SLIANZ AGM July 6 2014
Annual General Meeting 2014
6th July 2014
Meeting opened at 11:15pm
Full members:Jen Andrewartha, James Bichan, Kaye Bird, Jeremy Borland, Sarah Blundell, Nicola Casey, Julie Coxhead, Felicity Crowe, Rebeccah Curtis, Elinor Cuttiford,Fleur Daniels, Ramari Dewes, Geri Durville, JennGilbert, Louise Hackshaw, Scott Hamilton, Harri,Rosie Henley, Kelly Hodgins, Kristina Iuli, Kerry Locker-Lampson, Viola Luki, Deborah Lynch, Lynx,Shannon McKenzie, Delys Magill, Hana Maguire, Megan Mansfield, Angela Murray, Evelyn Pateman, Lynnley Pitcher, Leila Vanderlaan, Mireille Vale, Julie Whitcombe, Scott Williams, Sue Williams
Honorary Members:Rachel McKee
Associates: Julia Hogg,
Corporate: Deaf Aotearoa NZ – Kellye Bensley
Observers:Mark Berry, Marc Ethan, Zane Hema, James Pole, Melissa Sutton, other interpreting students (?)
Donna Bailey, Roseanne Butler-Stoney, Laura Cherrington, Bernadette Cutellli, Natasha Cutelli, Alisha Davidson, Darryl Firth, Jennifer Gilbert Dan Hanks, Ginette Harborne,Robert Hewison, Kristina Iuli, Jacqui Iseli, Nicola Robertson, Rekha Rosario, Phillipa Shatford, Shizue Sameshima, Noreen Smith, Rachel Tate, Catherine Winfrey,
Not current members at time of AGM:
Proxy Votes
Donna Bailey (?); Jenn Gilbert (Geri Durville);Rachel Tate(?);RekhaRosario (Adrienne Paterson); Lynx (Dan Hanks).
Minutes of Previous AGM 2013
Motion: that the Minutes of the 2013 AGM be accepted
Moved:Louise Hackshaw–Evelyn Patemanseconded
Matters Arising
Natasha (Tarsha) Cutelli’s name -incorrect spelling
Kyla Bridger and Sarah Couchman were in attendance as observers
Evelyn raised spelling mistakes:
Pg. 2 – Nicola O’Malley
-Corrections to number 2 (Louise has these noted)
Pg. 4 – P.D. – apologies misspelt
- Mentoring - ‘it’ not in sentence
Pg. 5 – ‘Turkey’ needs a capital ‘T’
President’s report
See attached report
Motion: that Co-Presidents’ Reports be accepted
Moved: RachelMcKee –Mickey Vale;seconded
Treasurer’s report
See attached report
Evelyn Pateman: How much will the audit cost? Louise responded on behalf of absent Treasurer - $500.00 for this financial year, was not paid, not yet in report, will be presented as a forecast.
Membership fees on Treasurer’s report for 2015 will look wrong, very slim as they have been added to 2014 report.
Motion: that the Treasurer's Report be accepted
Moved; Louise Hackshaw –Evelyn Pateman seconded
Portfolio Update
See attached report (page to be added)
New members handbook
Overseas enquiries
Membership categories (discussion opened to the floor – no agreement, the new committee to follow up)
New SLIANZ Website – compatible with mobile devices
WASLI Report – Angela Murray
WASLI Oceania Australian Representative – Anna Vost
Sponsorship for Conference
WASLI 2015 (Evelyn Pateman fundraising at the conference to the value of $75.50 to be put into the WASLI account)
Regional member groups (WIN, CHIG, GAIN, Outerpreters)
Professional Development:
Consumer Forums
Regional meetings
Mentoring – Incoming committee to continue relationship with service providers e.g. iSign, Connect Interpreting, in relation to supervision and mentoring as our mentoring has not taken off well.
Thank you!–Louise, Felicity, Geri, Kelly (People involved in organisation of conference 2014)
General Business
1.Motion to put forward:‘That the Professional Development Fund application & distribution criteria be reviewed and made available to members as soon as possible.’
Motion: Rachel McKee - Jeremy Borland seconded. Carried (Passed)
2.Motion to put forward:‘SLIANZ committee 2014-2015 to investigate models for a regulation /registration system of NZSL interpreters - in dialogue with relevant stakeholders.’
Discussion: Rebeccah Curtis asked would this be completed in 1 year. No, this is a 5 year plan – an investigation.
Motion: Rachel McKee – Micky Vale seconded. Carried (Passed)
3.Remit put forward:
13.2 (Duties of the Treasurer)
‘Prepare within two calendar months after the end of each financial year, a balance sheet to be approved by the [Auditor]Reviewer before the Annual General Meeting of the Association.’
20. Audit Assurance of Financial Statements
‘The accounts of the Association shall be [audited] examined and assured by a [auditor] reviewer, who shall be a member of the New Zealand Society of Chartered Accountants.[He/she] The Reviewer shall have access at all reasonable times to the financial accounts of the Association and shall verify and sign the Annual Statement of Accounts before it is submitted by the committee to the Annual General Meeting.’
Remit requesting that the constitutionomits the word “Audit”. The reason for this amendment is that it is financially cheaper to do “financial review”. The work will still be done by the same person, a chartered accountant due to rules changing.
Proposed: Louise Hackshaw – Evelyn Pateman seconded. Carried (Passed)
Election of Officers
Co-Presidents: Kerry Locker-Lampson and Elinor Cuttiford – Declined
Co-Presidents: Shannon McKenzie and Rebeccah Curtis for one year term - Moved; Louise Hackshaw – Sue Williams seconded – Accepted; Carried
Treasurer: Alisha Davidson nominated by Angela Murray - Moved; Louise Hackshaw – Evelyn Pateman seconded – Accepted; Carried
2014 Incoming Committee
President: / Co-Presidents:Rebeccah Curtis and Shannon McKenzie (1 year term)
Secretary:Kelly Hodgins (Second year of 2 year term)
Treasurer:Alisha Davidson (term undecided)
Sarah Blundell (First year of 2 year term)
Roseanne Butler-Stoney (First year of 2 year term)
Elinor Cuttiford (Second year of 2 year term)
Fleur Daniel (Second year of 2 year term)
Kerry Locker-Lampson (Second year of 2 year term)
Julie Whitcombe (Second year of 2 year term)
Incoming Committee voted in unanimously
Thank you to the committee members that are leaving.
Congratulations to the incoming committee
Next year’s AGM/Venue passed on to new committee to decide
Meeting closed 1:00pm
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