Dunny Lane, Chipperfield
Served by the Society of the Divine Saviour – The Salvatorians
Parish Priest: Father Richard Mway-Zeng SDS
Assistant Priest: Father Christopher Luoga SDS
Youth Worker: Mr Jack Bull
The Presbytery
96, The Crescent, Abbots Langley, WD5 0DS
Tel: 01923-266177
Youth Worker:
Parish School: Divine Saviour Primary, Broomfield Rise, Abbots Langley
Tel: 01923- 265607
ExecutiveHeadteacher: Mr Stephen Wheatley
Head of School: Mrs Helen Wilson /
Second Sunday Ord. Time, Year B14thJanuary 2018
Mass Schedule
13thSatVigil Mass of Sunday
14thSunThe Epiphany of the Lord, Year B
10.00:Michael O’Malley+ Anna Darcy +
16th Tues Feria Ord. Time
19th FridayFeria Ord. Time
20th Sat Vigil Mass of Sunday
21st Sun Third Sunday Ord. Time, Year B
Before any of the masses
or upon request
Adoration & Benediction
First Sundays, 4pmat Abbots Langley
Marriages, Baptisms
Contact the Parish Clergy via email or telephone
6 months notice required for marriage
School Forms, Passports, etc
Please speak to the Clergy after mass
Sunday Readings: Year B
Weekday Readings: Year 2
John Henry Newman felt God’s call to him in life and reflected on it with a beautiful prayer. But first, who was John Henry Newman? He was a scholar and an intellectual who lived in England from 1801 to 1890. He dabbled with atheism early in his life, but then God called. He couldn’t put him off. He sought God in religion, in the Church of England, or Anglican Church. He became an Anglican priest and continued his studies of Christianity at Oxford University. In 1845 he wrote that as he studied more and more the writings of the early Fathers of the Church, he was convinced that the Catholics were the closest followers of Christianity in its original form. He had a deep respect for the Anglican Church, but he heard God calling him to become a Catholic. This was an extremely difficult decision that affected his life in every way possible. He could no longer teach at Oxford. He could no longer preach in the Anglican Churches. He was a patriotic Englishman who was embracing those people whom he had referred to as “our traditional enemies.” But God was calling. John Henry Newman was not about to send Him to voice mail. He became a Catholic and led the movement of Anglican scholars to Catholicism called the Oxford Movement. He became a Roman Catholic priest, and eventually was even made a cardinal. On September 19, 2010 Pope Benedict XVI beatified Cardinal Newman.
Blessed Cardinal Newman wrote this beautiful prayer which is a reflection not just on his life but on all our lives:
“God has created me for some definite service; He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have a mission. I may never know exactly what that mission is in this life. I shall be told it in the next. I have a part in a great work. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for nothing. I shall do good. I shall do His work. I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place, even if I do not realize what I am doing. But, if I keep His commandments, I will serve Him in my calling.”
What is your calling? What is my calling? The general answer to those questions is simple: we are called to know, love and serve God. But how? How are each of us called to serve God? The particular answer to this question is a mystery, the mystery of our lives. The mystery enfolds every time we respond to God’s call. We come before the Lord today and ask for the grace to be attune to God’s call in our lives. And we pray for the courage to answer His call rather than send it to voice mail. We pray that when He calls we will respond, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.”
A warm welcome to you! Please introduce yourself to others and to the priest at the end of Mass
Last Week’s Offertory Collection
£532.85; for which Many Thanks.
First Holy Communion
Classes start onSunday January 7th between 11.05 am and 12pm.
RCIA: Are you someone or do you know someone who….Has expressed an interest in becoming a Catholic…..was Baptised but not received the sacraments of Holy Communion or Confirmation. Please speak to Fr Richard and he will arrange an opportunity to meet in a small group to learn more about the faith.
West Herts NHS Hospital Chaplaincy If you or a relativeare admitted to hospital and youwould like to be anointed by a priest please contact your local priest or a member of the hospital chaplaincy team who can arrange for a priest to visit when one is available.If you would like a member of the hospitalchaplaincy team to visit a relative in hospital please contact us directly by phone and leave a message:01923 217994or email us at:
Parish Hymn Books:We have ordered new hymn books for the parish. If you would like to make a donation to purchase a hymn book, the cost is £6.25 a book. We will enter your name in the book in recognition of your donation. Please place your name and donation in an envelope and give to Fr Richard or drop in to the parish office. Thank you for generosity.
Recently Deceased in the Parish: Mercedes Getino. Funeral On Thursday 25th January 12.20 at West Herts Crematorium May he rest in peace
Youth Clubs
The following year groups will meet in the Abbots Langley Parish Centre accordingly:
School Years 5-6: Fridays, 5-6.30pm
School Years 7-9: Fridays, 7-9pm
Children's Liturgy
This group now runs during the first half of the 10am Sunday mass, and is specifically for children below Holy Communion age. Jack, our youth worker, facilitates this group and would appreciate a few more volunteers to help with its running so that it becomes more of a parish endeavour rather than a one-man project. Please speak with Fr Paul or Jack if you think you may be able to help.
NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS – LIVERPOOL 7-9Sept 2018: As announced in the Pastoral Letter for Corpus Christi, a National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress, entitled “Adoremus” will take place in Liverpool from 7th to 9th September 2018 and involve every Diocese in England and Wales. On the first day there will be a Theological Symposium, which will include workshops for catechists, R.E. teachers etc. The main part of the Congress takes place on the on the Saturday, when Cardinal Vincent and Bishop Robert Barron will speak. On the final day, there will be pilgrimage Masses and a street procession. More information can be found at All who are interested in attending should please speak to Fr Richard as soon as possible.
The Pope’s prayer intention for January:
Evangelization: Religious Minorities in Asia That Christians, and other religious minorities in Asian countries, may be able to practise their faith in full freedom.