SCT Banner YES Implementation Team
Meeting Notes
Item / DescriptionDate / May 19, 2008
Time / 8:30 a.m.
/ MESHEL HALL – Computer Center Conference RoomATTENDEES
Facilitator(s) / Eileen GreafNote Taker / Cheryl Beil
Participants / Mary Lou Castner, Troy Cross, Sue Davis, Bob DeFrances (for Beth Yeatts), Brian Godsen, Becky Geltz, Jeanne Herman, Tim Kovaleski, Dona Madacsi, Cindy Miller, Elizabeth Nelson, Steve Taraszewski, Bob Tupaj and Donna Wainio.
Not Present
/ Catherine Cala, Carol Chen, Betty Jo Licata, Rick Marsico, James Stanger and Beth Yeatts.AGENDA ITEMS
CORRECTIONS / NotesImpl Mtg – 5/5/08
/ Email any corrections to Cheryl Beil.REVIEW PRIOR
ACTION ITEMS/ See updates on items #1 and #6a.
1. Studenta. Regis/Records / Donna W. reported that a message was added at the top of the Banner SS PROD login page for students who are redirected there in error when logging into the FinAid or Registration portal websites. Tim K. reported that another sizeable load of conversion data is scheduled to run 5/31 for former students from 1995-99; will likely have ~950 records to clean up after the 5/31 audit checks. Older records are generating more data cleanup than more recent records. M-204will be unavailable noon through midnight on Friday6/6 to facilitate the conversion of academic history data; BannerPROD will be unavailableall day Saturday6/7, but the portal will be accessible. Notification of downtime will be sent to all areas. Enrollment verification was sent to the federal government last week. Currently are working on the clearinghouse report; need work-around to calculate expected graduation dates for all students since Banner cannot currently do calculation. Tim is contacting Univ. of Connecticut regarding a process; Jeanne is addressing time status issues. Troy indicated that we need to schedule this report during a non-peak time, since it is a big report that runs the end of each term. Worked with consultant Rob Woodyard on enrollment info and clearinghouse info during his visit 5/13-15. Rob will do remote consulting 5/20-22 and is working on General Accounting & Records issues.
b. Admissions / Continue to see incorrect test scores coming over. Still need to have the bridge built between NEOUCOM and YSU to reduce staff workload.
c. Student Accts / Bob reported that second summer billings were sent out of Banner in mid-May. First round of ~500 refund checks were sent last week after a short delay; involved an intense manual process. Rob Woodyard was able to provide assistance during his consultation visit. Bob expressed significant concern regarding issue of emails bouncing back, as this is a key process connected to future e-Billing and to current A/R functionality – i.e., email confirmation is sent to students detailing their selected payment plans; students are emailed a recalculation of fees due to a change of classes; and confirmation of online payment is emailed to students. Bob emailed John Dalbec for a resolution; GOREMAL table needs cleaned up after some possible initial bad data loads or some bad synchs – the root name ID in GOREMAL must match the LDAP record name. Reports show a few thousand problematic email addresses. Liz N. reported that the late fees assessment hierarchy rules were set up to have oldest charges paid first before newer fees, but discovered that payment was applied to newest tuition fees instead; A/R decided not to add late fees this month and will attempt to resolve hierarchy issue before next billing cycle. A second issue involves the refund due for dropping a summer class being applied to outstanding fall fees.
2. Financial Aid
(Liz Nelson for
J. Stanger) / Liz reported that FinAid successfully processed loans last week. Continues to work on data integrity issues with transfer students; SORDGR table needs cleaned up before scholarships can be awarded. Emailed Carol to request an update on required cleanup. Marie C. will run the bridge for DARS after Sue D. processes ~60 corrections. Some records showed institutional credit without a grade; Sue consulted Marie on how to handle.
3. General Person / No report given.
4. HR/Payroll / Cindy reported on an issue with Federal Work Study student processing. Student Life was forwarding the last copy of student appointment forms with only the Director’s signature and no FWS award information. HR initially entered those students as regular appointments before the error was discovered; Cindy ran the FWS report for comparison with the appointments report. James also informed HR that the FinAid consultant indicated there must be a FWS student position designation for each department. Since HR has only 1 FWS position currently set up, situation must be corrected before entering more appointments and before WebTime Entry can be implemented. Cindy is scheduling a meeting of key areas to discuss the process before proceeding. Will contact other Banner schools for input. Received a spreadsheet from faculty negotiations with salaries but does not include employee Banner Y# or SS#; must resolve issue and upload by August. In the process of rolling Prof/Admin salary table and HRPY to provide data to Prof/Admin area for verification before loading in PROD. Unsure of need for tech support following ACE negotiations when tech staff is on vacation; Dona M. will be the contact.
5. MyYSU / Bob emailed Implem Team the decision document outlining the Portal Advisory Committee’s recommendation on campus emails/announcements and the Classified Ads policy, but has not received any feedback; Eileen will forward it to the YES Advisory Comm for review. The Website/Portal Advisory Comm will meet 5/21 to discuss: 1) communicating the Banner/IT announcements; 2) creating a new channel and swapping the location of the My Calendar channel in the portal with the Campus Announcements channel for more visibility at the top of the center column; and 3) redesign of the YSU homepage. Met with Mike Cervone at WYSU to see how they use their homepage for RSS feed channels that link to other sites/channels. Bob added a WYSU channel in the portal for the Impl Team to access.
6. Finance / Mary Lou reported that the first batch of student refund checks was successfully processed through the coordinated efforts of A/R, Computer Services and Finance and with assistance from Rob Woodyard. Continues to address procedures for handling invalid addresses. An issue with Parent Plus loans is still outstanding.
7. Advancement / No report.
8. Communication / No report.
9. ODS/EDW / Troy reported that ODS Refresh-All is still running twice daily.
10. Training / Donna presented an overview on WebFocus for FinAid staff in preparation for their ODS training with Kim Laterdresse on 5/20-22. FinAid is preparing the report they want to run. Donna will post a new training schedule after the 1st week of school.
11. Technical / Troy reported that they have been working with IBM/CDW on the compilers needed for the Oracle 10g upgrade. Jason will use a procedure to clone and upgrade the functional instances for testing this week and work with the area leads.
New Action Items / Issues /Owner
/Due Date
1. Reassess Banner & 3rd party softwareproject requests and prioritize needs /
Proj Mgt
/Assessment will need to include outstanding Banner projects as well as third party items. This assessment will involve everyone and will commence in near future.
Prior Items / Issues
/Due Date
/Current Status
1. Assess need for revising currentpolicy on registration/cancellation /
Student Team
/ ASAP /Jeanne H. provided summary of issues to Impl Team and Student Team for review; VP Gene Grilli will meet with VP Cyndy Anderson & General Counsel to discuss. OBOR referred Eileen to the HEI instructions for more info; she will email the link for specific language. The deadline to obtain a signed Promise to Pay for current fees is end of the term rather than the 14th day. Also not subsidy-eligible if current term fees are not paid by the 14th day of the following term. A/R staff does not recommend canceling registration for non-payment of fees.
2. Resolution for unfinalized Promise toPay Summer registrations /
Student Team
/ ASAP /Team will continue to work with A/R, FinAid and tech staff to identify and notify current registrations with unsigned Promise to Pays.
3. Review of portal usage policies /Bob Tupaj
/ ASAP /Website/portal committee discussed decision doc re: mass mailing vs. portal announcement; will review criteria required for mass emailing and make recommendation.
4. Rollout plan for Student system /Student, Training & Commun. Teams
/ ASAP / Communication packet will be sent out this week to all students, faculty and staff. Jeanne will contact Betty Jo for written copy of the final communications plan for Student impl and will post on YES website.5. Decision document re: MyYSU email
addresses for alumni and current
graduates /
Catherine Cala
/ ASAP / Catherine, Bob, Donna and Carol met to discuss status of SS impl for Alumni Friends plus possibility of using a permanent email addr for alumni. Will meet w/ Deans to discuss email options for grads incldg recom to award permanent emails only to Alumni Assoc members. Will draft decision doc & consider feasibility of conducting a survey of alumni/current grads to determine interest.6. Banner & Third Party software –
a. Parking fees – Bosscars
b. Classroom/Events Management
Scheduling – Ad Astra
c. Faculty Evaluation
d. XML Transcript
e. HEI Reporting
f. International Students/Employees
g. Remark software /
Carol Chen
/In process
In processIn process
In process
In process
In process
In process /
● IT continues to address several outstanding issues; Jason T. is running scripts. Bob T. is working with Dan O’Connell on a redesign and may include how-to instructions on new homepage. Expressed concern that only ~1,400 parking permits have been purchased to date, compared to ~4,000 historically.
● Jayne Caputo was maintaining all classroom assignments for Summer/Fall 08 in M-204 and Banner but will now enter only in Banner. Events Mgmt Office is only using M-204 to schedule but can use lookup form in Banner. Jeanne will contact Events Office to discuss. Target is to be ready for Spring 09 schedule.
● Dona M. and workgroup met on 3/26 with Jean Ann to document the manual process for faculty evals in M-204 for Spring 08; timeline was established and all steps of process were assigned to various staff. A new process must be developed in Banner for Fall 2008 evals.● Only YSU and 1 other school have not yet developed a project timetable for impl; Carol will follow up with Marie Cullen. Delayed due to Student system implementation.
● Carol reminded HEI Student reptg workgrp about building crosswalk table before start of Summer term 5/19 to be ready for HEI reptg after 2nd summer term; forwarded report detail to Jayne C. to verify. Ohio Transfer Module 5 report for FinAid is due 5/19.
● Will need Student and HR collaboration due to recent significant changes. Carol to follow up with Jef Davis; Rhonda and Cindy (HR) will be invited to next meeting.
● Scanning hardware received memory upgraded; Remark software was installed on Katie’s workstation – still need to setup a link between terminals to access files.
7. Evaluate if WYSU should use Banner
Advancement for pledges /
Advancement Team
/In process
/Catherine C. to meet with Kami Greene in Gen Acctg; will add finance component to decision document and resend to Impl team.
8. Requests for Labelsa. Determine policy for departmental
requests for data lists & labels for
for Alumni/YSU donors
(centralize or decentralize)
b. Create workgroup to determine
responsibility for handling other
departmental label requests /
Catherine Cala
C Cala &
Gen Person Team /In process
In process /Workgroup met to discuss policy for handling departmental requests for lists and labels of alumni and YSU donors. Troy attended; will add Cindy Miller to list. Gen Counsel Holly Jacobs stated that we must provide this data by law for all public record requests since Alumni Office is no longer a separate entity from Univ. Also discussed what constitutes Directory info. Student does not provide an electronic data file for outside requests. Workgroup will meet again 10/24.
Workgroup to determine process/procedure for handling all general label requests from depts and designate the responsible area/staff to handle requests. Mailroom has equipment that can run a report of bulk mail addresses to determine which ones do not meet new postal regs that went into effect 8/1/07. Cannot print labels, but has inkjet machine that can print addresses directly on mailing. Depts. could either print their own labels or use mailroom equipment to address bulk mail pieces; will still maintain policy of 1,000 or fewer pieces. Must also have interim procedure to update M-204 and Banner with correct addresses.9. SCT Quality Assurance Council /
Project Managers
/Recommend YSU gets involved in Council to assure issues are shared/addressed.
10. Policy/procedure to create/ mini-databases /
Project Managers
/Will determ policy for departmental databases after Banner is fully implemented.
Next Meeting – Monday, June 2, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. in Meshel Hall, 4th floor conference room.
YES Implementation Team Meeting Notes