Chapter 3


Screen for those companies that are part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average but are not listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE):

  1. Open the Screen Editor by selecting the Tools menu from the toolbar and clicking on Screen Editor (Tools – Screen Editor) or by clicking on the Screen Editor icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click New on the Screen Editor window (Note: Be sure that no portfolios are loaded. You can tell this by looking at the top right of the Screen Editor Window, where is should say “Portfolio none”. If a portfolio is loaded, click on the Down Arrow to the right of Portfolio on the toolbar and select None from the top of the list.)
  3. Click in the first cell of Field column, which will be highlighted in blue
  4. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company Information
  5. Click on the “+” sign next to the left of Company Information
  6. Scroll down the list of data fields to Dow stock
  7. Double-click on Dow stock so that it appears in the cell
  8. Click in the first cell of the Operator column
  9. Double-click on Equals so that appears in the cell
  10. Click in the first cell of the Compare To column
  11. Double-click on Industrial so that it appears in the column
  12. Click in the second cell of the Field column
  13. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company information
  14. Click on the “+” sign to the left of Company Information
  15. Scroll down the list of data fields to Exchange
  16. Double-click on Exchange so that it appears in the cell
  17. Click in the second cell of the Operator column
  18. Double-click on Not Equal so that it appears in the cell
  19. Click in the second cell of the Compare To column
  20. Double-click on New York so that it appears in the cell
  21. Click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the Screen Editor window
  22. Once the screen has run, the Stock Notebook will contain those companies that passed the screen

Screen for those companies that are part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and that are listed on the Amex:

  1. Open the Screen Editor by selecting the Tools menu from the toolbar and clicking on Screen Editor (Tools – Screen Editor) or by clicking on the Screen Editor icon on the toolbar
  2. Click New on the Screen Editor window (Note: Be sure that no portfolios are loaded. You can tell this by looking at the top right of the Screen Editor Window, where is should say “Portfolio none”. If a portfolio is loaded, click on the Down Arrow to the right of Portfolio on the toolbar and select None from the top of the list.)
  3. Click in the first cell of Field column, which will be highlighted in blue
  4. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company Information
  5. Click on the “+” sign next to the left of Company Information
  6. Scroll down the list of data fields to Dow stock
  7. Double-click on Dow stock so that it appears in the cell
  8. Click in the first cell of the Operator column
  9. Double-click on Equals so that appears in the cell
  10. Click in the first cell of the Compare To column
  11. Double-click on Industrial so that it appears in the column
  12. Click in the second cell of the Field column
  13. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company information
  14. Click on the “+” sign to the left of Company Information
  15. Scroll down the list of data fields to Exchange
  16. Double-click on Exchange so that it appears in the cell
  17. Click in the second cell of the Operator column
  18. Double-click on Equals so that it appears in the cell
  19. Click in the second cell of the Compare To column
  20. Double-click on American so that it appears in the cell
  21. Click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the Screen Editor window
  22. Once the screen has run, the Stock Notebook will contain those companies that passed the screen


Screen for those companies that are part of the S&P 500 and are listed on the NYSE:

  1. Open the Screen Editor by selecting the Tools menu from the toolbar and clicking on Screen Editor (Tools – Screen Editor) or by clicking on the Screen Editor icon on the toolbar
  2. Click New on the Screen Editor window (Note: Be sure that no portfolios are loaded. You can tell this by looking at the top right of the Screen Editor Window, where is should say “Portfolio none”. If a portfolio is loaded, click on the Down Arrow to the right of Portfolio on the toolbar and select None from the top of the list.)
  3. Click in the first cell of Field column, which will be highlighted in blue
  4. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company Information
  5. Click on the “+” sign next to the left of Company Information
  6. Scroll down the list of data fields to Standard and Poor stock
  7. Double-click on Standard and Poor stock so that it appears in the cell
  8. Click in the first cell of the Operator column
  1. Double-click on Equals so that appears in the cell
  2. Click in the first cell of the Compare To column
  3. Double-click on 500 so that it appears in the column
  4. Click in the second cell of the Field column
  5. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company information
  6. Click on the “+” sign to the left of Company Information
  7. Scroll down the list of data fields to Exchange
  8. Double-click on Exchange so that it appears in the cell
  9. Click in the second cell of the Operator column
  10. Double-click on Equals so that it appears in the cell
  11. Click in the second cell of the Compare To column
  12. Double-click on New York so that it appears in the cell
  13. Click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the Screen Editor window
  14. Once the screen has run, the Stock Notebook will contain those companies that passed the screen

Screen for those companies that are part of the S&P 500 and are listed on the Amex:

  1. Open the Screen Editor by selecting the Tools menu from the toolbar and clicking on Screen Editor (Tools – Screen Editor) or by clicking on the Screen Editor icon on the toolbar
  2. Click New on the Screen Editor window (Note: Be sure that no portfolios are loaded. You can tell this by looking at the top right of the Screen Editor Window, where is should say “Portfolio none”. If a portfolio is loaded, click on the Down Arrow to the right of Portfolio on the toolbar and select None from the top of the list.)
  3. Click in the first cell of Field column, which will be highlighted in blue
  4. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company Information
  5. Click on the “+” sign next to the left of Company Information
  6. Scroll down the list of data fields to Standard and Poor stock
  7. Double-click on Standard and Poor stock so that it appears in the cell
  8. Click in the first cell of the Operator column
  9. Double-click on Equals so that appears in the cell
  10. Click in the first cell of the Compare To column
  11. Double-click on 500 so that it appears in the column
  12. Click in the second cell of the Field column
  13. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company information
  14. Click on the “+” sign to the left of Company Information
  15. Scroll down the list of data fields to Exchange
  16. Double-click on Exchange so that it appears in the cell
  17. Click in the second cell of the Operator column
  18. Double-click on Equals so that it appears in the cell
  19. Click in the second cell of the Compare To column
  20. Double-click on American so that it appears in the cell
  21. Click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the Screen Editor window
  22. Once the screen has run, the Stock Notebook will contain those companies that passed the screen


Identify the five firms that would have the biggest impact on the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average by creating a screen that isolates those companies that are part of the DJIA and then ranking them in descending order by current market price:

Screen for those companies that are part of the DJIA:

  1. Open the Screen Editor by selecting the Tools menu from the toolbar and clicking on Screen Editor (Tools – Screen Editor) or by clicking on the Screen Editor icon on the toolbar
  2. Click New on the Screen Editor window (Note: Be sure that no portfolios are loaded. You can tell this by looking at the top right of the Screen Editor Window, where is should say “Portfolio none”. If a portfolio is loaded, click on the Down Arrow to the right of Portfolio on the toolbar and select None from the top of the list.)
  3. Click in the first cell of Field column, which will be highlighted in blue
  4. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company Information
  5. Click on the “+” sign next to the left of Company Information
  6. Scroll down the list of data fields to Dow stock
  7. Double-click on Dow stock so that it appears in the cell
  8. Click in the first cell of the Operator column
  9. Double-click on Equals so that appears in the cell
  10. Click in the first cell of the Compare To column
  11. Double-click on Industrial so that it appears in the column
  12. Click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the Screen Editor window
  13. Once the screen has run, the Stock Notebook will contain those companies that passed the screen

Rank these companies in descending order by price:

  1. Select the Tools menu from the toolbar and click on Rank (Tools – Rank)
  2. At the “Select a field to rank” window, scroll down the list of data categories to Price & Share Statistics
  3. Click on the “+” to the left of Price & Share Statistics
  4. Scroll down the list of data fields to Price
  5. Single-click on it so that it is highlighted in blue
  6. Click in the radio button next to Descending at the bottom of the window
  7. Click Ok
  8. At the Stock Notebook, click on the Overview tab. At the top of this tab is a Price box and the first price within this box is the most recent price for this data set


Identify the five firms that would have the biggest impact on the value of the S&P 500 Index by creating a screen that isolates those companies that are part of the S&P 500 and then rank them in descending order by market capitalization:

  1. Open the Screen Editor by selecting the Tools menu from the toolbar and clicking on Screen Editor (Tools – Screen Editor) or by clicking on the Screen Editor icon on the toolbar
  2. Click New on the Screen Editor window (Note: Be sure that no portfolios are loaded. You can tell this by looking at the top right of the Screen Editor Window, where is should say “Portfolio none”. If a portfolio is loaded, click on the Down Arrow to the right of Portfolio on the toolbar and select None from the top of the list.)
  3. Click in the first cell of Field column, which will be highlighted in blue
  4. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company Information
  5. Click on the “+” sign next to the left of Company Information
  6. Scroll down the list of data fields to Standard and Poor stock
  7. Double-click on Standard and Poor stock so that it appears in the cell
  8. Click in the first cell of the Operator column
  9. Double-click on Equals so that appears in the cell
  10. Click in the first cell of the Compare To column
  11. Double-click on 500 so that it appears in the column
  12. Click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the Screen Editor window
  13. Once the screen has run, the Stock Notebook will contain those companies that passed the screen

Rank these companies in descending order by market capitalization:

  1. Select the Tools menu from the toolbar and click on Rank (Tools – Rank)
  2. At the “Select a field to rank” window, scroll down the list of data categories to Price & Share Statistics
  3. Click on the “+” to the left of Price & Share Statistics
  4. Scroll down the list of data fields to Market Cap Q1
  5. Single-click on it so that it is highlighted in blue
  6. Click in the radio button next to Descending at the bottom of the window
  7. Click Ok
  8. At the Stock Notebook, click on the Overview tab and then the Share Statistics sub-tab. At the top left of this tab, under Share Info, is Market Cap ($M)


Using the sector classifications from Stock Investor, identify the breakdown among these sectors for the Dow Jones Industrial companies by creating screens for each of the sector classifications:

  1. Open the Screen Editor by selecting the Tools menu from the toolbar and clicking on Screen Editor (Tools – Screen Editor) or by clicking on the Screen Editor icon on the toolbar
  2. Click New on the Screen Editor window (Note: Be sure that no portfolios are loaded. You can tell this by looking at the top right of the Screen Editor Window, where is should say “Portfolio none”. If a portfolio is loaded, click on the Down Arrow to the right of Portfolio on the toolbar and select None from the top of the list.)
  3. Click in the first cell of Field column, which will be highlighted in blue
  4. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company Information
  5. Click on the “+” sign next to the left of Company Information
  6. Scroll down the list of data fields to Dow stock
  7. Double-click on Dow stock so that it appears in the cell
  8. Click in the first cell of the Operator column
  9. Double-click on Equals so that appears in the cell
  10. Click in the first cell of the Compare To column
  11. Double-click on Industrial so that it appears in the column
  12. Click in the second cell of the Field column
  13. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company information
  14. Click on the “+” sign to the left of Company Information
  15. Scroll down the list of data fields to Sector
  16. Double-click on Sector so that it appears in the cell
  17. Click in the second cell of the Operator column
  18. Double-click on Equals so that it appears in the cell
  19. Click in the second cell of the Compare To column
  20. From the list of twelve sectors that appears after clicking in this cell, double-click on Basic Materials
  21. Click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the Screen Editor window
  22. Once the screen has run, the Stock Notebook will contain those companies that passed the screen

Repeat this process eleven more times for the other sectors.


Using the sector classifications from Stock Investor, identify the breakdown among these sectors for the S&P 500 companies by creating screens for each of the sector classifications:

  1. Open the Screen Editor by selecting the Tools menu from the toolbar and clicking on Screen Editor (Tools – Screen Editor) or by clicking on the Screen Editor icon on the toolbar
  2. Click New on the Screen Editor window (Note: Be sure that no portfolios are loaded. You can tell this by looking at the top right of the Screen Editor Window, where is should say “Portfolio none”)
  3. Click in the first cell of Field column, which will be highlighted in blue
  4. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company Information
  5. Click on the “+” sign next to the left of Company Information
  6. Scroll down the list of data fields to Standard and Poor stock
  7. Double-click on Standard and Poor stock so that it appears in the cell
  8. Click in the first cell of the Operator column
  9. Double-click on Equals so that appears in the cell
  10. Click in the first cell of the Compare To column
  11. Double-click on 500 so that it appears in the column
  12. Click in the second cell of the Field column
  13. Scroll down the list of data categories that will appear when you click in the cell to Company information
  14. Click on the “+” sign to the left of Company Information
  15. Scroll down the list of data fields to Sector
  16. Double-click on Sector so that it appears in the cell
  17. Click in the second cell of the Operator column
  18. Double-click on Equals so that it appears in the cell
  19. Click in the second cell of the Compare To column
  20. From the list of twelve sectors that appears after clicking in this cell, double-click on Basic Materials
  21. Click on the Apply button at the bottom right of the Screen Editor window
  22. Once the screen has run, the Stock Notebook will contain those companies that passed the screen

Repeat this process eleven more times for the other sectors.