Scoring Guide: Understanding Your Scores. 2015. Version 1.0

Scoring Guide for Components One and Two Scavenger Hunt

***Note to CCF’s-Download a hard copy of the Scoring Guide to highlight/have on hand when working with Candidates during this activity.

****Virtual needs to upload the Scoring Guide into ReggieNet or have electronically within your platform of choice.

****When answering the questions, please include the page on the Scoring Guide where you found the answer.

Scoring Guide: Undertanding Your Scores available here:

How the Five Core Propositions and Standards Inform the Assessments and Scoring Process (pgs. 1 - 3)

1. What role do your standards play in the scoring process?

Standards serve as a basis for: (see p. 2 of the Scoring Guide)

●instructions for each portfolio component and constructed response items

●answer keys for the selected response items

●scoring rubrics for each portfolio component and constructed response item that describe performance characteristics at four levels.

●benchmarks for each portfolio component and constructed response tem that are actual candidate performances selected to demonstrate the characteristics described in each level of the rubrics.

●standardized feedback statements assigned to portfolio components that receive a score less than 3.75.

2. How does assessor training ensure consistent and equitable scoring?

●Assessors are trained to score holistically, using the rubrics, looking at the response for its overall quality and evaluating the work as a whole.

●Assessors practice applying scores at each rubric level.

●Training includes a qualifying step in which potential assessors must demonstrate their ability to evaluate your responses fairly and accurately, using the Standards and rubrics as their criteria.

●Assessors are evaluated and monitored carefully throughout the scoring process.

Interpreting Your Scores (pgs. 4-9)

3. All 45 Selected Responses are scorable and contribute to candidates scores? True/False

False (Page 4) 40 of the 45 selected response items are scorable and contribute to a candidate's score, and 5 interspersed items are field test items that do not contribute to a candidate's score.

4. Where would you find the selected response item (SRI) score conversion table?

Appendix A (page 28)

5. Describe the 12 point score scale.

The score scale is based on 4 primary levels of performance (Levels 4,3, 2, and 1), with plus (+) and (-) variations at each level. (page 4)

6. How can you obtain of minimum score of .75?

Any bulleted response under the section Score Designations of “0” and “NS” on bottom of page 5 and top of page 6.

7. For the purposes of scoring, the assessment required for National Board Certification is split into four sections? True or False

False For the purposes of scoring it is split into sections: the assessment center section (which is made up of the selected response and the three constructed response items of Component 1) and the portfolio section (which is made up of Components 2, 3, and 4) ( bottom of page 6)

8. How are the components weighted?

See pie chart on page 8

Your Score Report (pgs. 10 - 11)

9. How do I access my score report?

Your official score report will be available to you through a password-protected online service. You may access this service through your account on the NB website (p. 10).

10. When will my score be released?

The National Board will release scores no laterthan December 31st each year (p. 10).

11. If I retake a component, which score will count toward calculating my total weighted scaled score?

Your highest rubric score carries forward, unless the retake score was NS. A retake NS replaces the previous score (p. 10 and 23).

12. What is the score needed to achieve certification?

The weighted scale score required for certification will be confirmed in 2017 after all components have been made available to candidates and have been scored (p. 10).

13. Do I need to wait until I receive scores for all of the components before deciding to retake Component 1? No Why or why not? You will know if you have met the minimum average score of 1.75 required for the section. If you earned less than a 1.75 average on the assessment center section, you may retake one or more parts of Component 1 (p. 11)

14. Do I need to wait until I receive scores for all of the components before deciding to retake Components 2, 3 or 4? Yes. Why or why not? You will not know whether you have met the

minimum score for the portfolio section until you take and receive scores for Components 2, 3, and 4. You will also not know whether you have met the total weighted scaled score required for certification until you have submitted all four components and the total weighted scaled score has been established in 2017 (p. 11).

Evaluating Your Performance (pgs. 12 - 22)

15. If I received a score of 2.25 on component one, what level of the rubric did I achieve? Is this questions repetitive? It’s also on p. 5 Where would I find that rubric (not in the scoring guide), and what exactly does this score mean?

Rubric levels and scores identified on p. 5 and p. 12

16. Review the Component OneSample Items and Scoring Rubrics for your certificate area. Where in the Scoring Guide: Understanding Your Scores can I find reflection question to help me evaluate what my scores according to those rubrics?

-pgs. of rubrics vary from one content area to the next

-pgs. 12 - 13 in the scoring guide offer reflection questions

17. Where can I find an explanation of my component two score range in the Scoring Guide?

pgs. 14 - 17

18. For component two, standardized feedback statements are developed to reflect the Five Core Propositions; however, one is missing. Which one, and why?

Prop. 5, teachers are members of learning communities, is not included. Although this isn’t explained in

*Should we include any guidance to p. 22? This reflection seems to be based on receiving all component scores, not just one or two.

Preparing for the Next Assessment Cycle (pgs. 23 - 28)

19. How long do you have to complete all of the components of the portfolio?

p. 23 within the first 3 years of your candidacy

20. How many years do you have to achieve certification?
p. 23 5 years

21. How many retake attempts are there for each component?

p.23 Two retakes for each component taken any time during the 5 year cycle

22. What part and/or parts of Component 1 can be retaken?

p. 23 Any combination of Component 1 can be retaken

23. What if a 1.75 is never achieved on Component 1?

p. 24 You will be unable to continue the certification process.

24. What are the two major questions you need to ask yourself when considering retakes?

p. 24 Numbers 1 and 2

25. Read p. 25 “Retaking Assessment Center Parts” and “Retaking Portfolio Components.”

What questions do you have?

26. How do I prepare for the next assessment cycle?
p. 26 Bullet points - halfway down the page

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