Appendix 1 – Search strategy
Search 1 Young people, access and navigation
Healthcare / Young people / Access /barriers/navigationMedline
"Delivery of Health Care"/mt, og, td, ut [Methods, Organization & Administration, Trends, Utilization]
Adolescent Health Services/og, st, td, ut [Organization & Administration, Standards, Trends, Utilization]
Primary Health Care/mt, og, td, ut [Methods, Organization & Administration, Trends, Utilization]
Health Services Accessibility/og, st, td, ut [Organization & Administration, Standards, Trends, Utilization]
Patient-Centered Care/mt, og, st, td [Methods, Organization & Administration, Standards, Trends]
"Continuity of Patient Care"/st [Standards] / (young people or youth or adolescen$ or young adult$ or teenage$ or teen$).tw / (barrier$ or access$ or appropriat$ or enabl$ or facilitat$ or navigat$ or youth friendly or adolescent friendly).tw.
Treatment Barriers/ or Health Care Delivery/ or Health Care Seeking Behavior/ or Health Care Services/ or Health Care Utilization/ or Health Service Needs/ or Primary Health Care/ or Continuum of Care/ / (young people or youth or adolescen$ or young adult$ or teenage$ or teen$).tw. / (barrier$ or access$ or appropriat$ or enabl$ or facilitat$ or navigat$ or youth friendly or adolescent friendly).tw.
AB(barrier* or access* or appropriat* or enabl* or facilitat* or navigat* or youth friendly or adolescent friendly) / AB(young people or youth or adolescen* or young adult* or teenage* or teen*) / (MM "Age Specific Care") OR (MM "Health Care Delivery+") OR (MM "Health Services Accessibility+") OR (MM "Primary Health Care") OR (MM "Patient Navigation") OR (MM "Adolescent Health Services") OR (MM "Patient Centered Care") OR (MM "Continuity of Patient Care") OR (MM "Health Services Needs and Demand")
Search 2 Marginalised search
Healthcare / Young people / MarginalisedMedline
"Delivery of Health Care"/mt, og, td, ut [Methods, Organization & Administration, Trends, Utilization]
Adolescent Health Services/og, st, td, ut [Organization & Administration, Standards, Trends, Utilization]
Primary Health Care/mt, og, td, ut [Methods, Organization & Administration, Trends, Utilization]
Health Services Accessibility/og, st, td, ut [Organization & Administration, Standards, Trends, Utilization]
Patient-Centered Care/mt, og, st, td [Methods, Organization & Administration, Standards, Trends]
"Continuity of Patient Care"/st [Standards] / (young people or youth or adolescen$ or young adult$ or teenage$ or teen$0).tw / (Aboriginal or indigenous or linguistically diverse or culturally diverse or vulnerable migrant or refugee or rural or remote or outback or LGBT or lesbian or gay or homosexual or bisexual or transgender or intersex or queer or sexuality diverse or gender diverse or homeless or disadvantaged or street youth or marginali#ed).mp.
Treatment Barriers/ or Health Care Delivery/ or Health Care Seeking Behavior/ or Health Care Services/ or Health Care Utilization/ or Health Service Needs/ or Primary Health Care/ or Continuum of Care/ / (young people or youth or adolescen$ or young adult$ or teenage$ or teen$).tw. / (Aboriginal or indigenous or linguistically diverse or culturally diverse or vulnerable migrant or refugee or rural or remote or outback or LGBT or lesbian or gay or homosexual or bisexual or transgender or intersex or queer or sexuality diverse or gender diverse or homeless or disadvantaged or street youth or marginali#ed).mp. [mp=title, abstract, heading word, table of contents, key concepts, original title, tests & measures]
(MM "Age Specific Care") OR (MM "Health Care Delivery+") OR (MM "Health Services Accessibility+") OR (MM "Primary Health Care") OR (MM "Patient Navigation") OR (MM "Adolescent Health Services") OR (MM "Patient Centered Care") OR (MM "Continuity of Patient Care") OR (MM "Health Services Needs and Demand") / AB(young people or youth or adolescen* or young adult* or teenage* or teen*) / Aboriginal or indigenous or linguistically diverse or culturally diverse or vulnerable migrant or refugee or rural or remote or outback or LGBT or lesbian or gay or homosexual or bisexual or transgender or intersex or queer or sexuality diverse or gender diverse or homeless or disadvantaged or street youth or marginali#ed
Within each database combinations between columns were made using AND.