Expressions of Interest

For The


1 Churchill St, Corner Brook



001 Background:

The Corner Brook Interfaith Home for Senior Citizens was constructed in 1977 as aresult of a community effort by the West Coast Inter-Faith Social Welfare Council. The facility was originally designed and built to house and provide care for level one Long Term Care persons within the community. Changes in demographics in the community resulted in the facility being used to provide care for higher levels of residents. With the recent opening of the new Long Term Care Facility in Corner Brook, all residents relocated to this new facility and the site of the Corner Brook Interfaith Home for Senior Citizens was vacated.

002 Introduction:

Western Healthis hereby issuing a Request forExpressions of Interest (EOI) for the potential sale and redevelopment of the former Corner Brook Interfaith Home for Senior Citizens.

All available information pertaining to the facility and property will be offered to potential developers to assist in deciding potential interest in the property.

This EOI deals with the former Corner Brook Interfaith Home for Senior Citizens in its current condition comprising of land bounded by O’Connell Drive and Churchill St. The property includes: (i) The facility, being the former Corner Brook Interfaith Home for Senior Citizens, a one story (with Basement) structure, approximately 3972 SM and (ii) The land, totaling approximately 9359 SM.

This EOI does not include any of the Corner Brook Interfaith Cottages located on Churchill Street.

003 Purpose:

The purpose of this EOI is for Western Health to determine whether it should sell the property for redevelopment by the private sector or to retain the site for future use by Western Health. Developers or other parties interested in an opportunity to purchase the former Corner Brook Interfaith Home for Senior Citizens for re-development are encouraged to respond to this EOI. A response to this EOI may result in Western Healthapproaching any one, or, multiple respondents for additional details in an effort to make a decision regarding the disposition of this property.

This EOI is not to be construed as a Request for Proposals or Tender Call and does not create any contractual relations between the parties. Western Healthreserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change or amend the scope or any part of this EOI.

004 Exposure:

To ensure maximum exposure of the EOI, the front end portion of this EOI is available to all interested parties at no cost. However, inspection of the building (as per section 011 of the EOI document) will only be permitted and arranged for those developers, groups or persons who have purchased the background documents referenced in section 005 Support Documents Provided and will be contacted as per section 011 Inspection of Building and Site.

005 Support Documents Provided:

To assist interested developers, Western Healthis providing a copy of the latest survey. Western Health will also providethe following supporting documents at a cost of $50.00. Those parties receiving these supporting documents will also be permitted to view the property in accordance with section 011.

Corner Brook Interfaith Home facility evaluation report that was completed by AMEC Engineering in 2008.

Asbestos Management Report, completed by Pinchin Leblanc.

Facility Drawings

006 Requirements for Redevelopment:

Redevelopment of this facility or any part thereof will have to comply with the requirements of the City of Corner Brook. Any requirement for re-zoning will be the responsibility of the future owner.

007 Environmental Issues:

All fuel oil tanks on the property have been upgraded to meet current legislative requirements. As well, Western Health has completed an Asbestos Survey (as part of supporting documents 005) and has those documents available for review. Beyond this, Western Health will not be issuing any environmental indemnification with respect to the property as a condition of sale.

Any specific use of the site would of course be subject to the normal review and approval by relevant authorities having jurisdiction. Western Healthmakes no other warranty or representation in respect of this information.

008 Land Area and Title:

The land available for redevelopment is as shown on the attached survey.The building available for re-development is the former Corner Brook Interfaith Home for Senior Citizen’s which is located on this land. If the developer identifies a need for other buildings related to the site, or, additional sections of land, that need should be specified in the written response to the EOI.

Western Health will need to maintain a legal Right of Way to provide access from Churchill St to the lower Interfaith Cottages, 1-44.

009 Zoning Issues:

The property is currently zoned Community Service by the City of Corner BrookDevelopment Regulations. Any redevelopment will be required to meet the requirements for this zoning or be rezoned by the City of Corner Brookif some use, not permitted by current zoning, is contemplated.

010 Site Access and Services

The site is currently accessible fromChurchill St and is serviced by the municipal water and sewage system.

011 Inspection of Building and Site:

The site and building will be available for viewing by all developers, groups or persons who have taken out the full “Request for Expressions of Interest” documents (including supporting documents).

Those taking the EOI documents should ensure that the name of a contact person, telephone, fax and e-mail information are recorded with the Department of Materiels Management office located at Western Memorial Regional Hospital. All persons who are on record as having obtained the full EOI documents will be contacted and advised as to arrangements for viewing the building.

012 Process:

Western Health requires that certain specific information be provided in response to this EOI as follows:

  1. The legal name, address, phone ,fax numbers and email address of the entity responding;
  2. The name and title of the prime contact person;
  3. The nature of any proposed re-development with a brief description, thereof;
  4. The proponent’s previous experience with undertakings of the nature as proposed;
  5. The proposed time frame for undertaking the proposed re-development;
  6. Development process is complete and the site becomes operational;
  7. The purchase price the developer is willing to offer for the property as described in Section 008 of this EOI and any conditions which will impact on the proposed amount and timing of the payment.

Should respondents wish to provide additional information beyond that as stated above, they are free to do so. Western Health welcomes comments, views, concerns and suggestions from developers, groups or persons who wish to include same in their written response to the EOI. The purpose of this input would be to enhance Western Health’s understanding of what is being proposed as possible options for re-development of the site.

In evaluating the results of this EOI, Western Health reserves the right to undertake the evaluation in consultation with others as it deems appropriate. A decision to proceed to further discussions including possible negotiations for sale of the site will be made following this evaluation. All respondents to this EOI will be advised of whether their submissions are to be considered further.

Should Western Health proceed to sale negotiation within 12 months of the date of issue of this EOI, only those responding to this EOI would be considered for further negotiations.

013 General Disclaimer:

All responses received to this EOI shall immediately become the property of Western Health to be used at its sole discretion. The proposals that are submitted to Western Health will be held in confidence; however, recognizing that Western Health may have to consult with others in evaluating this proposal and is subject to the Access of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, an absolute guarantee on the confidentiality of responses is not possible. As a result, Western Health shall not be responsible for the absolute security of such information if received and no action shall lie against Western Health as a result of its handling of information received from respondents.

014 Response:

Written Expressions of Interest (EOI) in the form of a letter with the envelope clearly marked EXPRESSION OF INTEREST – FORMER CORNER BROOK INTERFAITH HOME FOR SENIOR CITIZENS. should be delivered, not later than the closing date and time, 15 October 2010,1100 hrs as set out in the newspaper advertisement to:

Mr.John Piercey

Regional Director

Department of Materiels Management

Lower Level, WesternMemorialRegionalHospital

1 Brookfield Ave.

Corner Brook, NL

A2H 6J7

015 Open of EOI Responses:

Western Health, at its sole discretion, may open and begin to evaluate any early response(s) to the EOI. The Western Health officials will announce, at the opening, the names of all respondents, as identified on the EOI response letters, but will not disclose any other aspects of the individual responses to attendees at the opening or subsequent to the opening.

016 Additional Information:

For additional information, contact:

Mr. Keith Allen

Regional Director

Physical Infrastructure Support

Western Health

(709) 637-5000 Ext. 5552
