Monday, April 13, 2015 - 10:00 a.m.)



Marsha Mitchell Bray – Director of Community Services and Family Supports

Maria Figueroa– Community Relations Specialist, SCLARC

Monique Watts – Community Advocate Specialist, SCLARC

Desiree Boykin – Consumer Advocate Specialist, SCLARC

Herlinda Rodriguez – Parent of SCLARC Consumer

Alicia Cortez – Parent and Community Organizer

Javier Cortez – Parent and Community Organizer

Irene Cortez – Parent and Community Organizer

Carla Vega – Parent and Community Organizer

Armida Ochoa – Parent and Community Organizer

Chardea McCullough –Secretary II, SCLARC

Chris Arroyo – Speaker/Representative from State Council on Developmental Disabilities, formerly known as Area Board 10

The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting was called to order by Ms. Marsha Mitchell-Bray at approximately 10:00 a.m. The minutes from the March meeting were provided to all members in attendance for their review and accuracy. PAC members signed the sign-in sheet which was passed around the room. Everyone introduced themselves. Spanish/English translator Ms. Gloria Leonard was present and translated so that all members and participants could fully understand the speakers and fellow group members.

Guest Speaker/Presentation on Self-Determination:

The meeting featured Mr. Chris Arroyo from the State Council on Developmental Disabilities as the guest speaker to discuss Governor Brown’s passing of Self-Determination into law, what it means to consumers and their families/caregivers, and how it differs from traditional services. The presentation was given in Spanish and was videotaped, to be uploaded to the SCLARC website. Mr. Arroyo also provided a handout to go along with his presentation, written in both Spanish and English. The presentation was over an hour in length and provided useful information for the parents present. Mr. Arroyo also had a question and answer session for the parents to further expand on their concerns and areas where more explanation was needed for the parents and caregivers.

Sharingof Information:

Ms. Carla Vega shared with the group information about her parent support group which had a day of baseball centered aroundthe dads and the kids. There was also Zumba dancing as well as an award ceremony for the baseball game participants.

Ms. Armida Ochoa of FiestaEducativa discussed the upcoming dates of her group’s trainings, including the topics of the IEP process, consumer relationships, and an overview of SCLARC services (April 21, 30, 27 respectively.) She provided a flyer with more information and contact numbers for each of the workshops.

Ms. Maria Figueroa shared with the PAC information on the upcoming Autism Speaks walk taking place at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on April 18, 2015 and how to be part of that event and the SCLARC team.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

The next meeting will be held May 11,2015 at 10:00 a.m.