Fall General Meeting, August 31, 2017 -- ECS
Call to order
Additions to Agenda
Adoption of Agenda
Agenda—called to order. No additions. Janet Mann, seconded by Colleen Weimer
Housekeeping/ Information:
1)Introduction of the SECTA Executive
2)SSL & SSR roles and importance of the flow of information– see attached
– if not correct please email Karen
3)How else can I stay informed, provide feedback and make inquiries?
, FB page & Twitter
Talk to your SSL or SSR
Read the SECTA Bulletin/Emails distributed to your inbox and staff meetings.
Email or call your SECTA Regional Rep or Councillor
Email or call the SECTA President ( or 1.306.842.7494 ex. 5708)
Contact the STF – 1-800-667-7762 -- Ask for the Senior Admin Staff on intake
STF Facebook Page and STF Teacher Discussion Forum
4)SECTA Scholarships – Review and Promote
5)Dates to remember:
- Executive retreat: September 29th-30th -- Kenosee
- SSL/SSR meeting with Executive: October 17 – changed to Oct. 18 – Arcola Legion/Oddfellows Hall
- Councillor Conference: October 26th (8pm) to October 28th (12pm) -- Saskatoon
- Executive Meeting: December 5 -- Arcola
- Resolutions to SECTA executive – Jan. 12
- Executive Meeting – Jan. 17 -- Arcola
- Convention 2017–Nina Lonsberry/Janet Mann
- Next year, convention is in the East
- Rotational basis. Survey will be coming out in the next week or two to provide feedback.
- Treasurer’s Report- Margot Arnold
- See report.
- Margot moved, seconded by Nina.
- LINC Report- Jason Petlak
- This year is the last year of our collective agreement.
- Will be sending out information booklets with what we will be looking for in the next round of negotiations.
- Consultation process before links can be abolished. We are looking at creating another one for next year.
- Council Report: Resolutions- Whitney Paul/Kyle Whitehead
- Needing resolutions.
- Teacher responsibility to each other/SPTRB/How do we talk about this – Karen Kennedy-Allin and Mark Eggleston (STF)REMOVED FROM AGENDA
Continued on the next page …………………………..
- Executive Positions, and also SSL’s & SSR’s
- President (2 year term ends June 2018) - Karen Kennedy-Allin
- Vice President (2 year term ends June 2018) - Whitney Paul
- LINC Chair- Jason Petlak -- (LINC team – Kyle Whitehead, Mark Kosier, Heather Sanborn, Bev Magel, Teresa Farrel)
- Councillors (2 year term) -- We will be eligible for 9 councillors for 2017-2018 and they are as follows:
- SECTA President – Karen Kennedy-Allin
- WEST-Carrie-Anne Dutkiwch, Trent Whippler, Jacqueline Trombley
- SOUTH- Bev Magel, Nina Lonsberry & Kyle Whitehead
- EAST- Chylisse Marchand & Whitney Paul, Open – two nominations so far
- SECTA secretary–Chylisse Marchand
- SECTA treasurer – Margot Arnold
- Regional Representatives (1 year term)
- SOUTH -- Janet Mann
- EAST – Kim Killoh
- Standing Committee Members (1 year term) (can have more than 1 per region)
- WEST -- Teresa Farrell, , OPEN, OPEN
- SOUTH – Valerie McNab, OPEN, OPEN, OPEN
- EAST – Michael VanBetuw, OPEN
- Open mic and Q & A box
- Don’t believe the rumors. Our bargaining team is not going to the table with the consideration that we will take a cut in salary. The asking package is reasonable and voted on by council. Remember that you have a voice. You have to go through the proper channels.
- We have signed a document that is allowing us to go straight to arbitration. If we come to the point where we can’t agree, we will go to binding arbitration.
- Both sides of the table at this point are positive and willing to negotiate.
Meeting adjournment motion by Whitney Paul, seconded by Chylisse Marchand.
Region / School / STF School Liaison / School Staff RepEast / MacLeod Elementary School / Leah Stevens / Lana McCormac
East / McNaughton High School / Paul Stillman/ Tegan Matichuk
East / Rocanville School / Darla Down / Kristin Byers
East / Wapella School / Wendy Johnson/ Wendy Johnson
East / Arcola School / Karla Ilchuk / Judy Naylen
East / Carlyle Elementary School / Sherry Zacharias / Melissa Roy-Brown
East / Gordon F. Kells High School, Carlyle / Maurice Saltel / Maurice Saltel
East / Manor School / Robert Mitchell/ Robert Mitchell (r.mitchell)
East / Maryfield School / Sherry Retzlaff / Sherry Retzllaff
East / Wawota Parkland School / Sarah Warman-Nell / Quin Kleiboer
East / Redvers School / Tracy Kay / Nancy Fraser
East / Stoughton School / Michael Van Betuw /Michael Van Betuw
South / Alameda School / Glenys Neuman/ Marilyn Hammermeister
South / Carievale School / Brittany Michalchuk/Stephanie Galloway
South / Carnduff Education Complex / Debra Fraser/ Louise Craven-McLean
South / Estevan Comp / Kyle Whitehead / Pat Jeannot
South / Hillcrest School (Estevan) / Melanie Young / Brian Hayes
South / Lampman / Greg Trithart / Amber Fornwald
South / Macoun School / Annmarie Melle-Rosner / Annmarie Melle-Rosner
South / Oxbow Prairie Horizons / Val McNab/David McFadden
South / Pleasantdale School (Estevan) / Angela Smeltzer / Angela Smeltzer
South / Spruce Ridge (Estevan) / Robin Ruzicka/ Loni Hollingshead
South / Weldon School, Bienfait / Shannon Brown /Janet Mann
South / Westview School (Estevan) / Amanda Fonstad / Betty McGillivray
West / 33 Central School, Fillmore / Andrew Sharpe / Teresa Farrell
West / Midale Central School / Jessy Roszell / Jessy Roszell
West / Gladmar Regional School / Roberta Hoimyr / Roberta Hoimyr
West / Lyndale School, Ounger / Taylor Juravle-Raine / Tyalor Juravle-Raine
West / Ogema School / Megan Hughes / Megan Hughes
West / Pangman School / Sabrina Youch / Tammy Friesen
West / Radville Regional High School / Anita Pirio / June Lambert-Vandesype
West / Yellow Grass School / Tricia Klemenz / Meaghan Andrew
West / Assiniboia Park Elementary (Weyburn) / Nancy Smoliak/
Stephanie Knibbs
West / Haig School (Weyburn) / Tanice Abramson / Louise Andrew
West / Queen Elizabeth Elementary (Weyburn) / Kim Rothwell/ Tara McKinney
West / Souris School (Weyburn) / Marnie Johnson / Marnie Johnson
West / Weyburn Comprehensive / Trent Whippler/ Margot Arnold, Tammie Ashton-Morrison, Audrey Carleton
Other / Coordinators / Consultants / Peggy Lawson / Peggy Lawson
Cyber Stone Online School / Delise Pitman / Delise Pitman
Our smallest schools may have the same person for SSL & SSR. However, we encourage teachers to share roles and we encourage 2-3 SSRs from our larger schools to engage in working together. Thank you.