- Related work specified under other sections. (A cross-reference should be incorporated in these sections.)
- Concrete Slab Depression: 2 - 3/4” (70mm) using 1/2” (12mm) flooring.
- Concrete Tolerance: 1/8” (3mm) in radius of 10’ (3m) surface--steel troweled.
- Concrete and Concrete Finishing...... Section 03300
- Membrane Water-proofing and Damp-proofing...... Section 07100
- Concrete subfloors on or below grade shall be adequately waterproofed beneath and at the perimeter of the slab and on the earth side of below grade walls.
- Thresholds-Metal...... Section 08700
- Robbins Proprietary Danzaire Floor System and Installation Qualifications
- System Performance Requirements:
- Vibration –
1)DAMPING – Time to Total Damping where total damping is considered at ≤ 2ms-2 acceleration. (Proprietary)
a)Time to total Damping shall be ≤ 45 milliseconds at both 50cm and 85cm.
2)FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) measure of Intensity over Frequency ranges
a)Vibration Intensity – (Proprietary)
( i ) Shall be ≤ 100,000 across 0-250Hz frequency range at 50 and 85cm from point of impact. This level of intensity results in extremely low system vibration effecting performers.
( ii ) Shall be ≤ 200 in the 0-50Hz range at 50 and 85cm from point of impact. This range is of key significance because if unchecked it can cause resonance with the natural frequency of performers (muscle and skeletal structures).
- DIN – Material Based Tests – Floor System tested per DIN 18032 part 2.
a)Force Reduction ≥ 53%
b)Deflection ≥2.3mm
c)Area Deflection ≤ 15%
- System Design –
- Materials
1)Flooring –
a)XL flooring by designed is straighter, stronger and longer.
b)XLplus Maple Flooring – XLplus is designed to auto space all flooring 12 thousandths of an inch between each and every flooring board. (Proprietary)
2)Subfloor –
a)Top subfloor is placed on a diagonal to enhance load capacity and structural integrity of the system.
b)Danzaire subfloor panels are factory constructed and machined to assure tight tolerances that are difficult to achieve using field assembled products. (Proprietary)
c)Subfloor panels are factory machined to accept loading restraint blocks to assure proper balance of ballet/dance performance and the rigors of loading. (Proprietary)
3)Resilient Layer
a)Zero/G resilient blanket uniformly supports the active portion of Danzaire
b)Zero/G is 100% post manufacture recycled product.
4)System Anchorage –
a)Danzaire system is designed to be uniformly anchored to the concrete base.
b)Anchors do not directly or indirectly contact the active layers of the system. Anchoring is achieved through the resilient layer. This is a one of a kind anchored resilient system. (Proprietary)
- Floor Contractor/Installer Qualifications
- Flooring contractor shall be an authorized Robbins Dealer/ installer.
- Surface Appearance
- Expansion spaces to accommodate normal increases in Equilibrium Wood Moisture Content (EMC) shall be placed continuously and uniformly, between each row flooring, throughout the entire floor, spaces not to exceed 1/64” (0.4mm) at time of installation.
- Floor surface shall be sanded and finished to meet user needs.
- Manufacturer's Product Data
- Submit Robbins DANZAIREspecification sheet.
- Samples
- Submit sample of DANZAIRE, if requested by architect.
- Maintenance Literature
- Submit copy of Maintenance Instructions.
- Certification
- Suppliers shall submit certificates attesting that materials furnished will meet specifications for grade, quality, dryness and treatment, if required.
- Delivery of Materials
- Materials shall not be delivered, stored or installed until all masonry, painting, plastering tile work, marble and terrazzo work are complete and all overhead mechanical work, lighting, backstops, scoreboards are installed. Room temperature of 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 27Celsius) and relative humidity of 35-50 % are to be maintained. Ideal installation/storage conditions are the same as those that prevail when building is occupied.
- Materials shall not be stored at the installation location if the moisture content of the concrete slab exceeds 4% or vapor transmission exceeds 4.5 pounds per 1,000 square feet (2.20 kg per 100 square meters).
- Do not install floor system until concrete has been cured and dried 60 days and the requirements in paragraph 1.04 A-1 are obtained.
- Permanent heat, light and ventilation shall be installed and operating during and after installation. Maintain a temperature range of 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 27 degrees Celsius) and a relative humidity range of 35 to 50%.
- After floors are finished, area to be kept locked by general contractor to allow curing time for the finish. If after required curing time general contractor or owner requires use of gym, he shall protect the floor by covering with non-fibered kraft paper or red rosin paper with taped joints, until acceptance by owner (or owner’s agent) of complete gymnasium floor.
- Guarantee shall not cover damage caused in whole or in part by casualty, ordinary wear and tear, abuse, use for which material is not designed, faulty construction of the building, settlement of the building walls, failure of the other contractors to adhere to specifications, separation of the concrete slab and excessive dryness or excessive moisture from humidity, spillage, migration through the slab or wall, or any other source.
- Robbins, Inc. hereby warrants the material to be free from manufacturing defects for a period of 1 year. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied including but not limited to any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and of any other obligations on the part of Robbins. In the event of breach of any warranty, the liability of Robbins shall be limited to repairing or replacing DANZAIREmaterial and system components supplied by Robbins and proven to be defective in manufacture, and shall not include any other damages, either direct or consequential.
- Membrane
- 6-mil polyethylene
- Robbins DANZAIRESubfloor panels consisting of Zero/G®resilient blanket, subfloor panelsshall be factory fabricated and machined for proper anchor placement and control of vibration and damping.
- Resilient Layer
1)Resilient layer shall be a continuous dynamic mass damping blanket.
2)Resilient layer and system design shall limit vibration to specified parameters listed under quality assurance section of specification.
- Anchoring –
1)DANZAIRE Panels shall be uniformly anchored throughout the floor area.
2)Panel anchoring shall prevent over compression and differential compression of the resilient layer.
3)Floor system shall be anchored via the resilient layer only.
- Wooden subfloor –
1)Shall be continuous in all directions immediately below the floor surfacing material and subfloor seams shall be diagonal to floor surfacing material.
- Fasteners
- Flooring – 1-1/4” (32mm) barbed cleats or equivalent.
- Channel anchors – 3/16” x 2” steel concrete anchor.
- Flooring
- 2-1/4”(57mm) wide with minimum 7/32” (6mm) wear surface above the nail groove, 2nd & Better, T&G and EM, KD Northern Hard Maple, Robbins Continuous Strip® XLplus, graded in accordance with MFMA-FJ rules.
- Perimeter Base - Robbins 3” x 4” (76mm x 99mm) ventilating type. (Specify black or brown)
- Finishing Materials
- Penetrating seal/ finish system approved users and installing contractor.
- Inspect concrete subfloor for proper tolerance and dryness, and report any discrepancies to the general contractor in writing. Slab will be level to within 1/8” (3mm) in a 10’ (3m) radius.
- Moisture content of the concrete slab shall not exceed 4% or vapor transmission exceeds 4.5 pounds per 1,000 square feet (2.20 kg per 100 square meters).
- All work required to put the concrete subfloor in acceptable condition shall be the responsibility of the general contractor.
- Subfloor should be broom cleaned by general contractor.
- Robbins DANZAIRESystem
- Install polyethylene film over concrete subfloor overlapping edges 6” (150mm) minimum and turned up 4” (100mm) at the walls.
- Following manufacturer’s guidelines, place DANZAIREsubfloor panels in end-to-end manner, staggering end joints in adjacent rows. Space panels 1/4" (6mm) between adjacent panel edges. Panels shall be placed on a diagonal to the direction of the maple floor. Provide 1-½” to 2" (40 to 50mm) expansion void at the perimeter and all vertical obstructions.
- Anchor at each pre-designated location. Place additional anchors as required at walls and vertical obstructions.
- Install solid blocking around perimeter transitions and restraint blocking throughout the balance of the flooring area to accommodate loading.
- Install the upper DANZAIRE subfloor diagonal to the lower subfloor panels staggering joints and space 1/4" (6mm) between adjacent panel edges. Secure these panels to DANZAIRE subfloor panels using construction adhesive and 1” (25mm) staples placed 6” (150mm) O.C. at panel perimeter and 12” (300mm) O.C. throughout panel interior.
- Machine fasten Continuous Strip XL450 maple flooring to the DANZAIREsubfloor assembly with end joints properly driven up. Use Robbins recommended standard for nailing schedule on continuous subfloor systems.
- Provide 1-½” to 2" (40 to 50mm) expansion void at the perimeter and all vertical obstructions.
- Sanding
- Sand flooring with drum sander, edger, buffer, and hand scraper.
- Follow finish manufacturers sanding guidelines for penetrating seal/ finish. Client has requested to final sand to 80 grit.
- Vacuum or tack floor before first coat of finish.
- Floor shall present a smooth surface without drum stop marks, gouges, streaks or shiners.
- Finishing
- Stages and Auditoriums (delete if not applicable)
- Apply 2 or more coats of penetrating Ebony sealer, buffed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions in order to provide a low gloss, flat finish.
- Perimeter Base Molding
- Install Robbins vent cove base anchored to walls with base cement or screws and anchors. Use pre-molded outside corners and neatly mitered inside corner.
- Clean up all unused materials and debris and remove it from the premises.