Save a line item in your 2016 marketing budget for GVCC Sponsorships

No Time like the Present! As you work on 2016 budgets, remember to include GVCC in your budget. Chamber members sponsor events for different reasons: recognition, branding, community image, prestige and cost-effective marketing. GVCC uses a wide variety of promotional tools and can create a dynamic mix of promotion and sponsorships with excellent price points for every size company.


Industries Quarterly – Held April 19 and July 12 – Location TBD

Imagine an event dedicated to your specific industry. A place where you can meet your partners, competitors, vendors, clients, and your state legislators and government representatives from the City and County. Industries Quarterly is an event designed to build your network within your own industry so you can better tackle the issues that affect your business. Sponsorship fee $1,500

Digital Technology Expo and Luncheon – Held April 28 @ Hilton Vancouver

The Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce will produce the “Digital Technology Expo and Luncheon” which will consist of five parts: a multi zone technology expo directed at business application, a lively demonstration stage, an education preview, a dynamic digital technology luncheon and, finally a “Nonprofit & Technology Happy Hour!” This event will be unparalleled in our region and combines the strength of the City’s Innovation Partnership Zone (IPZ) in Digital Technology, WSU-Vancouver’s Creative Media & Digital Culture Program, the Columbia River Economic Development Council and a number of other community partners. This will be the premier venue for experiencing new technologies, fueling the creative fire of students and increasing the community’s general knowledge and application of digital technologies.Overall goal: To increase the knowledge and demonstrate applications ofemerging technologies to benefit business. Sponsorship fees range from $2,500 to $10,000.

Annual Golf Tournament – Held June 9 @ Lewis River

The annual golf tournament is the GVCC’s biggest summer event, held at Lewis River Golf Course and features 18-holes of golf in a scramble format, interactive games and tee displays, contests, raffle, continental breakfast, awards lunch and more. The tournament is held each June and sells out. Sponsorship fees range from $300 to $6,000.

Women’s Golf Tournament – Held August 10 @ Camas Meadows

Our 1st Annual Women’s Golf Tournament is an event for Women , held at Camas Meadows Golf Course and features 18-holes of golf in a scramble format, interactive games and tee displays, contests, raffle, continental breakfast, awards lunch, concert and more. Sponsorship fees range from $300 to $4,000.

Annual Installation and Awards Event – Held September 15th @ the Hilton

GVCC’s Annual Dinner, Installation of Officers and Business Leadership Awards. This is an excellent opportunity to brand your company through a wide range of media advertising. This high profile event features hundreds of the “who’s who” in our business community. Sponsorships range from $700 to $5,000.

Small Business Saturday – Held the Saturday after Thanksgiving

Small Business Saturday is The Greater Vancouver Chamber of Commerce’s local campaign to a nationally distinguished day to get citizens to use local businesses on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This campaign is a call to action for the community to book appointments, attend open house events, reserve a table at restaurants, buy tickets to the theater, and go shopping. The GVCC is seeking one dedicated community partner to sponsor the “Small Business Saturday” Campaign. The Exclusive Sponsor will be on all the marketing materials: Sponsorship is $5,000.

Chamber Ambassador Holiday Heroes Luncheon – Held December 2nd at the Heathman Lodge

This long standing chamber luncheon has been a way to honor our Ambassadors and community volunteers. This is a great event to kick off your holiday season. (Sells Out) Sponsorships range from $500 to $5,000.

Legislative Outlook Breakfast – Held December 9th @ the Hilton

Washington State politicians answer questions in a panel format. CREDC, GVCC and ICC present their business priorities for the coming year. Sponsorship fees range from $700 to $5,000.

“NO” Business After Hours – Twice annual in March and October

Coax business leaders out of their offices to have fun and NOT talk business. This is a High profile community event held in a creative location with great food/drink/entertainment.

Sponsorship $2,500

Public Affairs Forums, Monthly Luncheons and Other Special Events

Location, sponsorship fee and attendance fee will vary. Sponsorships available.

Contact Teresa Lawwill, Fund Development and Community Relations Director at 360-567-1090 or .