This form is to be completed by the prospective nominee. With the completed form, please send a brief resumé written by the prospective nominee and a letter of recommendation/endorsement from the chapter, to Bonnie Wehle,

61729 E. Oakwood Drive, Tucson AZ 85739, no later than March 15, 2012.

NAME ______Chapter______

Address ______

Phone ______Email ______

P.E.O. SERVICE (including states other than Utah)

Year initiated ______Chapter/State ______

Current Office in local chapter, if any ______

Number of years as president of a local chapter ____ Chapter(s) ______

Other offices held ______


Service at the state level ______

Service in Reciprocity ______

Beside your current chapter, what other chapters have you been a member of and where were they? ______


Education ______

Occupation/employment history ______


Leadership skills/experience ______


Other relevant skills (such as writing, accounting, public speaking):



Board members must be computer literate and be willing to learn programs that the board uses that they do not already know. (Training and support will be provided for word processing, data entry and accounting programs.)Board membersmust have the ability to send and receive email and email attachments and have regular access to a printer and high-speed Internet connections.

What computer skills do you have?


Are you willing to learn new skills? ______

ACTIVITIES OTHER THAN P.E.O. (civic, church, etc.) ______


Form continues on second page.


Although the commitment for serve is renewed annually, the ability to complete five years of service on the Executive Board is very important. Do you have any conflicts or concerns that would affect your ability to do so (employment, family, health, etc.)? ______

If yes, please explain ______


If you have a spouse or significant other, does that person support your commitment to this service? ______


Please write a paragraph or so about yourself describing your interests and abilities, your reason(s) for wanting to be on the executive board and how you feel about assuming a five-year commitment to do so and read and sign the statement below.


If elected to serve on the Executive Board of Utah State Chapter, I understand that I will be expected to fulfill my assigned responsibilities, attendboard meetingsincluding the annual board retreat, help plan and participate in officers’ workshops, the P.E.O. Bazaar, the state convention and other related P.E.O.-related events, and thatI must be computer literate as described at the above. Initial ______

I hereby consent to my name being presented as a nominee for the office of secretary of the Executive Board of Utah State Chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood.

Signed: ______Date: ______

January 2012