Saturday, February 18, 2011

Online Virtual Meeting

I. Call to Order

The NOTIS Board of directors meeting was called to order at 2:21 PM.

Present: President Faiza Sultan, Vice-president Kathryn German, Treasurer Paul Natkin, Director Louise Morehead, Director Katrin Rippel, and NOTIS Office Manager Jonas Nicotra

II. Acceptance of Agenda

It was requested that consideration of a letter to the legislature be added to the agenda.

The updated agenda was accepted unanimously.

III. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the December 15, 2011 Meeting was discussed. It was requested that the line indicating that Ferdi Nadir remaining on the Board be removed. It was requested that it be added that the Membership Report was also submitted for that meeting.

It was moved by Kathryn German that the December Minutes be approved with these additions. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

IV. President's Remarks

  1. Discussion of online meeting format.
  2. Discussion of new meeting dates. Next meeting will be Monday, March 19th, at 7:30 p.m. Online with the new meeting software.
  3. At the next meeting, subsequent meeting dates will be determined.

V. Review of Action Items

Action Items were not reviewed.

VI. Reports

a.Treasurer's report: Submitted by Paul Natkin. Several items were added by Jonas Nicotra including new totals for checking and savings account and additional PayPal deposits. Post Office Box was renewed. Jonas Nicotra will meet with Paul Natkin to complete Treasurer’s training. Paul still needs EIN number and online banking access. Louise added a correction to the report regarding the room rental for the End-of-the-year meeting. Katrin Rippel mentioned that there will need to be the addition of a new category for web site domain name (paid annually) and web hosting fees (paid every four years).

b. Northwest Linguist Report. Submitted by Kathryn German. Completed on time with new process including authors. Listed current first readers. Link to issue and notification of posting not yet sent out to membership.

c.Website Committee Katrin Rippel reported that the website is in its final stage of testing. She presented pages of website to those present at the meeting and explained how the new directory will work. Each member will have log-in data to access member area and personal listing. WITS membership information was clarified. Contract for Katrin Rippel’s website company will be sent to the Treasurer.

e. Program Report: Submitted by Louise Morehead. Program Committee held a special program meeting with WITS held by Louise Morehead. Present were: Alicia Lanzer, Nancy Leveson, Sheila Harrington, and Louise Morehead. Discussed a picnic to be held tentatively in late July, a similar holiday party in December (with similar entertainment), International Translators’ Day on Oct. 1. WITS proposed the idea of a joint WITS/NOTIS Outreach project involving the schools, similar to that encouraged by the ATA’s Outreach. She indicated that the spirit with which each society offers programs is different in intent. NOTIS wishes to bring in end-users.

Louise mentioned that she would like to see an increase in the standard honorarium to $100 per hour.

By-laws should perhaps have more flexibility in order to pay honorariums not now permitted.

g. Membership Report. Submitted by Jonas Nicotra.

h. Office Report. Submitted by Jonas Nicotra.

VII. Housekeeping

Paul Natkin would like to have a letter written to the legislators about funding for interpreters. He will create a draft letter to share with board.

VIII. Announcements for the Good of the Society

The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 19th at 7:30 p.m. and it will be online.

Meetings for the remainder of the year will be determined at that meeting.

IX. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathryn German – Vice President

February 21, 2012

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