This week we contemplate the glorious mystery of Christ’s ascension into heaven. Let us listen with our hearts as the word of God is proclaimed.
In the first reading from the book of Acts, Jesus tells the apostles that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them and that they would be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. After saying this He was lifted up and a cloud took Him from their sight. Two angels suddenly stood beside them telling them that Jesus had been taken up to heaven and that He would return in the same way. Scripture also tells us that no one knows when that time will be, yet there have always been ‘self proclaimed prophets’ who predict the date.
Today’s gospel recalls what Jesus said to the eleven. (Note: a replacement for Judas the betrayer had not yet been selected.) Our Lord approached them and told them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them all that He had commanded. He then proclaimed, “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
Today’s Scriptures: Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 47; Ephesians 1:17-23; Matthew 28:16-20
BLESSED MOTHER’S LAMP will burn in memory of Falgout & LeBlanc families deceased.
SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of Walter Treadaway.
SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Jackie Comeaux, Pat Fernandez, Mary Hinojosa.
Single Catholics
4:00p.m. Lloyd Leaber
6:00p.m. Carmen Austin, H.D. Robert, Gloria & Nolan Boudreaux, Pete
Ditta, Mary Lynn Sannasardo, Hilton Lirette, Leland
Melancon, Sr., Johnny Smith, Katherine Rodriguez, Timmy &
Madonna Gautreau, David Roth
8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners
11:00a.m. Walter Treadaway, David & Baby Bruce, Falgout & LeBlanc
Families Deceased, Cecile Lafont, Melvin Richoux, Howard
Boudreaux, Ray Comeaux Anniversary of Death, Sr. Gerard
Leahy, O.P., Elise Schouest, Rose Gisclair, Floyd “Doc”
Belsome, Audrey Soileau
7:00a.m. Saladino & LeBlanc Families Deceased
7:00a.m. Edward Melancon, Sr., Carlos Savona
7:00a.m. Eddie Dori, Sr.
7:00a.m. Charles “Tee”, Steve & Tommy Blanchard
7:00a.m. Wayne LeBlanc
7:00a.m. Tim & Madonna Gautreau
4:00p.m. Floyd “Doc” Belsome
6:00p.m. Troy Dean Williams, Carmen Austin, Paul & Betty Territo,
Joan Martin, Linda Ditta(living), Mary Lynn Sannasardo,
Hilton Lirette, Janet Farizo, Abel J. Hunter, Spera & Fazende
Familes Deceased, Angela Pelzer, Tim & Madonna Gautreau
8:00a.m. For our living and parishioners
11:00a.m. Robert Tochtrop, Bertucci Family Deceased, Deceased
Members of the Marmillion & Scioneaux, John Bourg, Patty
Robicheaux Hermann, Josie Palermo, Floyd “Doc” Belsome,
Edward & Kevin Barrilleaux, Irwin J. Richoux
4:00p.m. Jacob V., Collin T.
6:00p.m. Darren J., Austin C.
8:00a.m. Logan B., Lauren N., Ann Marie M.
11:00a.m. Christina N., Savanna O., Eric E.
4:00p.m. Ginger G. Desiree C. Carol T., Rosalie O.
6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Linda L., Gerald L.
8:00a.m. Murphy B. Mary L. Janys C., Cindy R.
11:00a.m. Raylyn S. Ann W. Patti M., Diane H.,
Kathleen L., Elaine L.
1. Food for the Poor: We are happy to welcome Rev. Thomas R.
Bouterie to St. Rosalie this weekend. Fr. will be present at every Mass
and will speak to us on behalf of Food for the Poor.
2. Pastoral Council Election: This September 10th and 11th, 2011, we
will hold our election to select two (2) members to the St. Rosalie
Parish Pastoral Council. The two-year term of Susan Hymel and
Jeanine Theriot will end in September. They may choose to run for re-
election. If you wish to run for membership on the Parish Council,
please submit your name to Kathy Savona (340-7800) or to the Parish
Center (340-1962). Nominees must be a registered parishioner, over
the age of 18, and approved by the pastor. Nominations will close on
Monday, August 15, 2011, at 4P.M. The Parish Council meets once a
month in the Gathering Room. Meetings begin at 7:00P.M. and
usually last one to two hours. Please consider offering up your time
and talent to serve our Parish community and our Lord.
3. Second Collection next Weekend: Next Sunday is Pentecost Sunday.
On this day the annual Peter’s Pence Collection for the works of the
Holy Father will be taken. This collection enables our Holy Father to
respond to emergency requests for the most needy throughout the
world. With all the world-wide disasters taking place, we ask that you
be as generous as possible.
4. Meetings: Altar Society/Women’s Club: Monday, June 6th
Men’s Club: Tuesday, June 7th. Both meetings begin at 7:00p.m.
5. Annual Retreat: Fr. John will be away on retreat in New York. He
leaves on Sunday, June 5th and will return late Sunday night, June 11th.
We wish Fr. a restful and renewed spiritual growth during this time.
Please keep him in your prayers.
6. Golden Wedding Anniversary: St. Rosalie congratulates Edwin and
Joan Gomez and Anthony and Kathleen Vergona, who will celebrate
fifty years of marriage in 2011. They will be honored at an
Archdiocesan celebration on Sunday, June 5, 2011 at 3:00p.m. at St.
Philip Neri Church in Metairie.
7. S.Y.C.: Summer Schedule June Calendar:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday and Wednesday: 12:00-3:00p.m. and 6:00-8:00p.m.
Thursday: 12:00-3:00p.m. and 6:00-8:30p.m. (Movie night) SYC
CLOSED on Thursday, June 16th
Friday 12:00-3:00p.m. and 7:00-9:00p.m. SYC CLOSED on Friday,
June 17th
8. St. Rosalie Fair Weekly Donation: June 4-5: Large garbage bags,
aluminum foil, saran wrap; June 11-12: Poly-fil, gifts appropriate for
Novelty Booth.
9. Married Couples Retreat at St. Joseph Abbey, June 25-26, 2011:
Would you like to break away with your spouse and spend quality
time enriching your marriage? Then join us on our upcoming Married
Couples Retreat at St. Joseph Abbey Christian Life Center. The
theme: “Nourished & Cherished."To register or for more information,
call Jason at 504-830-3716 or visit at
There are no fees but a suggested donation is $220.Catholic
Charismatic Renewal Westbank: Prayer Meeting, Mass and Healing
Prayer: Wed., June 8th; 7:30p.m. Prayer Meeting; 8:00p.m. Mass at
Infant Jesus of Prague Mission Church; Fr. Michael Kettenring, Mass
celebrant. For information call 723-7129 or 452-9748.
Have you volunteered for working at the Fair?
Call 340-1962
Dear Friends,
June is rapidly approaching and the hot weather and humidity are upon us. This month, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, brings some different happenings to St. Rosalie.
First, this weekend we welcome Father Thomas Bouterie, representing the organization known as Food For The Poor. Fr. Tom will be at all the Masses speaking on behalf of the poor. There will be envelopes in the pews, and if you so desire, you may contribute to the needy and poor. Fr. Tom will explain the procedures during the Masses.
Also, this Sunday night, I will be leaving for Florida for my Annual Summer Retreat. It is a time for prayer, rest and relaxation, to come back to our assignments spiritually refreshed. Time will tell! I will see you all on Sunday the 12th of June.
On June 12th, Pentecost Sunday, we rejoice here at St. Rosalie as Sean Early will be confirmed at St. Louis Cathedral. Sean completed our RCIA program this year under the direction of Diane Haydel and the RCIA team. Congratulations Sean and team for a job well done!
This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven. The Gospel we listen to this weekend is from Matthew. We hear the last few verses of this Gospel, just before Jesus ascends to heaven. Jesus tells his followers to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Spreading the message of Jesus will be placed in their capable, if not comfortable, hands. I am sure they had mixed emotions of the job given them by the Master. Thank God they had the courage to fulfill that mission!
Finally, as you may have heard last week at Mass, I announced that we would be getting a Parochial Vicar! Father Ken Rodes, sdb will be joining us here at St. Rosalie. Fr. Ken has just retired this past year as a Navy Chaplain, where he served our country proudly for 24 years. Fr. Ken will be arriving sometime at the end of September. But he will be around as he finishes his civilian contract with the Navy at the Belle Chasse Naval Air Station. Welcome aboard!!! Father Ken.
Blessings upon all of you,
Fr. John