PTO minutes 2-7-17
Opening prayer
Secretary’s report - motion made and seconded to accept the minutes.
Treasurer’s report - motion made and seconded to accept the report.
Deposits - $100
Checks - $201.70
Deposits for POG - $11,300
Vice President report - Deanna Hendrich spoke about the Box Top program. An informational sheet will be sent home with your student. If your child brings in 50 box tops, they will get to be a HR “hero.” She also told us she will organize another “Sip and Clip,” which everyone is very excited about! She is also getting together a group to go over and help create the PTO bylaws. She will be emailing some people who volunteered and a meeting will be arranged in the next few weeks.
President’s report - Sarah Goth had asked in the last month for volunteers for a nominating committee for the PTO offices. No one has volunteered so she said we will just be finding individuals to fill the offices this year but hopefully next year we will have a proper committee. She also talked about a potential Earth Day Project of recycling. If anyone is interested in helping research ways our school can recycle, please see Sarah!
Principal’s report - Catholic Schools Week was very successful according to Mrs. Harris. Penny war amounts will be counted tomorrow. There was a cry of “Go Girls” from the crowd. Mrs. Harris thanked all those who helped support the week by bringing in cookies, setting up for events, etc. The book fair was also very successful again this year. Sports are all going very well. The 5th and 6th basketball teams have finished up for the season. We are very grateful for our team coaches! 7th and 8th have a few more games. Archery has seen Trenton Hilty and Olivia Kiely medal! Such awesome talent! Iowa Basics test are coming in March/April. It is testing for K-8. Enrollment/Re-enrollment is coming up. Information will be sent either home with your student or through email. Come and see day was very successful with 20 potential Pre-K students in attendance. We are hopeful that you will re-enroll your student! Also please keep Wendy Huey in your prayers. She is having surgery tomorrow. Volunteers are needed to help feed the students. Please, please volunteer if you can! There is also a calendar in the front office with meal delivery set up.
Recap of Catholic Schools Week - Mrs. Qualls reported that the week went very well. Said the students were very excited during the week. A round of applause for Mrs. Qualls for all her time and dedication on her third successful week!! Thank you!
Pot of Gold - Rachelle Brown spoke about really pushing ticket sales. We have only sold 67 out of 300 tickets and the event is in March. Please, please help sell these! Also she has the signup sheets for volunteers, and you can also sign up online. Debbie Braum will be shadowing Rachelle this year to take over the fundraiser next year. She said they have flyers printed up for parents to hang up around the community. So please see her after the meeting. Sign up sign up sign up! And if you know if anyone is interested in a sponsorship, please see Rachelle.
Father Toranto report - Sell Tickets!!
Mrs. Suthoff - There will be a food collection coming up in March. The March for Food. Information will be sent home with your student. The 7th and 8th will be babysitting for Valentine’s Day. So next Tuesday night, bring your children to HR and enjoy a night out! The talent show is also approaching. There will be a Meat Raffle during lent. The Schaffer family has graciously donated a lamb and Country Mart has donated 50 pounds of beef.
Closing Prayer