SCT Banner YES Implementation Team

Meeting Notes


Item / Description
Date / February 19, 2007
Time / 8:30 a.m.


/ MESHEL HALL – Computer Center Conference Room


Facilitator(s) / Carol Chen and Eileen Greaf
Note Taker / Cheryl Beil
Participants / Catherine Cala, Mary Lou Castner, Bob DeFrances (for Beth Yeatts), Donna Esterly,
Jeanne Herman, Dona Madacsi, Rick Marsico, Cindy Miller, Doug Sewell (for Troy Cross),
Bob Tupaj, and Donna Wainio

Not Present

/ Troy Cross, Sue Davis, Becky Geltz, Betty Jo Licata, James Stanger





Impl Mtg – 2/5/07 / Email corrections to Cheryl Beil.


/ See updates on items #1, 5a, 5b, 6 and 13.


1.  Student / Team is working on building implementation timeline for all areas of Student to coordinate plan; also in process of writing up reporting needs. Jeanne will begin drafting a decision document on college fees and issues related to processing in Banner system based on college and rank. Jeanne will contact other Banner universities for input. We currently enter program fees manually. Adopting college fees may require programming changes in M-204. Bill Countryman will address at STEM College team meeting.
a. Regis/Record / Held conf call with Lee Cipolla re: strategy for loading academic history and general student document. Will define project specs for what data is to be loaded and how to load; must convert all current and former student records from M-204 – will come over with a converted status code. All students eligible to register for Summer 2008 will have an “active” status code with most recent program of study. Academic history will be based on levels – Undergraduate and Graduate quarters and Undergraduate and Graduate semesters. Pre-1967 semester hours will be converted to quarters by a note; quarters hours will be converted separately. Will not calculate GPA for pre-Fall 2000; system will calculate GPA from Fall 2000 and forward – Lee agrees with process, but we will need script written to compare M-204 GPA to Banner GPA for verification.
b. Admissions
(Jeanne Herman
for S. Davis) / Discovered issue with STVBGI file while processing in Banner; tech staff is investigating. Carol reported the registration count to date for Fall 2007 is 2,894 and 467 for Summer 2007 – ahead of schedule compared to last year. Sue contacted Carol regarding some PROD problems – issue with applicants who were first entered as a vendor and are now registered as a student causes a verification error in the push process. UDC suggests creating a separate duplicate general student record in addition to the non-student record. Donna W. indicated that it has been handled previously with using a DBA link rather than a duplicate PIDM record. Christian is developing a reconciliation report on the Admission Application fees via Banner SSB and TouchNet. Graduate School has begun entering new admissions again – currently have 4 records in Banner system but may have received ~ 100 applications. Donna indicated that Admissions has been trained in WebFocus environment and has created ODS reports they want others to be capable of running; need to discuss how other staff should apply for ODS access (i.e.- Housing and Admissions Coordinators). Without having a data warehouse available for reporting, these reports are placed in person’s shared folder and not put out in the standard reporting area. Doug proposed requesting an INB user ID but no account on the Banner Application for Services. Need a separate ODS access application. Donna to forward names of staff requiring access.
c. Stud Accounts
(Bob DeFrances for
B. Yeatts) / Will postpone installing 4 remaining cashiering workstations; Carol will call Chris Howard at TouchNet. Rick indicated there will be no additional cost for maintenance and TN should upgrade as needed until Stud system is ready for implementation. TN access setup is complete. More testing can be done for on-line giving in Advancement system; will work on detail code(s).
2.  Financial Aid
(Carol Chen for
J. Stanger) / Carol reported on a Bookstore meeting with Beth/Elaine R/James/John Krnjeu/Tom Masters/ Dona/Carol to review current M-204 process and compare with Banner process. We will need to write an interface to identify student records to extract from Banner & send to bookstore system. Also need to pull the financial award data from Banner to bookstore system and back to Banner; Beth/Elaine must define detail code setup before John can define rule & write interface. James requested tech support; Rick, Carol and Dona will meet with James and Elaine to identify priorities and will allocate resources. Propose to begin various testing on tech tasks in July.
3.  General Person / GP Team met 2/7; meeting notes are posted on YES website. Decision was documented to refer to any university email account as campus email. Donna W. reported that Troy supplied a list of staff with update capability; names were added to PIDM patrol to receive twice daily reports.
4.  HR/Payroll / Finished ODS WebFocus training with Joanne Keys; worked on various reports – some complex reports required her to update coding. Cindy is finalizing article for next YES newsletter and will forward to Ron Cole. Began planning for GoLive celebration luncheon with Betty Jo. Met with Eileen/Ron Granger/Labor Mgmt panel to discuss Union concerns re: payroll and new system, including taxation issues, impact on summer semester, and imputed income. Discovered overtaxing of Medicare in legacy system and are researching issue. Also resolving police pay issues and discussed viewing payroll info in Banner on 4 tabs as compared to a consolidated pay stub. Core team met on 2/9 to firm up policies/procedures and begin documenting. Will finalize miscellaneous deduction policy and forward to committee for review. Experienced a problem with last bi-weekly finance feed – some transactions are stuck which appear to involve comp time payout for Classified employees; working to resolve. Created a new code for life insurance for a few employees who want to cap their life insurance coverage at $50,000 (since value of the premium on additional amount is taxable income for employee). Will require a signed statement from employee waiving additional coverage. A template is under development for employees to assess if they should alter their W4s; will post on website when finalized. Still fielding questions on pay stubs and leave balances. Most leave balances have been corrected, but still have an issue with not accruing leave when leave balance reaches maximum. Donna clarified that when employees click on the self-service link, the first screen of leave balances for ALL employees is cumulative as of January 2007 for accruals and leaves. A second link for hourly employees provides detail of leave time, but Prof/Admin staff will not see the detail until we go live with WebTime Entry. Team will review issue of inconsistency of some Prof/Admin staff claiming leave time in hours versus whole or half days; may impact overtime calculation (see FLSA website). Will review union contracts and draft a memo to inform staff. Carol received training agenda for HR/Finance consulting scheduled for the week of March 6th; Cindy forwarded to team. The change to semi-monthly pay cycle has negatively impacted processing flexibility for Payroll staff.
5.  MyYSU / Bob met with John Dalbec/Carol to discuss coordinating INB with portal login. Recommend end users change their portal login password to their INB login password. Targeted Announcements group is reviewing the flowchart webpage for authorized contacts to post announcements and targeted emails; will discuss how to make it available to the campus (i.e.- create a link on portal entry page under Announcements section or have Tech Desk post a link on their website.) Will work with Ron Cole on article to publicize availability of flowchart. Currently discussing the feasibility of bringing MAAG Library system and WebCT into the single sign-on. Carol reported that Mike Hrishenko will organize group (including faculty & Bob T.) to evaluate WebCT and alternatives.
6.  Finance / Awaiting feedback on revisions to page 2 of Banner Application for Services to incorporate the existing Authorization for Signature Authority Changes/New Account form; will try to finalize draft quickly. Finance area does not have any data to be saved in TEST; okay to clone.
7.  Advancement / Working on process for decision re: WYSU using Banner system; workgroup compiled list of questions for the 5 stations that responded. Catherine questioned whether stations use Alumni Memberships or the Development gift side of Banner. WYSU currently uses MEMSYS which can inventory premiums for donations & calculate tax deductibility for donor. May need to purchase additional software. Catherine will check to see if WYSU can use the Banner finance inventory control feature to monitor premiums inventory. Andy Carney clarified payroll deduction process for gifts to Annual Fund – we can use 1 code on payroll side compared to having HR set up all the different designations possible for a donation. Will meet with Payroll to discuss. May still want detail for all codes listed on pay stubs for employees’ info. Letters to donors do show a breakdown. Catherine will check to see if renewal letters were sent to current donors of record at year end. Annual Fund is on calendar year but gifting process is on a fiscal year. Eileen proposed a second mailing to donors to other causes, also soliciting a gift to the Annual Fund. Continue to test TouchNet; want to change verbiage on some screens (i.e. – Alumni & Friends is not available–prefer to disable until site is up). Sue Davis emailed question re: system using FICE codes as opposed to IPED codes; must decide where to load IPED codes into table since critical to HEI reporting.
8.  Communication / Work is progressing on the YES newsletter and the GoLive celebration for HR/Payroll.
9.  ODS/EDW / HR/Payroll ODS functional training held; Donna reported that dates required for HR reporting are critical and very complicated within system. Suggested that templates be designed in lieu of individual reports involving complicated joins to assure correctness of data. Discovered that 2 important dates from PEAEMPL screen (last date worked and first date worked) are not part of ODS environment and would require modification to Banner. Doug/Jason are working on 5 requests from Mary Noble to pull 4 finance tables and the SPRIDEN table into ODS. Proposed setting up a separate table and building own views and incorporating other view. Can then set up a database link into the reporting database. Not scheduled as part of next ODS upgrade. It is sometimes easier or more accurate to write against direct Banner table (which requires a GMR) as opposed to ODS environment.
10.  Training / Donna attended ODS training and then worked with HR/Payroll staff to reinforce training and run practice reports. Postponed Finance SSB training due to weather; will reschedule. Training this week for MyYSU 101, 102 & 103. Had open Payroll SSB sessions to assist employees in viewing personal pay info plus held INB training for new staff.
11.  Technical
(Doug Sewell for
T. Cross) / Government changes to Daylight Savings Time will impact Oracle. Will send new version of J-initiator through Zenworks desktop which will execute without prompting. Have scheduled downtime for Banner for operating system updates plus INB updates and WebUtil install. John Dalbec will post targeted announcement covering all downtime.


1. Sci-Quest demo / Demo for users scheduled 2/23 from 10-noon in KILC room 2068. Sci-Quest would replace Banner requisition SSB process. Call Cheryl at 2364 with names of additional attendees.
2. YES AdvisoryCom / Notify Eileen of any agenda items for upcoming YES Advisory Committee meeting.


New Action Items / Issues /



Due Date



1.  SCT Summit /

Dona Madacsi

/ ASAP / Email Summit schedules to Dona to share with other travelers to avoid duplication of sessions.

Prior Items / Issues




Due Date


Current Status

1.  Designate space for Student Team
impl planning & timeline charts /

Project Managers

/ In progress /

Considering networking conf room as space for planning meetings & display of impl timeline charts for Student. Jeanne requests PC and projector also. Donna E. will discuss w/Rick further.

2.  Decision document re: MyYSU email
addresses for alumni and current
graduates /

Catherine Cala

/ ASAP / Will draft a decision document and consider feasibility of conducting a survey of alumni/current grads to determine interest; discuss w/Alumni.
3.  Articles for February newsletter /

Team Leaders

/ ASAP /

Forward articles to Ron Cole. Focus will be on HR/Payroll GoLive.

4.  Review Banner services application /

Team Leaders

/ ASAP /

Jason Thomas/Mike Roberts/Troy will create a workgroup (including Impl Team leaders) to review current Banner application form including feasibility of separate applications for each system. Need database guardian for HR/Payroll; authorization is now

split between HR office and Eileen for Payroll. Mike is developing an audit form for use by database guardians that will list a person’s assigned classes/forms. A combined appl will not include MyYSU admin access. Group will assume task of reviewing General Person security matrix.