2005 - 2006 SEASON
Welcome to the KCC Hockey 2005 – 2006!
Training day and time:
The 2005-2006 Mini & Youth Hockey training sessionswill commence on Sunday, 4th September 2005.
The weekly session will be held on every Sunday from 9:30am to 11:30am. Mini players must be between 5 and 12 while youth players must be between 10 – 15 (as of 1st September 2005). The season will end on 31st May 2006. However, training continues to June and separate summer program starts. Parents will be notified in advance.
KCC reserves the right to change course time, venue and date. Parents will be notified by email of any changes beforehand whenever possible.
Training sessions will be opened to all children of KCC members and non-members. Due to a very high demand, enrolment will be on a first-come first-served basis and there will be a limit to the intake for the training sessions in all age groups. (This is subject to the number of volunteer coaches, however, if you are able to assist, please indicate your availability in the registration form)
Training groups will be drawn up by end of August and once a group is full, there will be a two-tiered waiting list, one for members and one for non-members, with KCC member’s list taking priority. No one will be allowed to join a group until a space becomes available regardless of their membership status. Successful applicants will be informed by e-mail once our mini-hockey coordinator receives your registration form or before your first training day. If you do not receive an email you can assume that you are on the waiting list and will be contacted as soon as a place becomes available.
Age Group:
All players will be allocated to an age group according to the table below. However, if you feel that your child should play in a different age group for safety reasons, then you must discuss this with the coordinators.
Birth Year / Age groupBorn on or after 01/09/1989 / Youth (Boys) Team
Born on or after 01/09/1993 to 31/08/1995 / Mini - U12 Team
Born on or after 01/09/1995 to 31/08/1997 / Mini - U10 Team
Born on or after 01/09/1997 / Mini - U8 Team
All players must have their own hockey stick, soft soled trainers or astro boots (no football boots allowed) shin-pads & mouth-guards for safety reasons. In addition, long hair must be tied back or clipped.
New comers who successfully joined a group is required to pay HK$300 for an uniform set for tournament purpose.
Fee Description / Member / Non-MemberFee/head/season (non-refundable and non-transferable) / $450 / $900
Uniform for new comers only:
One green & one red KCC Hockey Tournament jersey; one pair of white short for male player or one red skirt for female player; one pair of red socks and one set of mouth guard / $300 / $300
Under no circumstances including medical reasons which the mini-hockey coordinators should be informed. No refund, credit letter or make up lesson will be provided.
Responsibility of Parent / Guardian:
Each and every child playing in the club or taking part in any other of the Club’s activities must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian who must be present at all times. The Club shall not be held responsible in any way for the health, safety or good behaviour of any child(ren) attending any club or inter-club activities, whether or not they are registered players.
All training sessions finish on time. Please ensure players are picked up promptly after the completion of the activity. In extreme cases late pick up will result in your child being removed from the activity. In such cases no refund, credit letter or make up will be provided.
Parents are welcome to help out in various ways, please indicate your availability in the attached registration form.
Typhoon and Rainstorm Arrangements
T8 / black rainstorm warning – club closed, all event cancelled
T3 / red rainstorm warning – call KCC reception at 2367-4141 for confirmation and is parents’ own decision if training will go ahead
T1 / amber rainstorm warning - normal
In case of
a) training sessions are to be cancelled due to typhoon or rainstorm warnings, no refund credit or make up lesson will be provided; and
b) T8 / black rainstorm warning signals being raised during the training session, training will cease and parents are requested to pick up their children.
Training sessions may be cancelled at the discretion of KCC if the training venue is deemed dangerous by coaches due to other inclement weather conditions. No refund, credit letter or make up lesson will be provided.
Rules and Regulations:
(a) Children are expected to show respect for everyone on and off the field. KCC hockey section coaches reserve the right to withdraw any players who display a lack of good conduct during training sessions and or tournaments and without any refund of fees.
(b) Player must have an attendance record of at least 80% at training sessions in order to participate in any tournament. This percentage is set back to zero after each tournament.
(c) KCC hockey section coaches reserve the right to withdraw any players from tournaments if the attendance rate does not meet the standard.
(d) Players selected for game/tournament and position will be decided by the coaches according to their training performances and attendance record;
(e) No parking facilities for non-KCC members;
(f) Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited on club premises; and
(g) In case of a medical emergency, your child will be transferred to the nearest government hospital using the HK Government Emergency Medical Unit.
New Players are welcome to take a max. of 3 trial sessions before making a commitment for a full-season. However, the attached registration form must be completed before participating in any training sessions for safety and security reasons.
To register your child(ren), please complete the attached registration / indemnity form and submit the form to the Hockey Coordinators, simply hand in or post it to the KCC reception and marked for the attention of Hockey Coordinators. Faxed registration form will not be processed. Please photocopy for additional forms.
Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, chapter 486, Laws of Hong Kong
You are obliged to provide information on your personal data as required by this form. This data is required for the following purposes:
(a) KCC hockey section membership registration;
(b) assigning a player to a particular age group for playing;
(c) to enable the coaches for each age group to know their players;
(d) contact with parents/guardians and players (by e-mail);
(e) emergency contact;
(f) registration with the Hong Kong Hockey Association; and
(g) indemnity purposes.
Failure to supply pertinent and timely data may hinder the provision of services and assistance in respect of the purposes mentioned above.
The personal data you provide on this form may be disclosed to the following interested parties in furtherance of the above purposes or, with your consent, to other interested parties:
(a) The Hockey Section Committee Members;
(b) KCC General Committee Members;
(c) KCC Hockey Coaches; and
(d) Hong Kong Hockey Association, if appropriate.
2005/6 KCC Mini/Youth-Hockey Coordinators
10 Cox’s Road
Tsim Sha Tsui
Attention: Hockey Coordinator (2005 – 2006)
Form below should be completed in BLOCK CAPITALS
I would like my child(ren) named below, who will be aged 5 years or above on 1st September 2005 to take part in the mini/youth/adult-hockey training sessions organized by the KOWLOON CRICKET CLUB and to take part in the inter-club activities.Surname / Given name / Date of Birth
DD/MM/YY / Age Group / Sex
M/F / Beginner
Yes/No /
Experienced Player
Previous Club
/No. of Years
Parent/Guardian’s Name: / (Mr/Mrs/Ms)Parent/Guardian’s Home Address:
Parent/Guardian’s Home Tel No: / Fax No:
Parent/Guardian’s Office Tel No: / Fax No:
Parent/Guardian’s Mobile No: / E-mail:
I will advise you if change of email address and mobile number as I understand the hockey section only use email to communicate with all players and parents, and mobile number for emergency matters if any arise.
I am willing to assist in the mini-hockey coaching.
(Basic Coaching Course Provided) / YES (please circle the appropriate one) /
Every Sunday / Not every Sunday / Only Tournament Days
For K.C.C. Members: / For Non-Members:
Fee: / HK$450/head/season / Fee: / HK$900/head/season
Uniform Set for new comers only: / HK$300 / Uniform Set for new comers only: / HK$300
Total No. of Players: / Total No. of Players:
Account No: / Amount: / Cheque No: / Amount:
I understand that my KOWLOON CRICKET CLUB account and amount stated above will be debited once my child(ren) has/have been successfully accepted in an age group. / I understand that the attached crossed cheque made payable to “Kowloon Cricket Club”, will be deposited once my child(ren) has/have been successfully accepted in an age group.
Medical details:
Does your child suffer from any allergies, medical condition or physical limitations that our coaches should be aware of? / If so, Please state clearly.
How do I know about KCC mini/youth/adult-hockey? / Newspaper: ______ Magazine: ______
Recommended by existing player Others: ______
Why I choose KCC mini/youth-hockey for my child(ren):
I agree that any attendee present at the training sessions will abide by the rules and regulations and by laws of the KOWLOON CRICKET CLUB (a copy of such rules and by-laws are available at Reception if required). It is also agreed that if any of the rules and by laws are not adhered to, the Club has the right to refuse my child(ren) in further training sessions and without any refund of fees. I accept that the KOWLOON CRICKET CLUB, its servants, agents, employees and mini/youth/adult-hockey coaches are not under any liability whatsoever for loss of property, act or injuries, of or to, any person brought by me onto KOWLOON CRICKET CLUB property, or to other venues in connection with the KOWLOON CRICKET CLUB mini/youth/adult-hockey Section.
Signed: / Date: