Short-Term Mission Application for Returnees

Dear applicant,

We are delighted that you desire to participateonce again in short-term missions (STM)! It is STM veterans like you who form the core of our teams. We trust that the Lord would bless you in a new way through this next trip and ask that you consider how you can encourage those first-time team members with whom you will be serving.

We will locate your previous application but ask that you complete this abbreviated application for the coming trip. We encourage you to submit this application electronically and email it to . If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.May the Lord bless your commitment to short-term missions and may your life continue to be profoundly changed in the process.

Sincerely in Christ,

PSC MissionsOffice

PSC STM Subcommittee

Park Street Church Short-Term Mission Application for Returnees

Section 1.Basic Information

If any of the following information has changed from your previous application, please indicate below.

1.1Current address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip:______

1.2Please indicate your permanent address, if different from above.

Permanent address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip:______

1.3Mobile number: ______Home number: ______

1.4Email: ______

Section 2: Short-Term Mission Involvement

Section 2.

2.1.What previous STM trips have you participated in?

2.2.What did you find challenging on your previous trips?

2.3.Give one example of how you saw God at work on a previous trip?

2.4.Give an example of a change in your life or ministry since returning from your trip.

2.5.How did your missions involvement affect your relationship with God?

2.6.Why do you want to go on this year’s STM?

2.7.How do you feel that you can use your past experience to benefit your team on this trip?

2.8.How do you feel supported by your family and/or friends for this STM?

2.9.What areas of missions or ministry do you plan to serve in at PSC upon your return?

Section 3.Recommendations

Please provide the name and contact information of your previous STM leader or team mate (if you were the team leader).

Team Leader/Mate: ______Email: ______Phone number: ______

Section 4.Medical

If your medical coverage has changed since your last trip, please update the information below.

4.1.Do you have health insurance?  Yes. Please complete the following information.

 No

4.2.Do you have any medical restrictions or disabilities that may affect your ability to participate in this STM? If yes, please specify.

4.3.Do you need any special accommodations for health reasons (e.g., medications, food restrictions/severe allergies, mobility aids)? Please specify.

Section 5.Personal Confession of Faith

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord; and in the Holy Spirit; and that these three are one God.

I reverently receive the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, and I believe them to be the inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who, in the beginning “was with God”, and “was God”, and “who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree”.

I believe the Holy Spirit has led me to repent of all my sins and to turn from them, and to obey Christ where He says, “If any man will come after Me, let him take up his cross and follow Me”.

I believe in the resurrection of the dead, and in the final judgment of all people. “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him” (John 3:36.)

I believe that we are saved “by grace through faith” in the Lord Jesus Christ and that good works are the certain fruit of such faith. I therefore offer myself for Christian service as a means of expressing my gratitude to Him, and to extend His cause.

I cheerfully submit myself to the instruction and government of this church, and I promise to promote its purity, peace and welfare by all means within my power, so long as I shall continue to be member or a representative of this church.

Signature: ______

Name: ______


Section 6.Expectations and Commitment

Below are expectations that Park Street Church have of each STM participant.

Official PSC STM / Non-Park Street STM
Connection to PSC /
  • Church membership or regular and involved PSC attendee
  • Church membership or regular and involved PSC attendee

Interview and Training /
  • Interview with your STM Team Leader(s) or PSC Missions Office staff/STM Subcommittee
  • Attend the PSC STM Training Workshop
  • Attend team training meetings
  • Interview with the PSC Missions Office staff/ STM Subcommittee
  • Arrange training with sponsoring agency

Post-trip /
  • Debrief with your team and PSC Missions Office
  • Complete an evaluation form.
  • Attend and/or stay involved with PSC, if possible.
  • Share your experience with the PSC congregation. Opportunities include Missions Committee meetings, worship service post-trip, small groups,etc.
  • Participate in the PSC Missions Conference (typically in November) through events, house dinners, helping with a church meal as a team, etc.
  • Help in the recruitment and training of teams for futuretrips
  • Complete an evaluation form
  • Attend and/or stay involved with PSC, if possible
  • Share your experience with the PSC congregation. Opportunities include Missions Committee meetings, worship service post-trip, small groups,etc.
  • Participate in the PSC Missions Conference (typically in November) through events, house dinners, helping with a church meal as a team, etc.

Application deadline /
  • As stated on the PSC website.
  • At least 2 months in advance of your departure

If selected to be sponsored by Park Street Church, I commit to fulfilling the responsibilities as listed above and be a positive and Christ-centered example on this STM.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Signature of parent or guardian: ______Date: ______

(if applicant is under 18 years old)

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