Home FellowshipManual for the week ofJune 11, 2017
(Based on Sermon by Pastor Clayton Chamberlain)
Scripture Text:John 14:1-4
Everyone lives in a physical house and we know that building a house requires a lot of work and money. In like manner, we are spiritual houses that are being built and we must answer the question “who is building your spiritual house?” How are we being strengthened and sustained? In the Scripture text, Jesus said He is going to do it. He is building a Spiritual house for us and in us.
Points of Discussion:
Three things that are key in the building of the house
You cannot do it alone- We walk together and must be teachable- Matthew 29:19-20
It will cost you something- Jesus is the center of our lives- Luke 14:26-27
How can I help?- What can we do to help build others?
The Seven pillars of wisdom and the seven spirits of the Lord- Proverbs 9:1-5 & Isaiah 11:1-3 (The branch of Jesse)
Spirit of the Lord
Spirit of Wisdom
Spirit of Understanding
Spirit of Counsel
Spirit of Might
Spirit of Knowledge
Sprit of the Fear of the Lord
Things we need to know…
God wants to see growth in us and wants to work in and with all of us- Ephesians 2:19-22
We are being built by God – 1Peter 2:4
Soul winning is great, but discipleship is something different- this is when we help new souls to become disciplined and grounded in the Word of God.
We must edify ourselves and others- this means to build, establish, instruct and improve in moral and religious knowledge- I Thessalonians 5:11, Romans 14:19, Ephesians 4:12
When we come into the house of God, it should be a pleasure. We need to pursue our personal relationship with God –1 Corinthians 14:1-5.
If your spiritual house (personal life) is not built then your usefulness in the larger house (the church) will be limited.
Allowing Jesus to build our house is critical because He will build it with wisdom. We should not murmur, but allow Jesus to teach us (John 6:35, 43-45). Only Jesus has the material to build our house strong and sustainable. We need to spend time in His word and keep His word Ephesians 3:16-19. He is the bread of life and when we are filled with His spirit we need to pour into others. God already has the dimensions of our house (Ephesians 3:15-19). Let us allow Him to build it!