(Compliant, Partial-Compliance, Non-Compliant) / Improvements Actions required
(Please state) / Notes / Improvement Actions feedback (Compliant, Partial- Compliance, Non-Compliance)
Application Form
Cross Mapping Tool
Core and optional modules
Sample of materials

4.5. IEMA Training Approval Summary

In this section IEMA will detail the main findings including particularly good points, areas of concern and areas for improvement.

Section 5: Improvement Actions to Gain Approval

5.1. Applicant Improvement Actions

Where improvement actions are required prior to approval being granted, the applicant should utilise this section to detail how they have addressed the areas of concerns and submit applicable revised materials accordingly.

Improvement Action required / Details additional information submitted or actions taken to meet the requirement / Additional comments

5.2. IEMA Training Improvements Action Assessment and Outcome

Assessor name
Date of Improvement Actions Assessment

Course application approved Further improvement actions required prior to granting of approval

IEMA Training New University and Course Application Form Version 1.3 Nov 2017Page 1 of 9