EyeSight Foundation of Alabama

2015-2016 Funding Guidelines and Application Instructions


The EyeSight Foundation of Alabama, or ESFA, is a nonprofit foundation whose mission is to serve as a catalyst to improve eyesight through education, research and access to care.

Priority Areas of Interest:
ESFA seeks to maximize the impact of its funding by supporting organizations and programs that can effectively and efficiently address needs that fit our priority areas of interest, including but not limited to:

¨  Public education on preventive and routine eye care, and vision screening and referral

¨  Eye care for the medically indigent

¨  Low vision and rehabilitation services

¨  Improved geographic access to general and specialty eye care services

¨  Education and training of eye care professionals and scientific investigators

¨  Research in the prevention and treatment of eye diseases, disabilities or impairment prevalent in Alabama and the development of effective methods of treatment, surgery or rehabilitation

¨  Basic science and clinical research on eye diseases and the vision system.

Funding Criteria:

ESFA gives funding preference to requests that meet the following criteria:

¨  Address a critical eye care need (see the Eye Health Needs Assessment and the new Census of Alabama Eye Care Providers on our website www.eyesightfoundation.org )

¨  Avoid duplication of existing services unless they target a population not already being served

¨  Involve collaboration and coordination with other organizations and agencies

¨  Demonstrate a solid base of financial support for the requesting organization

¨  Serve Alabamians, particularly in the service area of the UAB Callahan Eye Hospital

¨  Expand our knowledge base in visual research

¨  Include an effective approach for measuring results and the impact of ESFA’s investment.

Limitations & Restrictions
The EyeSight Foundation of Alabama considers funding applications only from nonprofit organizations that provide services in Alabama and have tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code or are described as an appropriate beneficiary for a foundation under the Internal Revenue Service Code.
No funds are provided to or for:

¨  Individuals for personal needs

¨  Indirect costs associated with a grant project

¨  Religious organizations for religious purposes

¨  Political organizations or candidates for public office.

Calendar for FY 2015-2016 Grants

Application deadline April 1, 2015

Initial committee and board review April 2015

Final board decision and notification of decision July/August 2015

Distribution of funds After August 1, 2015

Application Instructions

There are three types of projects; the application process is different for each. We prefer that you use our forms, but you may submit in any alternate format that provides all requested information in a readily understandable fashion. Your request should be printed in 12 pt. type font with 1” margins, without binders, notebooks, folders or staples. Use paper clips or binder clips only. We photocopy and 3-hole punch all material for distribution to the review committee, as well as copy/paste into our worksheets. PDFs typically are not suitable.


If you have current, on-going ESFA funding for the period from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 and you would simply like to renew the same project for another year, you need to submit a three-part funding request by April 1, 2015.

1.  Section A – Organization Information

2.  Section B – Project Budget Form*

3.  Section D – Continuation Request Application/Stewardship Report on your most recent funding. We understand that the report may only cover a partial funding cycle, from July-April. We will also refer to any prior years’ Stewardship Reports as supporting material.

¨  NEW REQUESTS (non-research)

If this is a new, first-time request to ESFA for your proposed project, or if it is a request for a project that is not currently active and receiving ESFA funding, your four-part funding request should be submitted by April 1, 2015.

1.  Section A – Organization Information

2.  Section B – Project Budget Form*

3.  Section C – New Request Application

4.  Supporting Documentation – Not required of UAB applicants. Non-UAB applicants must provide the following:

·  Your organization’s current annual operating budget and an income and expense statement for your last fiscal year. Both should include sources of support as well as expenses.

·  A tax return or audited financial statement.

·  A list of your current Board of Directors, including the primary professional and/or civic affiliation of each member.

·  Your organization’s tax-exempt determination letter from the IRS.


q  If you are not using our forms, did you include all the required information from the forms and follow instructions for margins, type size, no staples, etc.?

q  Deliver or mail one signed hard copy of your completed application along with all supporting documentation to the ESFA office.

q  Email with an electronic copy of your completed application. Be sure Funding Request shows in the subject line.

* PROJECT BUDGET FORM – For UAB applicants: If filling in this budget form or complying with any other application requirement shifts your project into UAB Contracts and Grants/Office of Sponsored Research, and you would prefer your project be treated as a Gift instead of a Grant, please contact our office to discuss potential modifications.


We are no longer accepting applications for individual investigator-led research projects.

The EyeSight Foundation of Alabama has aligned with the leadership of the University of Alabama at Birmingham through the School of Medicine, the School of Optometry, and the UA Health System to leverage ESFA funds in support of collaborative vision science goals.

What does this mean to the research grant application process?

If you are an investigator within the UAB School of Medicine’s Department of Ophthalmology or the UAB School of Optometry’s Department of Vision Sciences and are interested in ESFA support for your vision research, you should discuss your project with your chairman. Recommendations for the projects/programs toward which the funding will be directed will be made collaboratively to ESFA by the chairmen. Matching funds will be provided by their respective schools.

If you are an investigator outside the Department of Ophthalmology and the Department of Vision Sciences you should contact our office to determine next steps if you have a proposal that fits within their collaborative research goals.

Contact Information

EyeSight Foundation of Alabama
700 South 18th Street, Suite 123
Birmingham, AL 35233
205/488-0771 Phone
205/325-8335 Fax

Torrey DeKeyser
Executive Director

Shirley Hamilton
Director of Grants and Communications

Fran Lovoy
Administrative and Special Projects Coordinator