2017 Hydro Research Foundation’s

Research AwardProgram Application

Please see 2017 Hydro Research Foundation Application Information document for details on this application and submission requirements.

Applicant Name (First, Middle Last):
Contact Phone Number / ( )
University Name:
Program enrolled in:
US Citizen: / Yes  No 
Are you currently enrolled in a graduate program? If no, please note your anticipated start date below. / Yes  No 
Anticipated Start Date of Program:
If you are currently enrolled when did you start your degree program?
What degree are you currently pursuing? / Yes, Masters:
Yes, Post-Masters Graduate
Anticipated Finish Date of Degree:


Degree Earned / Major / Institution / Date

Academic Awards/Honors/Accomplishments:

Please list any awards, recognition received, patents, leadership roles or honors.

Extracurricular Activities:

List any relevant current community service or organizations and technical societies that you work and/or volunteer with; especially those related to the hydropower industry.

Relevant Employment Information:

From / To / Employer / Position Title / Nature of Work Performed

Personal Essay:

Tell us about yourself, why you are interested in hydropower, and anything you feel would help us make a decision.

Please limit response to 1,000 characters.

Please list the two references you have requested to supply information to the Hydro Research Foundation on your behalf:

1. / 2.

Please identify whom you have requested the letter of support from your University.


Please identify the academic advisor you have for your proposed research:

Department: / Title:
Telephone: / Email:
Title of Research Proposal:
My Research Proposal Fits The Following Research Topic Number(s): (please see the research topics of interest on the Foundation website and provide corresponding numbers)

In one paragraph please tell the selection committee how results from your research will directly benefit the hydroelectric power industry.

Please limit response to 150 words.

A complete application package consists of:

____Application Form

____2 Page Proposal for Research

____Copy of Transcript (unofficial)

____Copy of GRE scores (unofficial)


____Supporting Documents (see application instructions for more information)

Sent Separately from application is:

____Two reference forms, at least one of which is academic (a link to the reference form to be completed can be found on the research awards program page under the 2017 application information)

____Letter of Support from University Department on University letterhead (directions on what needs to be provided in the letter can be found in the application information document)

Release Form

I certify that the information submitted is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that the thoughts in the proposal are my original thoughts or properly attributed to their source under penalty of law. I understand that any falsification of information will end in disqualification from the program, and require re-imbursement of any funds provided during the course of the program.

I understand that the information I am submitting will be shared and reviewed with respective selection committee members and if, selected, my name, photograph, biography, any quotes I provide and information about my research will be publicized.

_____ Yes, I have read the above statements and confirm that the information submitted is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.

Additionally, I agree to the following terms upon acceptance into the Research Awards Program for the Hydro Research Foundation:

  1. To update and share findings from my research to the to Hydro Research Foundation in the form of a quarterly report which will outline progress and satisfactory performance. These reports will be reviewed and signed by my advisor. I understand that my findings will be made public and published on the Hydro Research Foundation website as well as shared at the annual Hydro Research Roundtables.
  2. I expect to complete my research by no later than May 2018.
  3. I agree to attend the annual Hydro Research Awards Roundtable Conferences during my Research Award in 2017 and 2018.
  4. I also consent to sharing any patents developed through my research with the Hydro Research Foundation and that this information will be subject to the Department of Energy’s regulations regarding this work.
  5. I hereby release the Foundation to contact the University and/or departments to confirm the information provided in this application.
  6. I confirm that failure to complete research in the timeframe in my proposal may lead to the Foundation seeking reimbursement of award made and that I will be personally responsible for such reimbursement.

_____ Yes, I have read the above statements and agree to the terms.

Date Certified: ______

Signature of Applicant: ______

Printed Name: ______


Hydro Research Foundation Research Awards Application 2017