Scotter Village Hall, Scotton Road, Scotter, Gainsborough, Lincs DN21 3SA
01724 764599
Minutes of the meeting of the Council held at Scotter Village Hall on Monday 20th October 2014, commencing at 7.40pm.
Present - Councillors: C Day (Chair), M Armstrong, A Sheardown, J Fillingham, D Capes, S Rayner, S Hinman, J Bullivent
C Neal (Clerk), Ward Cllr P Mewis, two members of the public
Public Participation
During public participation several members of the public and Cllr Mewis spoke to the council with regards to the Draft Local Plan. The Chair answered questions on the plan in response to concerns and the Clerk was also given a copy of one resident's comments to be kept on file. The Chair told those present that if they had further queries they could contact himself or the Clerk.
Cllr Mewis also expressed disappointment as she felt that the council were not working with her as she would like.
The owner of The White Swan, who had also attended the planning committee, showed the council new plans to extend the hotel.
65. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
Received from Cllr Billam and Cllr Baker.
66. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Cllr Day declared an interest in item 78, Cllr Capes in item 77 and Cllr Sheardown in item 85.
67. To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 15th September 2014 as a correct record.
Resolved to approve as a correct record.
68. To agree which Councillors will be responsible for safety inspections of the cemetery and the playgrounds for the next month.
Cllr Day and Cllr Bullivent were happy to continue.
69. To receive a report from the Chair on Parson's Field.
Noted, all in hand.
70. To receive a report from the Clerk.
Noted. The Clerk was still having problems getting a response from the ICCM with regards to fixing a date for testing the memorials. If she cannot fix a date soon she has an alternative contact to approach to carry out the work.
71. To discuss the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan.
The process of starting a Neighbourhood Plan was explained by the Chair. The officer responsible is currently on long term sick but the Chair had given the Clerk the details of an office who can assist in the interim. Resolved that the Clerk contact the WLDC office concerned to ask that they assist in the first steps towards developing a Neighbourhood Plan.
72. To discuss any matters arising following the publication of the draft Local Plan.
Flyers were currently being distributed and should all be delivered by the end of the week. No matters arising.
73. To discuss whether the parish council approves that their name be used for an Awards for All Application for a Digital History of Scotter.
Resolved to allow the Parish Council's name to be used on the funding application.
74. To consider a request from Scotter Forward to create a Heritage Trail in the village.
The council agreed that they were generally in support of the project but cold not say yes or no at this time as they would like to see more details on the trail as plans progress.
75. To discuss a letter requesting funding for the River Eau Pilot Scheme.
This matter was deferred to the November or Precept meeting dependent on funds remaining for the rest of the financial year, and also until the Chair had attended a meeting on flooding at the end of the week.
76. To consider a request for funding from the Eau Community Centre for a new boiler.
This matter was deferred to the November or Precept meeting dependent on funds remaining for the rest of the financial year.
77. To consider a request for funding from Scotter Bowls Club.
This matter was deferred to the November or Precept meeting dependent on funds remaining for the rest of the financial year
78. To consider a request for funding from Scotter Playing Fields for the replacement of pavilion flooring of £3,500.
This matter was deferred to the November or Precept meeting dependent on funds remaining for the rest of the financial year
79. To consider a request for the MUGA floodlights to be put on in mornings for the benefit of dog walkers.
Due to the high cost of electricity for the floodlights the Parish Council were minded to refuse the request, however the matter would be referred to the Playing Fields Committee for a decision.
80. To note a letter from Lincolnshire County Council regarding bridge maintenance works at Scotton.
81. To note a letter from Churches Together inviting Members to a Special Commemorative Service on 2nd November.
82. To receive new correspondence not already included above, to be circulated at the meeting, for information only.
83. Planning Applications
To note minutes of the Planning Committee adopted since the last meeting.
84. To note income received during September 2014 and to approve the cash book as at the end of September 2014 and its reconciliation to the bank statements.
Noted, signed by the Chair.
85. To approve backdated rental payments to the Village Hall for 15 months July 2013-September 2014 at £85 per month.
Resolved to approve backdated rental payments to the Village Hall.
86. To approve payments to be made.
Resolved to approve all accounts for payment.
87. To approve Annual Leave for the Clerk during half term week, with the office being closed on Monday 27th October and Wednesday 29th October.
88. To take any points from members, identify items for the next agenda and to note urgent items of interest.
· Potholes within Susworth had been repaired.
· The seta in Susworth is in need of renovation, as is the notice board. The Clerk and Chair would speak to the Village Person regarding this.
· Fencing on The Rookery play area is dry and needs renovating - the Clerk would contact WLDC regarding this.
· Cllr Bullivent asked that the Local Plan flyer be sent to him in e-format, and he would distributed it via the various Facebook pages etc.
· A number of signs have still not been replaced which the Clerk has previously reported, she would chase these up.
· Manholes along Gainsborough Road were in a poor state and in danger of collapse- the Clerk would report these to WLDC.
· The council email address had ceased to function as it is linked to a domain name for which the login details are not known. It was agreed that the best course of action would be for the Clerk to set up a hotmail address.