sealing of equipment to protect against theft of gas and tampering
Contents 1
Introduction 3
1. Scope 3
2. References 3
3. definitions 3
4. End of the Network 3
5. Emergency control valve 3
6. Competency requirements 4
7. Authorisation to undertake work 4
8. Means of sealing equipment 4
9. Undertaking work 5
10 Labelling 5
Appendix A – REFERENCES 6
APPENDIX B- Definitions 7
Endnote 9
Table 1 Information on sealing methods 4
The original GT4 procedure used by the Gas Transporters (GT) has now been superseded by this document. As a result there is no brief history of the management procedures from an individual GT.
This generic Management Procedure was approved by a collaboration of Gas Transporters in April 2013 for use by managers, engineers and supervisors. This will give a consistent framework and approach for those who will use this document.
This document will be revised, when necessary, by the issue of new editions. Users should ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition by referring to the Energy Network Association website.
Compliance with this document does not confer immunity from prosecution for breach of statutory or other legal obligations.
Version 1.0 / Published / April 2013KEY CHANGES (Identify the changes from the previous version of this document)
Section / AmendmentsDISCLAIMER
This document is provided for use by GTs and such of its contractors as are obliged by the terms and conditions of their contracts to comply with this document. Where this document is used by any other party it is the responsibility of that party to ensure that this document is correctly applied.
Mandatory and non-mandatory requirements
In this document:
Shall: Prescribes a procedure which it is intended will be complied with in full, without deviation.
Should: Prescribes a procedure which it is intended will be complied with unless, after prior consideration, deviation is considered to be acceptable.
This procedure is for use by Registered Users of the Uniform Network Code, IGT UNC and their representatives.
This procedure specifies acceptable means to achieve the “Isolation” of the Supply Meter Point under the terms of the Uniform Network Code, section G and appropriate section of the IGT UNC.
The supply of gas at a meter installation may cease under the terms of the Network Code or under Schedule 2B of the Gas Act 1986 as amended 1995. The terms under which a supply of gas may cease are:
· Discontinuance – An act by a gas supplier as a means of stopping the flow of gas at a gas supply meter point.
· Disconnection – An act by a GT to ensure that gas cannot be off-taken through a supply meter point.
The options detailed in this procedure provide an acceptable means to protect against the theft of gas and tampering in both Domestic and Non Domestic installations and are acceptable to the Gas Transporters.
Adherence to this procedure is a precondition of amending the Supply Point Register to set the status of the Supply Meter Point to “Isolated” In accordance with the requirements of the relevant Gas Transporters.
This procedure also specifies the competency requirements for those carrying out the isolation.
1. Scope
1.1 This procedure supports the Uniform Network Code, section G, paragraph 3.4 relating to the isolation of a Domestic or Non-Domestic Supply Meter Point and covers the sealing of equipment to protect against the theft of gas and tampering. This procedure describes a number of methods that are acceptable, under the Uniform Network Code, to change the status of the Supply Meter Point to ‘Isolated’.
2. References
2.1 This Management Procedure makes references to the documents listed in Appendix A. Unless otherwise specified, the latest editions of the documents apply, including all amendments.
3. definitions
3.1 The requirements and definitions applying to this Management Procedure are listed in Error! Reference source not found..
4. End of the Network
4.1 The end of the Network is the outlet of the emergency control valve (ECV) as defined by relevant legislation. See also IGEM/G/1 ‘Defining the end of the Network, a meter installation and installation pipework’.
5. Emergency control valve
5.1 The ECV is a valve, not being an ‘additional emergency control valve’ (AECV) for shutting off the supply of gas in an emergency, intended for use by a consumer of gas and being installed at the end of a gas service or gas distribution main.
5.2 In some circumstances where recognition of the ECV is not straight forward, an appropriate valve in the connection and/or meter installation can be designated as the ECV on agreement by all interested parties e.g. The Gas Transporter, Shipper, Meter Asset Manager and Consumer.
6. Competency requirements
6.1 The Registered User shall ensure that those undertaking work under this procedure are competent. Irrespective of whether the work is covered by the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations (GS (I&U) R), the persons carrying out that work downstream of the ECV must be a “member of a class of persons” as specified by those Regulations e.g. Gas Safe Registered. The requirements of the GS(I&U)R shall also be applied, where relevant, in respect to Factories, Mines, Quarries and Agricultural installations, as if they were not excluded from the scope of this procedure.
7. Authorisation to undertake work
7.1 Work covered by this procedure can only commence at the request of the Registered User.
7.2 The obligation arising from the implementation of this procedure is that the Registered User shall take responsibility for the suitability of any fittings or components to be used to carry out the isolation of the gas supply.
8. Means of sealing equipment
8.1 A registered Supply Meter Point shall be sealed by one of the methods detailed in Table 1. The seal shall be of a type that should tampering occur, it shall be obvious.
Method of sealing first above ground valve (s) (normally the ECV) and/ or potential meter bypasses. / Domestic application / Non Domestic applicationValve clamp, locking plate and OAMI seal. / Yes / Yes up to and including 50 mm valve size.
Valve spindle cover, sealing wire, OAMI seal and crimping tool equipment. / No / Yes
Valve with integral locking device and OAMI seal / No / Yes
Blank sealing disc and seal the closed valve with an OAMI seal. / Yes / Yes up to and including 50 mm valve size.
Brass blank adaptor ¾” and 1” nominal size with integral sealing hole 2.5 mm in diameter fixed to the valve and OAMI seal / Yes / Yes up to and including 25 mm valve size.
Brass sealing caps ¾” to 2” nominal size with integral sealing hole 2.5mm in diameter fixed to the valve and OAMI seal / Yes / Yes up to and including 50 mm valve size.
Blank Flange and seal the closed valve with an OAMI seal. / No / Yes
Spade and seal the closed valve with an OAMI seal. This method cannot be used where there are open ends on the downstream pipework. / No / Yes
Table 1 Acceptable sealing methods.
8.2 All potential means of taking gas from the service pipe shall be sealed closed.
8.3 In all circumstances the first above ground valve(s), which will normally be the ECV, shall be left sealed by one of the methods described in this procedure and left in the closed position.
Note: It is important that all gasways and/ or potential bypasses are sealed.
8.4 Where a gas fitting is used to seal a gasway the fitting shall be suitable for the design pressure and design maximum incidental pressure of the service pipe.
9. Undertaking work
The following requirements apply when undertaking a means of sealing specified in clause 8.
9.1 If the meter installation is to be physically disconnected from the gas service an appropriate gas fitting shall be used to seal the gas-ways including any pipework on the outlet of the meter installation.
9.2 Where physical disconnection of the gas-ways is to be undertaken, purging of the meter installation and outlet pipework shall be carried out to an appropriate recognised industry standard. See Appendix A2.
9.3 On completion of the work any gas fitting that could be subjected to gas under pressure shall be tested for gas tightness in accordance with the relevant standards and by applying leak detection fluid to those joints. See Appendix A2.
9.4 Prior to leaving site, all remaining equipment and pipework shall be structurally stable so far as is reasonably practicable and not expose any persons who may subsequently visit the site to any residual hazard.
9.5 Where the meter is permanently removed and the remaining pipe ends could be simultaneously touched, i.e. they are less than 2m apart; a permanent Continuity Bond should be installed by fitting an earthing cable conforming to BS 7671. This practice is not necessary if one side of the disconnection is short and not earthed, e.g. a PE service pipe with only an emergency control valve or a short length of installation pipe.
10. Labelling
10.1 On completion of the sealing as detailed in section 8, the sealed valve(s) shall be labelled. The label shall warn of the presence of gas at the service and record the meter’s serial number, the meter index reading, the time of sealing and the date of sealing. A typical label is given in Appendix C.
10.2 Clearly mark any live gas pipework in the premises in which the meter was installed to the effect that the pipe contains gas. This is normally satisfied by fitting yellow GAS tape.
This Management Procedure makes reference to the documents listed below (see clause 2) When using these documents ensure you refer to the latest editions.
A.1 Legislation
Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998Gas Act 1986 as amended 1995
A.2 IGE Documents
IGEM/G/1 / - / Defining the end of a network, a Meter Installation and installation pipeworkIGE/UP/1 / - / Strength and tightness testing and direct purging of industrial and commercial gas installations.
IGE/UP/1A / - / Strength and tightness testing and direct purging of small low pressure industrial and commercial natural gas installations.
IGE/UP/1B / - / Testing and purging of domestic sized natural gas installations.
IGEM/UP/1C / - / Strength testing, tightness testing and direct purging of Natural Gas and LPG meter installations.
A.3 British Standards
BS 7671 / - / Requirement for electrical installation. IET wiring regulations 17th editionAppendix B - Definitions
The definitions applying to this Management Procedure are given below (see clause 3).
Registered User / - / The ‘registered user’ of a Supply Point is the User in whose name such Supply Meter Points are so registered.Isolated / - / The term ‘isolated’ means, the supply of gas at a meter installation may cease under the terms of the Uniform Network Code or under Schedule 2B of the Gas Act 1986 as amended 1995. When a supply of gas, at a Supply Meter Point, has ceased the commercial arrangements between the Gas Transporter and the User of the gas system may be changed and the Unified Network Code (UNC) Section G, specifies the commercial arrangements for a Supply Meter Point ‘isolation’.
GT / - / Gas Transporter. In the context of this document any reference to GT would also include Independent Gas Transporters. (IGT)
Supply Meter Point. / - / Individual System Exit Point from which gas may be off-taken.
Telephone number
OAMI registered number
Valve clamp and locking plate
Valve spindle cover and sealing wire
Valve with integral locking device
Spin caps
Brass blank adaptor ¾” and 1” with integral sealing hole 2.5 mm in diameter fixed to the ECV
Brass sealing caps ¾” to 2” with integral sealing hole 2.5 mm in diameter
Blank Flange
Blank sealing disc
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Copyright © 2012 Distribution Networks (DN) Gas - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may by reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any medium or electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally) without the written permission of Distribution Networks (DN) except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.