Math 2 Syllabus 2015-2016
Instructor: Shari Albury School phone number: (980) 343-5988
Room#: 738 Tutoring: Thurs and Fridays after school by appointment
E-mail: Planning period: 2nd
Class web site:
Course Description/Objectives: Math II continues students’ study of algebraic concepts including functions, polynomials and rational expressions, as well as congruency, constructions, triangles, and one unit of probability and statistics. Emphasis will be placed on practical applications and modeling. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators (TI – 83/84), will be used for instruction and assessment. Please note: Math 2 is mainly algebra, with geometry comprising approximately 25-33% of test questions on the NC Final Exam for this course.
Communication: Please feel free to contact me or use the online resources available. Student grades and attendance information can be accessed through the parent portal on PowerSchool. If you need your login information, please contact the school. You may also email me or request a conference through our school counselors.
Materials Needed for Class
1. Binder, notebook or folder to hold returned assignments 2. Notebook paper 3. No. 2 sharpened pencils or pens
4. TI 83/84 graphing calculator (recommended, not required). I have a class set, but students greatly benefit from having a graphing calculator to use at home
Textbook: There is no textbook for Math 2 at this time. I will pull materials from multiple sources. However, students will be given electronic access to the old Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II textbooks as the Math II curriculum pulls from these three textbooks in addition to other sources. This information can be found on my class wiki page.
After school tutoring will be available for students who are making a concerted effort. Concerted effort means that the student’s work reflects thoughtful effort towards ALL items on classwork, homework and assessments. Students must inform the teacher 24 hours in advance that they plan to attend a tutoring session. The 24-hour notification must be submitted on Miss Albury’s website by 5pm the day prior to tutoring. No after-school tutoring or retakes will be provided without 24-hours notice. If regular after-school tutoring hours do not work, students should meet with the teacher during non-instructional time or email me to discuss alternatives.
Late Work: Per CMS policy, students will receive a maximum of 75% on any late work showing concerted effort, if turned in at the beginning of class one day after the original due date. After this, late work showing a concerted effort will receive a 50% if turned in prior to the first day of the midterm (1st and 3rd quarters) or the final exam (2nd and 4th quarters)
Make up Work: When a student is absent from class, arrangements for all make-up work, including homework, classwork and review quizzes/tests must be made within five days of returning. Arrangements need to be made by the student with the teacher to complete missed assignments. If a student returns from an absence on the day of a test, he or she will be expected to take the test with the class (test dates are always available on calendar). Final responsibility for making up assignments lie with the student. The student must be responsible for making up all missed work and tests. If a student is absent on the day of a test, he or she must make arrangements to make up the test after school with the teacher.
Grade Calculations Here is the grade breakdown for this class per CMS policy:
1st 9 weeks: 60% formal, 20% informal, 20% midterm = 40% of your semester grade
2nd 9 weeks: 70% formal, 30% informal = 40% of your semester grade
Final exam: NC Final Exam (given by state) = 20% of your semester grade
Informal assessments are assignments, linked to specific course objectives, that may include but are not limited to warm-ups, notebook checks, group work, in-class tasks, class participation, homework, etc. Informal assessments count 20% of the 3rd quarter grade and 30% of the 4th quarter grade. Formal assessments are assessments, linked to specific course objectives, that include tests, quizzes, and projects.
Remediation and Reassessment: Students who score a 79%% or below can retest after completing remediation (tutoring, extra practice outside of class, etc). Upon retest, students will receive the higher of two grades for a maximum of 79%. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete the remediation and retest process within two weeks after the original test has been graded and recorded on Power School (unless other arrangements are made with the teacher). Students who scored an 80% or higher may also retest for a maximum grade of 100% after completing remediation. If a student scores lower on the retest, the original test grade will remain and no further opportunities for retesting will be given for that particular test/objective.
In order to retest outside of the two-week window, students must make arrangements with the teacher before the two-week window closes. Also, students must make an appointment in the tutoring binder to retest at least 24 hours in advance. You must tell me which test you want to retake so that I can make copies beforehand. Students who do not follow these procedures will not be allowed to retest.
Tests will be graded and posted by unit, and students are encouraged to retest (after completing remediation) on any objective for which they scored below a 79%. Students are allowed to retest on certain objectives, rather than retaking the whole test if they so choose.
Grading Scale - based on the following North Carolina grading scale:
90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D 0 - 59 F
Attendance Policy: It is expected that students arrive to class before the tardy bell. Students who arrive late must report to lockout to get a pass back to class. No student will be admitted without a pass from lock out or an adult escort. Students who miss more than 10 class periods in a semester must make arrangements with the teacher to recover this missed class time. Students who do not do make up missed time, over 10 class periods, will receive a grade of “F” per state law.
Leaving Class and Dismissal: Per school policy, no one is to leave class the first or last 15 minutes of class. The classroom teacher will dismiss the class - not the bell.
1. Treat others and yourself with respect. 2. Try your best every day – do your own work and make your best effort
3. Come to class prepared. 4. Ask for help when you need it.
1. Verbal warning
2. Phone call home (if behavior continues)
3. Disciplinary referral (if behavior continues after phone call home)
*I reserve the right to skip steps 1 and 2 IF the behavior threatens the safety of the classroom or is severe enough.
Course Topics
Unit 1: Segments (5 days) Unit 6: Quadratics (9 days)
Unit 2: Angles (7 days) Unit 7: Probability (7 days)
Unit 3: Triangles (5 days) Unit 8: Equations (8 days)
Unit 4: Trigonometry (10 days) Unit 9: Transformations (6 days)
Unit 5: Polynomials (10 days) Unit 10: Functions (9 days)
About the Teacher: This is my 2nd year at Hopewell High School and my 2nd year teaching. I am originally from Nassau, Bahamas. I received my Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Teacher Education in 2014 from Livingstone College.
Honor Code (PBIS):
Each student must acknowledge their understanding of the Honor Code by signing an
acknowledgment form. The form can be located in the PBIS Manual.
o Plagiarism, in any form, will not be tolerated. If any part of a student’s work can be found in any other printed form, whether it be published or on the Internet, it will result in an automatic zero on the assignment and referral to an administrator.
o Cheating is defined as students using someone else’s work to complete his/her own.
Syllabus Parent/Guardian Signature
I, ______, parent/guardian of ______, have received, read and
understand the policies of this Common Core Math II course. I have also received the contact information for
Miss Albury, as well as the address of his wiki page.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent/Guardian name (please print)
Contact phone number: ______
Contact email (if available):______
I, ______, parent/guardian of ______, have received, read and
understand the policies/procedures of this Common Core Math II course. I have also received the contact
information for Miss Albury, as well as the address of his wiki page.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent/Guardian name (please print)
Contact phone number: ______
Contact email (if available): ______