SeñorMerchán – Syllabus for Spanish
Course description:
All of our Spanish courses focus on the 4 main skills in a foreign language: listening, reading, writing and speaking. All students are expected to communicate as much as possible in the target language! This year students continue to build their vocabulary and grammar skills that are essential to everyday communication. Students are expected to try to speak Spanish as much as possible and be able to understand and comply with simple information and directions given by me, as well as information shared by other students.
There is a great emphasis on producing the language so you will be expected to talk, read, listen and write during class. We will work through the “Realidades 1” textbook and workbook, incorporating other outside resources, including readings from other texts, internet sources, or other multimedia sources, where appropriate. There will be at least 3 major grades each nine weeks, including writing assignments, projects and chapter tests. Daily work, quizzes, homework, participation and minor projects will also be graded throughout the nine weeks.
Grading Policy:
Grading scale: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (75-79), D (70-74), F (69 or below)
Summative: Exams/Major Projects (60 %)
Formative: Quizzes, Daily work, homework, participation (40%)
*The Semester final is weighted as 20% of your final grade for the semester.
Campus Late Formative Work Policy :
Late work on formative homework assignments will be accepted through the end of the week in which the assignment was due. If it was due on Friday, then it will be accepted on Monday. The maximum grade you can receive is a 75. Any work turned in after the end of the week will not be accepted. However, the teacher will analyze each student turn-in-late assignment on a case by case basis.
Campus Summative Reassessment Policy :
You may reassess any exam where you received a grade of 85 or less for a maximum grade of an 85. You have one week from the time your test is returned to you graded to reassess. Reassessment is contingent upon completing all outstanding assignments, doing test corrections and/or coming in for tutoring, and also attending the reassessment on the dates/times chosen by the teacher. I will try to accommodate your dates/times as much as possible.
*Note that only exams are eligible for reassessment, not projects.
Late Summative Work Policy for LOTE:
Late work on summative assignments will be accepted through the end of the week in which the assignment was due. If it was due on Friday, then it will be accepted on Monday. Late work on summative assignments is graded as follows:
1 day late – 85 max
2 days late – 75 max
3 days late – 65 max
Class Materials:
Textbooks are only issued by student request
*Please note, if a book was not issued, the students will have access to a textbook in class and the book is available online to do homework.
Workbooks are provided via online.
3 ring binders with 6 dividers, we will set up the binder in class. IT IS A REQUIREMENT!
Students may bring Kleenex, hand sanitizer or notebook paper twice per 9 weeks to earn extra points.
Keys to Success:
Speak Spanish as much as possible (This is part of participation !).
Be a willing and active participant each and every day (Participation is part of your grade!).
Come prepared (This is part of participation!).
Use a binder or a notebook to organize your materials.
Keep up with daily work, including homework and warm-ups.
Be respectful and supportive of other speakers in the classroom.
Daily Activities:
Warm-up/Attendance/Good things.
Daily lesson and practice.
Audio practice .
Conversation practice.
Group work .
Exam or quiz when scheduled.
Work on current projects when appropriate.
Reglas de la clase (Classroom Rules):
(You are not allowed to drink, eat, or chew gum)
(Be seated and ready to begin when the bell rings)
(Be prepared – bring all materials with you!)
(Be considerate and respectful of others)
(Follow all class and school procedures)
Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations:
2.One on one conversation with teacher and change seat (if applicable)
3.Call/email home to parent/guardian and to coach (if applicable)
4.Office referral
Incentives for Excellent Conduct:
Certificates may be given for outstanding classroom participation or other acts as the teacher sees fit.
As a class, we can agree on and work towards other rewards based on consistent, positive classroom behavior.
Classroom Procedures:
Beginning class
Greet teacher, sit down and begin warm-up activity. You may quietly talk with your immediate neighbor about the warm-up task if you have a question. Attendance will be taken during the warm-up. Note that if you are not in your assigned seat, you will be marked absent. Once attendance is complete, the class will do “Good Things”.
Attention signal
We will use the school signal to come to attention, which is the time-out sign. When I make that sign, I expect it to immediately be quiet and for everyone to be seated and paying attention. I may also make use of the lights, or a bell if necessary.
Tardy to class
Enter class quietly and show the teacher your tardy slip. It is your responsibility at the end of class to see what you may have missed.
When anyone comes on the loudspeaker with announcements, you must immediately be quiet and pay attention. Important information is shared. All students are expected to stand for the pledge and respect the moment of silence. During SCTV it is important to be quiet and watch because many important announcements and information are given.
Paper or pencil and other supplies
You are expected to come to class prepared. This means bringing your textbook, workbook, notebook, binder and pen or pencil every day.
How to find out what the daily assignments are
Daily/weekly schedule for each period will be written on the small whiteboard, syllabuses will be posted online.
Finding out grade status
You (and your parents) can track your grades and progress on E-school. I will make every effort to have grades entered no later than a week after the due date.
Student responsibilities after an absence
If you have been absent, you must make an appointment with me the day you return to class to find out what you have missed. You will have 3 days to turn in the make-up work or take the exam/quiz that you have missed without penalty. *Note – if you are absent for a UIL or other school sponsored activity, including field trips, you are expected to complete your work on time and to come for tutoring if needed. No extra time is given to complete assignments, and tests will be made up the next day you are in class.
Individual work time
Sit in your seat quietly; work on the current assignment as directed. You may quietly ask your immediate neighbor for help or raise your hand for assistance from the teacher.
Group work time
All students are expected to participate, contributing ideas and answers, and talking as much as possible in the target language. Talking should be in quiet voices to avoid disturbing other groups. Raise your hand for assistance from the teacher.
Hall or restroom passes
Raise your hand and await acknowledgement from the teacher. Passes will not be granted during lecture or group activities.
Ending class
The bell does not dismiss you; please wait for the teacher to dismiss you. There may be instructions you need before leaving.
Communication procedures with parents and families
Parents/guardians may contact or email me any time. My email is . My number is (281) 641-5618. You may leave me a message and I will return that call during my next conference period or directly after school. Students are welcome to email me with questions as well.
*Please understand that email is not usually responded to after school hours or on weekends.
Honesty and Integrity Policy
It is very important in this class that students do their own work, including homework and especially writing assignments. Copying, plagiarizing or using an online translator will not be tolerated. Students should be aware that their vocabulary and grammar usage give away the use of outside sources such as an online translator or copying from websites in Spanish.
This is a very serious matter and all parties involved in any of these activities will be penalized. The first offense will result in the students re-doing the assignment and they will only be able to receive at most half credit. After that warning, there are no exceptions and the students involved will receive a grade of “0”. At this point, the situation is also referred to the associate principal as academic dishonesty and there may be further consequences.
My signature confirms that I have read the class syllabus and that I understand the expectations and requirements of the class. It also confirms that I have read and understand the “Late Work Policy” as well as the “Honesty and integrity policy” and the consequences of failing to honor it.
Student name: ______Student Signature: ______
Print Sign
Parent or Guardian: ______
Telephone #: ______
E-mail address: ______
¡Muchas Gracias!
Sr. Javier Merchán