Nutrition/Diet Unit Review #1

  1. What are the seven Dietary Guidelines?

a. Eat a variety of foods

b. Balance the food you eat with physical activity-maintain or improve your weight.

c. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol

d. Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits

e. Choose a diet moderate in sugars.

f. Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium

g. Do not drink alcohol (adults who drink should do so in moderation)

  1. Why is it important to balance the food you eat with physical activity?

a. Regular physical activity and diet help you maintain a healthful weight.

b. Being over weight increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain types of cancer, and arthritis.

  1. Why is it important to choose a diet with plenty of whole grain products, vegetables, and fruits?

a. whole grain products, vegetables, and fruits are low in fat and contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

b. Vegetables and fruits with vitamins A, C, and E may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

c. Grain products, vegetables, and fruits move food through the digestive system and help produce a daily bowel movement.

d. This reduces the risk of colon cancer.

e. Grain products also help reduce the blood cholesterol level.

  1. Why is it important to choose a diet moderate in sugars?

Sugars are carbohydrates that are high in calories but lack vitamins and minerals. Eating too many foods with sugar promotes tooth decay and overweight.

  1. How are the Dietary Guidelines used when making food selections from the Food Guide Pyramid?
  1. To have a healthful diet, you must select the correct number of servings from the Food Guide Pyramid each day.
  2. If you eliminate a food group you must make sure you supplement the nutrients you miss correctly.
  1. What are seven dietary guidelines to follow to reduce the risk of developing cancer?

a. avoid obesity

b. Eat a variety of foods

c. Eat several servings and a variety of fruits and vegetables each day

d. Eat several servings of fiber-rich foods, such as whole-grain cereals, legumes, vegetables, and fruits

e. Limit fat intake, especially the intake of saturated and trans fats

f. Limit consumption of foods that are smoked, salted, or nitrate-cured.

g. Do not drink alcohol as a teen.

  1. What are three dietary guidelines to follow to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases?

a. Limit fat intake, especially the intake of saturated fats and foods high in cholesterol

b. Increase your intake of foods and beverages containing antioxidants

c. Limit your intake of sodium.

  1. What are five dietary recommendations for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia?

a. Eat complex carbohydrates and protein to provide long lasting energy

b. Limit total carbohydrate intake, especially sweets

c. Eat six small meals a day to maintain a constant blood-sugar level

d. Have regular examinations to test blood sugar levels and re-evaluate diet

e. Maintain a desirable weight

  1. What foods can teens eat to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis when they are adults?

Calcium is a mineral that is essential in bone growth. A deficiency

in calcium, especially in females, increases the risk for

osteoporosis. Good sources of calcium include yogurt, milk,

cheese, and leafy green vegetables.

  1. What are ways to avoid reactions to food allergies and food intolerances including lactose intolerance and celiac sprue, and reactions to MSG and yellow dye?

A food allergy is an abnormal response to food that is triggered by the immune system.

a. Lactose deficiency is a condition in which the enzyme that breaks down the milk sugar (lactose) present in the cells of the small intestines, is missing. People with lactose deficiency may find relief of symptoms through over-the-counter lactose remedies. Others choose to eat and drink lactose free products.

b. Celiac Sprue is a condition in which a person is intolerant to gluten. People with celiac sprue must stick to a restricted diet and avoid eating any form of gluten.

c. Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food additive that commonly causes food intolerance. People who are intolerant to MSG should avoid eating foods such as Chinese and Asian foods that contain the chemical.

d. Coloring agents such as yellow dye number 5 have been associated with food intolerance. People who are intolerant to coloring agents should avoid eating foods that contain these chemicals.