Select Scottish Words 1

a,ah- I

amur- I am

am no- I am not

am-ur-nay- I am not

a-wiz-nae- I was not

aye- Yes

auld- old ( as in auld codyir)

aw- all

awfy- awfully

bairn- baby(jist a wee bairn!)or small child.

baltic- really cold(It's baltic!)

bawbag- scrotum, pejorative(That guy's a bawbag)

burd- Girlfriend

bevvy- drink ("Ye havin a bevvy the nite?")

blootered- very drunk

boggin- smelly, dirty(That's boggin'!)

boot- slatternly or ugly woman

burn- small river(Let's awa' up that burn) not actually slang as it's the correct term and used elsewhere in the world

braw- beautiful, as in('S'a braw brichtmoonlichtnicht the nicht.')

belter- to be excellent, great, fucking fantastic.

Bonny- pretty, beautiful

cannae- can not

claes- clothes

cummoan- lets go,~~ please talk sense ~~ (vamos,. sp)

cannie- Smart - "He's a cannie lad"



dead- very; usually used with "pure" in front to describe something (That's pure dead brilliant!!!)

dinnae/ dunno- Don't ("Dinnaedae that!") Dunno( "Dunno" ) I Don't Know

doon- Down. ("Turn that doon! We got a fuckin can theif! TURN THAT DOON!")

dug- a dog

Select Scottish Words 2

Embra- Edinburgh

fae- from (a ken where yurfae)

feert- to be scared,afeared(I'm feert of the dark)

fitbaw- football

fit- what - Mainly used in the Aberdeen area

geez- give - (Don't geez it)

glaikit- tired and/or depressed ("You look fair glaikit pal").

gonnae no dae that- please do not do that

gran- Grandmother

granda- Grandfather

hackit- ugly

hame- home "am away hame"

hoose- house "it's in ma hoose"

haver- silly talk, nonsense/ talking shit " stapyerhavering "

hawn- hand "watch ma hawn"

hawd/hud- hold, stop "wantyhawd that?" Hawdyerwheeshd stop talking

hen- term of endearment for a woman, equivalent to 'love' or 'darling' ("How ye dain the day, hen?")

heed/heid- head "a've got a sare heed"

how?- why?

Hauf '- a measure of whiskey

Isnae - Is not

jake(y)- a person addicted to class A substances and has poor quality of life as consequence (commonly heroin)

ken- term for the word 'know'(I ken who he is, but I dinnae ken him, ken him); not used in Glasgow area

kip- sleep/nap ("If yur tired, try fur a kip." "am away fir a kip man, shattered"

Laddie- A male (as in "Aye, Laddie!")

Lassy- A female

magic- great/excellent (That's pure magic)

maist- most

maw- mum(Aye yer maw)

mawkit/ manky- very dirty(Your trousers are mawkit!! Yamanky wee bam!!)

Select Scottish Words 3

minger- originally a Scottish word for dirty/smelly/horrible person

minted- rich/wealthy ("Look at his motor, he must be minted.)

mingin- horrible/dirty ("Your bathroom is mingin")

nae danger- no chance / no way

naw- no

ned- acronym for 'non-educated delinquent', useless waster, troublemaker

pure- very, totally ("she's pure no right".)used to emphasis something. This is mainly used by Weegies

polis- the police

quality- great/excellent ("That film was quality.")

plastered- drunk

scheme- residential area usually council estate

scooby- clue,(no clue)

skelp- to smack or hit someone/thing(He telt me tae get ma tits oot so I skelped him) (I skelped ma heed oaf the heedboard)

skint(slang term for the word 'skinned') - no money/poor/no wages left.

tae- to

tap- to borrow money from someone ("Can ah tap a tenneraff ye?")

that's a sin- what a shame

tatties- potatoes

wan- one (number or referring to an object person) "Wan table please." "Witwan de ye want?"


weegiesomeonefrom Glasgow



wean- (pronounced "Wayne") - child

wallap(pronounced "wa-lup") - to hit someone/something ("Am gonnaewallap ye wan!") Can also mean to bang a body part ("Ah pure wallaped ma heidaff that table!")

yin- one (not the number but referring to a person or object) "The big yin is oan his way." "Ye wantthebig yin afftheshelf?")