Yolo County Resource Conservation District

221 West Court Street, Suite 1 phone: (530-662-2037

Woodland, CA 95695 fax: (530) 662-4876




May 14, 2014

Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Time: 5:05 pm - 7:00 pm

Location: Yolo County RCD Office, 221 W. Court St. Ste. 1, Woodland, CA

Directors Present: Giovanni Ferrendelli (Chair), Rachael Long (Vice Chair), Suellen Witham, Garth Williams, Michael Leacox

Associate Directors Present: Trent Stanger, Benjamin Leacox

Associate Directors Absent: Blair Voelz, Dave Gilmer, Jim Mayer, Ali Pahlavanian

Others Present: Mark Linder and Tawny Snyder (AGRALogics), Jeanette Wrysinski (Executive Director), Heather Nichols (Project Manager)


1.  Call Meeting to Order and Introductions-Giovanni Ferrendelli, Chair: The meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm by Chair Ferrendelli.

2.  Approval of Agenda and Minutes: (Gov. Code 54954.2(B)) ACTION: Approve the agenda as presented. MOTION: Leacox, SECOND: Williams, AYES: Unanimous (Ferrendelli, Long, Witham, Williams, Leacox). ACTION: Approve the minutes for the April 9th Regular meeting as presented; MOTION: Williams, SECOND: Witham. DISCUSSION: Director Witham amended the motion: edit the minutes to include the entire list of Associate Directors. AYES: Unanimous (Ferrendelli, Long, Witham, Williams, Leacox). ACTION: Approve the minutes for the Special Meeting; MOTION Leacox, SECOND Williams, AYES: Unanimous (Ferrendelli, Long, Witham, Williams, Leacox).

3.  Public Comment: There were no comments from the public.

4.  Special Reports and Presentations:

a.  Mark Linder provided an introduction to their Big Data project and their work with CARCD for “Quantified Sustainability.” Tawny gave a presentation on their platform for collaboration and data storage which can take public and private data and compare them. They are looking to interface research, data, science and management practices. They are already looking at developing a funding finder function. The platform will provide the ability to quantify data and have access to accomplishments on a statewide basis. A funding webpage will be available soon. They are looking for 10 RCDs to be beta testers and help develop the application. Those RCDs will get a free 60-day trial period then a $1,000 annual subscription will be due. The board asked questions then discussed the pros and cons and potential value to this RCD. The Board expressed interest in the grant funding finder module. Add a standing agenda item to report on progress.

5.  Approval and Payment of Claims: ACTION: Approve the claims. MOTION: Williams, SECOND: Leacox, AYES: Unanimous (Ferrendelli, Long, Witham, Williams, Leacox).

6.  Regular Reports:

a.  NRCS Update-Phil Hogan, NRCS District Conservationist: Phil is away in Tucson for training; no report was provided.

b.  Executive Director’s Report and Upcoming Events-Jeanette Wrysinski: Ms. Wrysinski reported on today’s tour of Working Waterway projects for 22 CDFW staff; income from County management of our funds invested was $3.00 for the past quarter after their expenses were deducted; the Spring CARCD Area meeting will be in Lake County May 22nd - would like a board member to attend. Director Leacox said he might be able to attend. We will likely be invited to host the fall meeting. We conducted a riparian restoration workshop in partnership with the Cache

Creek Conservancy on April 23rd. The Sac River Conservation Area Forum would like to present to the Board on a possible joint project.

c.  Board Member Reports and Comments: Director Leacox will review the Caltrans contract. He provided an RFP related to Knoxville wildlife area. This is actually an RFQ (Qualifications) to develop a grazing plan. The WHA monthly health insurance premium has gone up due to Nichols coming back on board full time. There was additional IT time spent due to Sue’s new computer getting purchased and installed, and software placed.

d.  Business acquisition-Jeanette Wrysinski: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has advertised another call for proposals; plan to re-submit the prior proposal; Western SARE (Sustainable Ag Research & Education) pre-proposals for research and education are due June 4th; conversing with Jeff Mitchell, UC Davis, on a conservation tillage project possibility.

7.  Continuing Topics:

a.  Review of Strategic Plan: Approval will be postponed. There was discussion about putting off development of the annual plan until a new ED is placed, but candidates will want to see a Strategic Plan. Board members need to review and refresh their comments on the Strategic Plan. Director Witham will pull a final version together. A Special meeting for adoption is scheduled for May 27th.

b.  Follow-up report on Evening with the Yolo RCD event: Feedback on the event was very positive, though the heavy rain was unfortunate and reduced attendance. Personnel time put the event over budget; however Ms. Wrysinski explained that special events are typically considered most valuable for outreach and other purposes besides fundraising.

c.  Recruitment of new Directors and Associate Directors: There are 3 individuals potentially interested in positions as Directors or Associate Directors.

8.  New Business:

a.  Discussion of quality assurance and quality control of RCD products: Chair Ferrendelli stated that errors on printed materials happen regularly and this needs to change. Ms. Wrysinski explained this as a symptom of staff being overtaxed. Director Leacox disagreed, stating that a “culture of quality” needs to be in place. Board members directed all staff to get a second review on all materials that leave the office.

b.  Recruitment of new Executive Director: Ms. Wrysinski will be stepping down from the ED position, per the Special meeting on April 25, 2014. She requested and was approved to be reinstated in the Sr. Program Manager position she held prior to stepping in as ED. She would like to set a goal of four months to have a new ED in place. The job description needs to be rewritten and decisions made as to where we want to advertise the position. Director Long will get some position descriptions from other RCDs and re-write the position description. A Special meeting on May 27th 5:00 pm will be held for approval of a Position Vacancy Announcement. The Board discussed day-to-day district management in the interim, prioritizing administration and funding development, minimizing meetings, prioritizing Board activities, processing claims, coordinating with project managers, funding-essentially maintaining.

c.  Board Input for Upcoming Topics: Schedule review follow-up for Jeanette.

9.  Confirm Next Regular Meeting Date and Location: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 5:05 pm at the Yolo County RCD Office.

10.  Next Agenda Items and Adjourn: 7:06 pm.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by: Heather Nichols, RCD Staff, and Jeanette Wrysinski, Executive Director. Approved on ______, 2014 by the Yolo County Resource Conservation District Board.

By: ______

Jeanette Wrysinski, Executive Director

The Mission of the Yolo County Resource Conservation District is to Protect, Improve, and Sustain the Natural Resources of Yolo County.