5th International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment, and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium (ELCAS5)

09 -11 July, 2017, NISYROS - GREECE


C. J. Koroneos a, G. Xydis b & Rovas D. a

a Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering

P.O. Box 483,

Aristotle University Thessaloniki,

GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece

Email: ,


b National Technical University of Athens

Unit of Environmental Science & Technology

9, Heroon Polytechneiou str., 157 73, Zographou Campus, Greece



The abstract for the full paper should not be more than 250 words. The abstract should be typed in Arial 10 pt font, full justified. The use of definitions and equations in the abstract is discouraged unless deemed necessary. No tables, figures or footnotes should be part of the abstract.

Keywords: Life cycle Assessment; Exergy Analysis; (limited to five (5); font Arial 10 pt Italic)

1.  Introduction

Full papers should be submitted to the respective conference secretariats in camera-ready form before the dateline. When submitting electronically, we highly recommend you to use the Microsoft word format (*.doc). However to ensure correct content reproduction particularly symbolic fonts, authors should also submit the pdf or postscript versions electronically. Alternatively, authors can also submit hard copies of their manuscripts in duplicate. There is no page limit for full paper but it is recommend that it should not be much longer than ten (10) pages

2.  Margins, Format & Text

The margins of the document should be set at 2.5cm for the top and bottom margins and 2.5cm for the left and right margins. Bookbinding margins are set left at 0.5cm

2.1  Fonts and Format

The title of the paper should be in bold 14 pt Arial font, the author(s) in italic 11 pt Arial font bolded while the address(es) should be in italic 10 pt Arial font, single spacing. Both paper title and author/address are center aligned. The instructions for the abstract are given the above abstract. Authors are also required to insert headers as shown above. Please do not insert page numbers which are to be added later by the editors/publisher.

Leave one blank line (11 pt) between the title and the author, between author and the address(es), between the address and the abstract, between the abstract and the title of the first section of the paper, and between the end of each section/subsection and the title of the following section/subsection. Subsections are limited to three (3) levels (1., 1.1, 1.2….., and 1.1.1, 1.1.2, …….)

The body text of the paper should be typed in Arial 11 pt font, alignment: Justified and the line spacing: at least 16pt. The spacing between paragraphs is set at before: 0pt and after: 6pt. (fig. 1).

Fig. 1: Paragraph Settings

2.2  Headings

Main headings should be written in Arial bold 12 pt, Subheadings should be written in Arial bold 11 pt, and Third level headings should be written in Arial 11 pt,

2.2.1  Footnotes

Footnotes in the text should not be used unless they are necessary to maintain the flow of the paper. Where used in the text, footnotes should be designated by Roman alphabets and the corresponding footnote should be placed at the bottom of the page where it is referenced.

3.  Figures, Tables, Equations & Symbols

All figures (e.g. graphs, photos, illustrations) and tables should be inserted nearby the referring text (in line with text). They should be numbered according to their order of appearance (see Figs. 1, 2 and Table 1 below) and accompanying caption should be in 10 pt italicized Arial font. The proceedings will be printed in black and white, thus, it is preferable to insert the figures in grayscale mode. Its resolution should be at 300dpi. The size of the figure is not limited, as long as is placed within the margins. Lettering used in figures and tables should be large enough to be readable (fig. 2a and 2b)

A blank line (11 pt) should be left before the figure/table and after the caption.



Fig. 2: (a) Climatic Data for Thessaloniki; (b) Climatic Data for Thessaloniki [1]

Table 1: Table settings [3]

AutoFit / Table Properties / Font
AutoFit to Contents / Table : Center / Arial 10 pt
Cell : Center

3.1  Equations

Insert all equations using the equation editor (integrated in Microsoft Word; path: InsertàObjectàMicrosoft Equation). Equations should be referenced with a number shown in brackets, ( ), to the right of each equation. Equations should be treated of equal status as the main text and hence should be given the appropriate punctuation marks. Equations are also numbered according to their order of appearance. Given below are the examples of black body exergy factor equation (Eq. 1) and Exergy efficiency of Solar Collector equation (Eq. 2):



Any usage of nonconventional symbols should be indicated in the author’s accompanying correspondence stating its page and line number with its source of font’s name as exemplified in the following sentence. The symbol is from Wingdings font of position 0x6A.

4.  Citations and References

All references will be typed in 10 pt Arial font, single spaced and are numbered according to the order of its citation in the text. Citations are thus given in terms of their square-bracketed numbers either in the form of superscripts or in line with the text.[a]

Journal titles are of equal status with titles of books and they are italicized. The volume number of the journal reference is given after its title in bold, followed by its year in bracket and the article’s page numbers (see e.g. [3]). Authors are very much encouraged to include the title of the journal’s article in quotation marks if space permits (see e.g. [4]).

For articles from proceedings or edited volumes, the book title (in italics) should come after the article’s title (in quotation marks). This is followed by the names of editors, the publisher and year of publication, and the page numbers (see e.g. [5]). References of unpublished materials e.g. theses, reports and preprints should have their titles, report numbers (if they exist), places and years of publication (see e.g. [6, 7]).

5.  Units, List of symbols

Use SI units exclusively. Decimal location should be indicated by a point “.” and not by a comma “,”, as per ISO standards.

If necessary a List of Symbols should be inserted before Introduction. The font used should be Arial 10 pt.

List of Symbols
cp / : specific Heat (kJ/kgK) / Subscripts
DH / : the flow of the Heat source (kg/s) / A / : Air
D / : the flow of the produced steam (kg/s) / ex / : Exergy
dH / :Specific “Consumption” of the Heat source / F / : Sea water
t / : Temperature related to the Desalination process / S / : Salt
Greeks / tur / : Turbine
ξ / : the content of salt in the saline water / W / :Water
θε / :Temperature difference in the condensers / 0 / :Dead State

6.  Conclusion

Paper submissions that conform to the above guidelines are very much appreciated; this will help the committee to produce the proceedings in time for distribution during the congress. The technical committee reserves the right to alter any manuscripts that do not conform to the above guidelines.


[1].  L. Castellani, R. d’Auria & P. Fre, Supergravity & Superstrings – A Geometric Perspective Vol. 1, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991).

[2].  Othman M. & Abdullah A.R., Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol., 8 (2000) 161-174.

[3].  N.E. Hurt, “Three Topics on Periodic Orbit Theory: A Review”, Rev. Math. Phys., 5 (1993) 713-733.

[4].  C.J. Isham, “Topological and Global Aspects of Quantum Theory” in Relativity, Groups & Topology II, (eds.) B.S. deWitt & R. Stora, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984) 1059-1290.

[5].  T. Aristide, “An Atiyah-Singer Theorem for Gerbes”, (math.DG/0302050 v1 preprint, Cornell arXiv, 2003).

[6].  A. Bouketir, “Group-Theoretic Quantisation on Spheres and Quantum Hall Effect”, (Ph.D. Thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2000).

[7].  http://www.impression.com.my/Selangormain/marriott/jwputra.htm (assessed on 10/26/2012)

[a] Such citations have the advantage of being economical in occupying space of manuscripts, which is crucial in proceeding papers.