DATE: / Thursday, November 10, 2016
TIME: / 10:00 AM



Kim Slater / Jason Burkett / Desiree Hanson
Cindy Terrano / Dave Maberry / Jay Wright
Dori Siverio-Minardi / Karen Wartenberg / Lori Perks


Kate Fitch – MillimanBen Siegel-Wallace - Advisory BoardBeth Schultz – Nthrive

Dave Axene–NthriveAmy Summers – NthriveMike Romney – Nthrive

Jeff Leibach– NavigantMonica Jamouneau – NavigantBrent Shive – Navigant

Thonas Dixon – NavigantJulie Walker – Navigant


Karen Wartenberg and Cindy Terrano gave an overview of what Moffitt was hoping to accomplish with the RFP to the vendors present on the call.

Moffitt is seeking to improve its understanding of its pricing position within the commercial market with the recognition that it must manage reimbursement within two markets, traditional fee for service reimbursement (FFS) and value-based fee arrangements (VBF). The benchmarking services will inform Moffitt’s pricing strategies in both the FFS and VBF reimbursement markets.

Within the FFS market, Moffitt will leverage the information to inform FFS payer contract negotiations and pricing strategies. Within the VBF market, Moffitt seeks to understand how its total cost of care (TCOC) over a cancer care continuum, compares to the TCOC of other providers for high volume cancer types (i.e. breast, lung, colon).

Moffitt believes its model of care translates to value relative to other cancer providers when the total cost of care is measured over a cancer care continuum or episode. Cost is measured in terms of reimbursement.

Access to a robust commercial claims data set with appropriate coverage of the Tampa market, regional Florida markets and national markets is required for the benchmarking analysis. Vendor data sets should provide the ability to:

  • calculate commercial reimbursement at varying levels (DRG, APC, ASC grouper, CPT, J-code, etc.)
  • follow individual patients over a period of time and attribute those patients to the facilities where cancer services were provided.

Vendors have the ability to bid on either the FFS or VBF benchmarking services.

Vendors should also address in their proposals if there will be any limitations placed on Moffitt on the use of data and reports derived from the benchmarking services.

Vendor Q&A:

Q- Expectations as it relates to pricing and Medicare advantage?

A – Moffitt’s focus will be on the commercial pricing excluding Medicare Advantage. However, Moffitt is interested to understand a vendor’s ability to benchmark Medicare Advantage rates.

Q- Will we consider cancer stage in the analysis?

A – No, we will not consider cancer stage.

Q- For the VBF analysis, does Moffitt expect a vendor to have an attribution methodology recommendation?

A – Yes. Moffitt seeks to collaborate with the vendor to develop an attribution methodology. Both the vendor’s recommendation and Moffitt’s experience will be leveraged in this collaboration.

Q- For the VBF analysis, does Moffitt anticipate utilizing an episode trigger?

A – Yes, Moffitt will collaborate with the vendor to develop the episode attribution methodology. And, Moffitt would expect to develop a treatment based episode trigger in this collaboration.

Q- Which specific procedures or codes would you expect to include in the FFS and VBF analysis?

A – Moffittwill focus on higher volume cancer specific services within the FFS analysis; includingdrug services (J codes), radiation oncology procedures, surgical DRGs or procedures, radiology procedures and pathology procedures. Moffitt will target higher volume cancer types in the VBF analysis.

Q – What is the anticipated timeline to complete the analysis?

A – Moffitt will collaborate with the vendor to develop our analytics methodologies in December and will look to complete the benchmark reports and analysis in January.

Q – Will Moffitt provide a list of centers to be included in the benchmark analysis?

A – Moffittseeks visibility to providers and centers within the Tampa, Florida regional and national markets. At the national level Moffitt seeks visibility to large Academic Medical Centers and National Comprehensive Cancer centers.

Q – For the VBF analysis, what internal analysis will Moffitt leverage?

A – Moffitt’s preference is to rely on vendor data rather than Moffitt claim data, as Moffitt’s data does not include services provided outside our facilities.

Q – Does Moffitt seek strategic advisory services, including interpretations and recommendations, within the vendors’ proposals?

A – Yes, Moffitt would like vendors to include feedback on available strategic advisory services within their proposals.

Q – Can Moffitt provide clarification on the sub-contractor requirements?

A – RFP responses should include bidder’s ability to provide fifteen percent (15%) spend with certified Minority, Women, Veteran and Service Disabled Veteran-owned Business Enterprise (“MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBE”) related to the specific commodity or services identified in the proposal.