A Meeting of Tilford Parish Council will held on Thursday 15th September 2016 at 8.00pm

At Tilford Village Institute (Centenary Room)

Cllr Mack, Cllr Fox, Cllr Warr, Cllr Lee, Cllr Shams, Cllr Relf (Chairman), Cllr Harmer (SCC), Cllr Adams (WBC, R Webber (Clerk) and 3 members of public.

1. Apologies

Cllr Tahir,


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Councillors are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest which they may have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when that item is reached. Unless dispensation has been granted, you may not participate in any discussion of, or vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which you have a pecuniary interest as defined by regulations made by the Secretary of State under the Localism Act 2011. You must withdraw from the room when the meeting discusses and votes on the matter.




Cllr Relf stated that there were some minor amendments to the minutes, typographical.It was also decided to change ‘ local plan’ to neighbourhood plan for clarity.


Cllr Relf signs the minutes.



Louise Williams from Surrey Community Action, Rural Housing Enabler for Surrey, joined the meeting as she has been asked by Waverley Borough Council to assist the local area to identify housing needs. Louise went on to give some background information. Her post is part funded by four main rural boroughs, however the role is completely independent from the Borough Councils.

The role exists up and down the country, funded by DEFRA, with a view of building more sustainable housing in rural areas.

Waverley Borough Council has very little data on this corner of borough so Louise hopes to work with Tilford to get some data for this area.

There is a push nationally for the Government to build more homes for ownership with number of products to help this. For some people those products are still totally unaffordable. The average house price in Waverley Borough is £481k, with the average salary being £36k. 27% of benefit claimants in the borough are in full-time employment. Within Tilford there are only 11 socially rented houses within the parish.

Louise’s role is to assess the level of housing need including the Elderly who may be property rich but cash poor or older children wanting to leave home, but stay within the local area.

If there is a local need identified and if the community and parish council are supportive, we can look at areas of land that can only be built upon if used for local people and isn’t sold at housing market. Building usually consists of small clusters of homes of around 6-10 properties and by affordable we mean rented or shared ownership.

In some cases market homes maybe acceptable if it pays towards the affordable housing. However, we are willing to undertake the survey on your behalf on work with the Parish on this.

Cllr Warr asked if you find need for Affordable Housing and find land, who funds the building? Louise Williams confirmed this would either be the housing association partner to fund and build who would recoup over 25 years, or community fund trust, or owned by the community.

New legislation on right to buy is exempt from royal site.

Cllr Relf commented that we don’t know if there is a group within Tilford requiring this, but the only way to find out is through yourself.

Louise confirmed that if it finds the need but you don’t want to go there its fine, but if you do, then stage two would look at the area and potential sites.

In Waverely’s draft plan it shows an ageing population and there is a valid argument for people able to provide care and gardening for those individuals. Due to ageing population and loss of local services, community services under pressure to ensure the need for the elderly are met within rural areas.

Cllr Adams Waverley Borough Council works closely with Louise and there is a potential plot of land in Shepherds Way. George Osbornes plan to increase rates by 1% per year over four years has pushed the whole balance of council houses to affordable housing. There hasn’t been a survey in Tilford for some time. In the Local plan part 2 there is the opportunity to change settlement boundary if you wish, however Tilford is highly constrained being in greenbelt and AONB. Not building in greenbelt is clearly stated in local plan and any comments can be made up to 3rd October if you so wish.

Cllr Relf asked about Tilford not removing the washover. Louise stated a number of villages has asked for greenbelt to be removed in certain areas of their parish.

Cllr Relf asked. If we sought to increase the size of settlement boundary can you also put in proviso by widening boundary for affordable housing only?

Cllr Relf thanks Louise Williams for attending and advises it’s something the Parish Council would have to discuss further at a later date in the year.

Cllr Relf invites other members of the public to speak. One member quotes the greenbelt being a no go for housing, but wanted to ask the background of the Reeds Stables planning application. “In 16th June meeting there were clear objections to the application. My understanding is that Mr Adams was here at this time and agreed to call it in. The application wasn’t called in and Waverley Borough Council was clear the matter was not called in thereby I call upon Cllr Adams for an explanation as to why not?”

This Parish relys of trust and if someone agrees to call it in I think if fair to the council and residents that this happens”

Cllr Adams confirmed that it did indeed happen.

Cllr Relf reads out email of 9thSept from Cllr Adams – extract below.

I did indeed ask the officer to present this to Committee if it was deemed to be accepted but unfortunately the request got lost. When pressed on why it was passed anyway, the decision was made on the basis that it was deemed to be ‘permitted’ development.

I pointed out that the structure looked totally inadequate to me to be converted and the Council should not rely on reports commissioned by the applicant. I asked Development Control to commission a report from or own Building Control dept. I will chase this up.

Should the building be ‘enclosed’ and then the interior walls removed and new one’s built then this will be in breach of the permission and Enforcement undertaken.

Cllr Adams has spoken to building control and is awaiting a response.

Cllr Relf can it be revoked?

Cllr Adams “it depends on the report, but the application asked for conversion not rebuild.”

Cllr Relf asks Cllr Adams Where do you lie personally? Cllr Adams” it should have come to committee. I don’t normally have to write a note to the officers, I went to the senior officer.”

The member of public states that Internally there aren’t clear cost implications of calling in. Cllr Adams” most of the councillors not in Waverley would have sent email, but as I am there three days a week I would speak verbally

It was a breakdown in communications. Many changes are happening within Waverley Borough Council. All staff report to Chief Exec, I do not have overall responsibility on how they work.”

Cllr Relf Asks what sort of timing response from Building control should we expect? Cllr Adams expects something to come back in week or two.

ACTION Process change Calling in should be confirmed by email and responded to by Cllr Adams in future.

Another Member of the Public raises Keepers Cottage application for three buildings currently refused and trees taken down.

Two points with regards to the trees, the first being the guys in council are not accountable to them. The second being the enforcement officer decided not to take any actions.

Cllr Relf asked “Were they in your view saplings?” Member of the public states “no they were 15 years old. Some of them, had a diameter of 30cm. Still the council did not do anything, and no applications submitted.

A Beautiful meadow has been destroyed. In my view this has not been dealt with properly by Waverley Borough Council. I repeatedly put requests to the developers to meet, but have heard nothing until today”

The points of refusal for the application where due to the big bulk of each property. The new proposal is still three large bulky buildings. Height and design looks to be the same. Biggest point was sheer volume,

Cllr Relf stated that the Parish Council are on record for desire to see something more traditional, but believe Waverley Borough Council are open to more modern design, but we cannot comment any further until new application has been received.

Cllr Adams will look at how far the application has come and can ask the enforcement officer to explain why he thought no further action should be taken to the tree felling. ACTION: Cllr Adams

Cllr Relf points out that we don’t seem to get responses from Waverley Borough Council to our concerns and it’s not just Tilford who experience this.

Cllr Adams advises to write to the Chief Executive

ACTION request meeting with Chief Exec WBC

Cllr Adams believes WBC are not operating efficiently at the moment, but asks were the trees protected by at TPO, if they were then the arborist has a duty of care to seek from the Council if there are TPO in place.

Cllr Relf asks if the trees individually are not subject to TPO, but under a wider protection

Cllr Adams, yes I believe they were subject to the wider protection if they are the size stated.

The member of public confirms it was two young lads who cleared the trees as directed by the land developer.

Cllr Relf – how do you feel about these sorts of statements on the system that is letting us down?

I think it is poor that Waverley Borough Council should say it’s not in the public interest and refers to statement given by William Gibb who works for John Bennett at the Council. Cllr Relf asks if the member of public would ask them to justify directly and accountability to Tilford PC.

Cllr Relf will you come back to us please, thank you very much.

Cllr Relf any other questions from the public?


Cllr Harmer asked if we had received any further update on the Post Office and refers to the mobile service of two hours a week which is due to be launched.

Tilford PC confirmed that we had received a letter back from the Post Office confirming it would not look at reopening Tilford ACTION: CLERK To forward VILLAGE SHOP copy of R Worley letter

Cllr Harmer stated that Highways are expected to report tomorrow as being scheduled this financial year. There is currently no capital money in budget to cover end capital schemes. All capital money has been allocated to schools amongst other things, capital schemes fixing the big roads. The works in this years financial plan are being funded by allocations from planning infrastructure contributions.

Tilford is currently being funded by Dockenfield and Frensham. However. Highways in rural areas are structurally corrected and is considered a right of way, not a road.

We have one of the most bio diverse common in South of England which is being destroyed by mis use of horses and cyclists.

Rights of way don’t generally come to committee However, we have funds and budgeting, therefore I am campaigning for Rights of Way to be treated the same way as the roads and using PIC in some way to develop this.

If Tilford has any rights of way issues, let us know.

Cllr Harmer confirmed that the dropped kerbs and road markings had been approved for this year. Next years’ items are to be discussed in three weeks time.


Cllr Adams updated that the Local plan part 1 is out for review. All can be found on Waverley’s website and is comprehensive, the review finishes October 3rd. Assess information, some may be incorporated in plan, others bundled up for inspector to review. I expect this to start sometime in the Spring. Local plan part 2 is being scoped now, but this deals with more detailed policies and covers neighbourhood plans. Planning to have local plan part 2 before next election in 2019. We would then have as a borough up to date policies and neighbourhood plans.

590 houses are our target this year, but we are behind.

Farnham neighbourhood plan out for consultation, but we currently have an appeal on Waverley Lane and now delayed until October 19th . B ut because Farnham neighbourhood plan is in consultation, its gone to the secretary of state for review.

Member of the public asks will there be a meeting summarizing what the issues are and how do you inform local people?

Cllr Relf responds that I don’t think we can, there is a process for people to get involved if they so wish to.

Member of the Public asks “Are the Parish Council going to comment on Waverleys plan?”