Revision Date: 06/23/2014 Rev # 8

Safety Attribute Inspection (SAI) Data Collection Tool
6.1.2 Flight Crewmember Flight / Duty / Rest Time (OP)
Revision#: 8 Revision Date: 06/23/2014


Scopeof Element:

Purpose (operator's responsibility): To ensure the operator's Flight Crewmember Flight / Duty / Rest Time will support safe and reliable operations.
Objective (FAA's oversight responsibility): To determine if the operator's Flight Crewmember Flight / Duty / Rest Time Procedures:
  • Meets all applicable requirements of Title 14 of the Code of the Federal Regulations (14 CFR) and FAA policies,
  • Incorporates the safety attributes, and
  • Identifies any shortfalls in the operator's Flight Crewmember Flight / Duty / Rest Time Procedures.

Specific Instructions:

Section 1 questions 1.1 – 1.30 and Section 2 questions 2.1 apply to 14 CFR part 117 Flight and Duty Limitations, and Rest Requirements for:
  • All 121 passenger-carrying operators,
  • 121 cargo operators electing to apply 14 CFR part 117 requirements, and
  • 121 operators covered by the requirements of 14 CFR part 117 conducting ferry flights under part 91.
After question 1.30 in Section 1 and question 2.1 in Section 2, the remaining questions apply to cargo operators not electing to apply 14 CFR part 117 Flight and Duty Limitations and Rest Requirements and therefore, must follow the requirements of 14 CFR part 121 subparts Q, R, & S.
To accomplish this SAI, inspectors should be familiar with the operator's scheduling procedures to include the requirement for crew schedulers to be provided fatigue education awareness training when assigning a flightcrew member a flight duty period under the provisions of 14 CFR part 117, and be familiar with scheduling software applicable to flight crewmembers.Policy documents regarding 14 CFR part 117 are included in the Supplementary Information of this DCT to assist the assessing Inspector in answering the regulatory-based questions.There are no specific policy questions for this guidance included at this time.



A.117, Use of Onboard Flightcrew Member Rest Facilities
A.318, Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) Authorization Applicable to Title 14 Code Federal Regulations Part 117
117.5, Fitness for duty
117.7, Fatigue risk management system
117.11, Flight Time Limitation
117.13, Flight Duty Period: Unaugmented operations
117.15, Flight duty period: Split duty
117.17, Flight Duty Period: Augmented Flightcrew
117.19, Flight Duty Period Extensions
117.21, Reserve Status
117.23, Cumulative Limitations
117.25, Rest Period
117.27, Consecutive nighttime operations
117.29, Emergency and Government Sponsored Operations
117.Table C to Part 117, Flight Duty Period: Augmented Operations
117.Table B to Part 117, Flight Duty Period: Unaugmented Operations
117.Table A to Part 117, Maximum Flight Time Limits for Unaugmented Operations
119.43, Certificate holder's duty to maintain operations specifications.
121.135, Manual contents
121.394, Flight attendant requirements during passenger boarding and deplaning
121.470, Applicability
121.471, Flight time limitations and rest requirements: All flight crewmembers.
121.480, Applicability
121.481, Flight time limitations: One or two pilot crews.
121.483, Flight time limitations: Two pilots and one additional flight crewmember.
121.485, Flight time limitations: Three or more pilots and an additional flight crewmember.
121.487, Flight time limitations: Pilots not regularly assigned.
121.489, Flight time limitations: Other commercial flying.
121.491, Flight time limitations: Deadhead transportation.
121.493, Flight time limitations: Flight engineers and flight navigators.
121.500, Applicability
121.503, Flight time limitations: Pilots: airplanes.
121.505, Flight time limitations: Two pilot crews: airplanes.
121.507, Flight time limitations: Three pilot crews: airplanes.
121.509, Flight time limitations: Four pilot crews: airplanes.
121.511, Flight time limitations: Flight engineers: airplanes.
121.513, Flight time limitations: Overseas and international operations: airplanes.
121.515, Flight time limitations: All airmen: airplanes.
121.517, Flight time limitations: Other commercial flying: airplanes.
121.519, Flight time limitations: Deadhead transportation: airplanes.
121.521, Flight time limitations: Crew of two pilots and one additional airman as required.
121.523, Flight time limitations: Crew of three or more pilots and additional airmen as required.
121.525, Flight time limitations: Pilots serving in more than one kind of flight crew.
121.683, Crewmember and dispatcher record.

Related CFRs & FAA Policy/Guidance:

Related CFRs:
Intentionally left blank
FAA Policy/Guidance:
FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 18, Section 3
FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 18, Section 4
FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 58, Section 2
AC 117-1, Flightcrew Member Rest Facilities
AC 117-2, Fatigue Education and Awareness Training Program
AC 117-3, Fitness for Duty
AC 120-100, The Basics of Aviation Fatigue
AC 120-103, Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Aviation Safety
AC 121-31, Flightcrew Sleeping Quarters and Rest Facilities
The questions in this section of the SAI will help verify that the operator’s documented procedures identify who, what, when, where, and how those procedures are accomplished. These procedures must allow all personnel to perform their duties and responsibilities with a high degree of safety.
14 CFR part 121.135(a)(1)


The inspector shall accomplish the following tasks:
1 / Review the information in the Supplemental Information section of this SAI.
2 / Review the duties and responsibilities for management and other personnel who accomplish the processes associated with this element.
3 / Review the documentation of the processes associated with this element.
4 / Review documented interfaces to identify interactions between related processes, interactions within this element process, and between one person, workgroup, or organization to another that the operator uses to accomplish this process.


1.1 / For operators with flight crewmembers that comply with the provisions of 14 CFR part 117, do procedures require that:
  • Each flightcrew member must report for every flight duty period rested and prepared to perform their assigned duties,
  • No operator may assign and no flightcrew member may accept assignment to a flight duty period if the flightcrew member has reported for a flight duty period too fatigued to safely perform their assigned duties,
  • No operator may permit a flightcrew member to continue a flight duty period if the flightcrew member has reported their self too fatigued to continue the assigned flight duty period, and
  • Each flightcrew member must affirmatively state they are fit for duty prior to commencing flight as part of the dispatch or flight release, as applicable?
/ Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.5
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.2 / For operators with flight crewmembers that comply with the provisions of 14 CFR part 117 and issued OpSpec A318, Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS), do procedures require that operators follow and comply with its:
  • Fatigue risk management policy,
  • Education and awareness training program,
  • Fatigue reporting system,
  • Monitoring system for flightcrew fatigue,
  • Incident reporting process, and
  • Performance evaluation continual improvement feedback process?
/ Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
No operator may exceed any provision of 14 CFR part 117 unless approved by the FAA under a FRMS that provides at least an equivalent level of safety against fatigue-related accidents or incidents.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: A.318; 117.7
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.3 / Do procedures require the operator to refrain from scheduling and/or flightcrew member to refrain from accepting an assignment or continuing an assigned flight-duty period if the total flight time:
  • Would exceed the limits specified in Table A if the operation is conducted with the minimum required flightcrew,
  • Would exceed 13 hours if the operation is conducted with a 3-pilot flightcrew, and
  • Would exceed 17 hours if the operation is conducted with a 4-pilot flightcrew?
/ Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
If unforeseen operational circumstances occur after takeoff beyond the operator's control, a flightcrew member may exceed the maximum flight time specified in 14 CFR part 117.11(a) and the cumulative flight time limits in 14 CFR part 117.23(b) to the extent necessary to safely land the aircraft at the next destination airport or alternate, as appropriate.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.11(a); 117.11(b); 117.Table A to Part 117
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.4 / Do procedures require the operator report to the Administrator within 10 days any flight time that exceeded the maximum flight time limits permitted by 14 CFR part 117.11 or 14 CFR part 117.23(b)? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
The report must contain a description of the extended flight time limitation and the circumstances surrounding the need for the extension.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.11(c)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.5 / Do procedures require the operator, except as provided in 14 CFR part 117.15, to refrain from assigning or any flightcrew member from accepting an assignment for an unaugmented flight operation if the scheduled flight-duty period would exceed the limits in Table B? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.13(a); 117.Table B to Part 117
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.6 / For unaugmented operations, do procedures require the not acclimated flightcrew member’’s maximum flight-duty period in Table B to be:
  • Reduced by 30 minutes, and
  • Based on the local time at the theater in which the flightcrew member was last acclimated?
/ Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.13(b); 117.Table B to Part 117
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.7 / For an unaugmented operation, do procedures require that if a flightcrew member is provided with a rest opportunity in a suitable accommodation during their flight-duty period all conditions of the following note are met? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
  • The rest opportunity was provided between the hours of 22:00 and 05:00 local time,
  • The time spent in the suitable accommodation was at least 3 hours, measured from the time that the flightcrew member reached the suitable accommodation,
  • The rest opportunity was scheduled before the beginning of the flight-duty period in which that rest opportunity was taken,
  • The rest opportunity that the flightcrew member was actually provided was not less than the rest opportunity that was scheduled,
  • The rest opportunity was not provided until the first segment of the flight-duty period was completed, and
  • The combined time of the flight-duty period and the rest opportunity provided in this section did not exceed 14 hours?
If all of the conditions are met, the time that the flightcrew member spent in the suitable accommodation is not considered part of that flightcrew member's flight-duty period.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.15
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.8 / For flight operations conducted with an acclimated augmented flightcrew, do procedures require the operator to refrain from assigning and/or flightcrew member to refrain from accepting an assignment if the scheduled flight-duty period exceeds the limits specified in Table C of 14 CFR part 117? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
If the flightcrew member is not acclimated:
  • The maximum flight-duty period in Table C is reduced by 30 minutes, and
  • The applicable flight-duty period is based on the local time at the theater in which the flightcrew member was last acclimated.

Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.7(b); 117.17(a); 117.Table C to Part 117
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.9 / For flight operations conducted with an augmented flightcrew, do procedures require the operator to refrain from assigning and/or the flightcrew member to refrain from accepting an assignment, unless during the flight-duty period:
  • Two consecutive hours in the second half of the flight-duty period were available for in-flight rest for the pilot flying the aircraft during landing, and
  • Ninety consecutive minutes were available for in-flight rest for the pilot performing monitoring duties during landing?
/ Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
This question only applies to operators issued OpSpec A117.
The N/A answer is only appropriate for operators not issued OpSpec A117.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: A.117; 117.17(c)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.10 / For augmented flight crews, do procedures require the operator to refrain from assigning and/or a flightcrew member to refrain from accepting an assignment involving more than three (3) flight segments under 14 CFR part 117.17? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
At all times during flight, at least one flightcrew member qualified in accordance with 14 CFR part 121.543(b)(3)(i) must be at the flight controls.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.17(d)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.11 / If unforeseen operational circumstances arose prior to takeoff in augmented or unaugmented operations, do procedures require the operator and flight crewmember to comply with the shared responsibilities in the following note? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
  • Pilot in command (PIC) / operator extends the maximum flight-duty period using Tables B or C up to 2 hours, and the maximum combined flight-duty period and reserve availability period limits specified in 14 CFR parts 117.21(c)(3), and 117.21(c)(4) were extended up to 2 hours,
  • Extends the flight-duty period under 14 CFR part 117.19(a)(1) by more than 30 minutes only once prior to receiving a rest period described in 14 CFR part 117.25(b),
  • Reports to the Administrator within 10 days any flight-duty period that either exceeded the cumulative flight-duty periods specified in 14 CFR part 117.23(c), or exceeded the maximum flight-duty period limits permitted by Tables B or C by more than 30 minutes, and contain:
  • A description of the circumstances surrounding the affected flight-duty period;
  • The corrective action(s) that the operator took, or intends to take, minimizing the need for future extensions (if the specific circumstances were within the operator's control); and
  • Implementation of any corrective action(s) that occurred within 30 days from the date of the extended flight-duty period.
A flight-duty period cannot be extended under 14 CFR part 117.19(a)(1) if it causes a flightcrew member to exceed the cumulative flight-duty period limits specified in 14 CFR part 117.23(c).
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.19(a); 117.Table B to Part 117; 117.Table C to Part 117
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.12 / If unforeseen operational circumstances arose after takeoff in augmented or unaugmented operations, do procedures require the operator and flight crewmember to comply with the shared responsibilities in the following requirements:
  • Pilot in command (PIC) / operator extended the maximum flight-duty periods specified in Tables B or C to the extent necessary to safely land the aircraft at the next destination airport or alternate airport, as appropriate, and
  • An extension of the flight-duty period under 14 CFR part 117.19(b)(1) of more than 30 minutes occurred only once prior to receiving a rest period described in 14 CFR part 117.25(b)?
/ Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
An extension taken under paragraph 14 CFR part 117.19(b) may exceed the cumulative flight-duty period limits specified in 117.23(c).
Each Operator must report to the Administrator within 10 days any flight-duty period that arose after takeoff that either exceeded the cumulative flight-duty periods specified in 14 CFR part 117.23(c), or exceeded the maximum flight-duty period limits by more than 30 minutes as permitted in Tables B or C. The report must contain a description of the circumstances surrounding the affected flight-duty period.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.19(b); 117.Table B to Part 117; 117.Table C to Part 117
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.13 / When an operator designates a short-call reserve period, do procedures require the reserve availability period not to exceed 14 hours? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
All reserve is considered long-call reserve, unless specifically designated as airport/standby or short-call reserve by the operator.
Any reserve that meets the definition of airport/standby reserve must be designated as airport/standby reserve. For airport/standby reserve, all time spent in a reserve status is part of the flightcrew member's flight-duty period.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.21(a); 117.21(b); 117.21(c)(1)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.14 / When an operator designates a short-call reserve period, and the flightcrew member has completed a reserve availability period, do procedures require the operator to refrain from scheduling and/or flightcrew member to refrain from accepting an assignment of a reserve availability period unless the flightcrew member received the required rest in 14 CFR part 117.25(e)? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
All reserve is considered long-call reserve, unless specifically designated as airport/standby or short-call reserve by the operator.
Any reserve that meets the definition of airport/standby reserve must be designated as airport/standby reserve. For airport/standby reserve, all time spent in a reserve status is part of the flightcrew member's flight-duty period.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.21(c)(2)
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.15 / When an operator designates a short-call reserve period, for an unaugmented operation, do procedures require the total number of hours a flightcrew member spends in a flight-duty period and a reserve availability period may not exceed:
  • The lesser of the maximum applicable flight-duty period in Table B plus 4 hours, or
  • Sixteen (16) hours, as measured from the beginning of the reserve availability period?
/ Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
All reserve is considered long-call reserve, unless specifically designated as airport/standby or short-call reserve by the operator.
Any reserve that meets the definition of airport/standby reserve must be designated as airport/standby reserve. For airport/standby reserve, all time spent in a reserve status is part of the flightcrew member's flight-duty period.
Updated: Rev # 8 on 06/23/2014
SRRs: 117.21(c)(3); 117.Table B to Part 117
Kind Of Question: Flag, Supplemental, Domestic
1.16 / When an operator designates a short-call reserve period, for an augmented operation, do procedures require the total number of hours a flightcrew member spends in a flight-duty period and a reserve availability period may not exceed the flight-duty period in Table C plus four (4) hours as measured from the beginning of the reserve availability period? / Yes
No, Explain
Not Applicable
All reserve is considered long-call reserve, unless specifically designated as airport/standby or short-call reserve by the operator.