Hokes Bluff High School
Instructor: Mrs. Lynette Marbut
Room Number: 13
I. Materials Required Daily:
1) Pen (blue or black ink only) or Pencil
2) Loose leaf paper
3) Ring Binder
4) Cell phone or Attendance card for attendance
The following items are not allowed in the classroom.
· Mobile phones other than in the cell phone pouch
· Electronic device unless being used for a class assignment
· Food or Drinks not purchased on campus
· Any item deemed to interfere with instruction
· *1st offense item will be taken up and returned at the end of the day
· *2nd offense from the student, and kept until the end of the day.
II. Classroom Format, Requirements, and Evaluation:
This course uses a variety of classroom methods, including: lectures, class discussions, group work, individual work, labs, writing and reading assignments and class presentations. Students are expected to participate in, and complete all aspects of required work to the best of their ability. Student achievement will be evaluated in a holistic manner, taking into account all aspects performance.
Tests and quizzes will be given regularly throughout the semester. All make up test will be on the same information but a different format from the test taken on the original test date. There will be a comprehensive test at the end of the year. Students may be exempt from the final exam if they meet certain criteria.
III. Student Success:
I am very interested in the success of every student. If you are having trouble with a particular assignment or concept, do not hesitate to seek help from me. Students and parents are encouraged to use email in order to contact me at .
IV. Academic Integrity:
Do your own work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. While it is expected that students will discuss homework and classwork assignments, a student should never submit another person’s work or ideas as their own.
If a student is observed copying answers from another students completed work or attempts to submit another’s work or ideas as their own, then a grade of “0” will be assigned. To remove the “0,” the assignment must be completed, from the start, in Eagle period under the supervision of a teacher or administrator, and the student cannot earn a grade of higher than 70% on work .
When group work is assigned, all members of a group are expected to complete some or all parts of that assignment. Any group member who does not participate will be required to complete the assignment on their own. Any member who does not complete their required portion will not receive full credit and will not earn a grade higher than 70%.
V. Attendance
In order to succeed in this class a student MUST be present. After returning from an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to provide the office with an excuse within 3 days of returning from an absence. An attendance policy was sent home with your student. Please be sure you are aware of all policies and procedures pertaining to attendance.
It is the student’s responsibility to retrieve the assignments and the notes missed when absent for any reason. Make-up work will not be addressed during class. Students must see Mrs. Marbut during Eagle period, before school or at break to discuss make up work. Make up test will be given during Eagle period on the set date, or in my room during a designated time.
Students are expected to be in their desk and ready to begin when the tardy bell rings, if not , they will be marked as tardy.
VI. Classroom Conduct
It is necessary for all students to present themselves in a mature and appropriate manner that creates the best learning environment for everybody. Students must maintain respect for themselves, other students and the instructor, at all times. Inappropriate behavior will result in the involvement of the student’s parent/ guardian and the school administration to aid in both correction and disciplinary action.
VII. Grading System:
Student grades will be recorded in I Now and may be viewed on line.
Any grade taken during an unexcused absence will be recorded as a 0, and cannot be made up.
Any grade taken during an excused absence will appear as a grade of 1 until the assignment is made up. If grade for an excused absence is not been made up within the allotted time frame, it will be changed to a 0 and will no longer be eligible for make-up credit.
Any grade taken while the student is present but does not turn in due to lack of participation etc… will appear as a 2.
Any grade taken that the student attempted but made a zero on will appear as a 10.
0 = unexcused absence / or excused and not made up within time allotted
1 = excused absence that has not been made up yet
2 = grade taken, while student was present, but student did not turn in a paper
10 = student was present and made a 0 on the assignment
9 weeks grades will be weighted as follows:
Tests/Presentations 50%
Daily work /Homework: 25%
Lab/Hands on activities 25%
VIII. Course Content Skills and Standards
A. Science Skills
Students will:
· Use science process skills in laboratory or field investigations, including observation, classification, communication, metric measurement, prediction, inference and, collecting and analyzing data
· Use traditional reference materials to explore background and historical information regarding a scientific concept
· Learn and use, on a regular basis, standard safety practices for laboratory or field investigations
· Identify the significance of accurate, precise, and subjective/objective measurements, use of reliable tools, safety measure, and career training in environmental monitoring
· All students must have a Flinn Safety Contract on file and make a passing grade on a safety test to participate in lab
IX. Class Fee
Biology / Physical Science $10.00
Forensics /Earth and Space $20.00
Other Elective classes $20.00