Science Observation Journal
Date / What Was ObservedScience Experiment Form
(Before experiment)
Question: What do I want to find out?
List your top 3 question choices in order of one you want to do most to one you want to do least.
Hypothesis: What is going to happen and why? (DO NOT use the words I THINK)
Independent VariableThis is the thing that you are changing in the experiment:
Dependent VariableWhat are you measuring in the experiment:
Control VariablesThese are the things in the experiment that are being kept the same:
Materials: What do I need for my experiment?
Procedure: How will I find out? (Step by Step numbered list)
Science Experiment Form
(After experiment)
Analyze Data: You will want to make large, colorful displays of graphs of any data you collected (
Results: What actually happened? These are the exact Numbers
Conclusion: What did I learn?
Science Fair Project Time Line
Date of Science Fair:______
DateDue / Date Completed / Things to Do
Choose a topic and write a project question.
Research the topic by using books, the Internet, and other resources.
Write a hypothesis.
Design an experiment to test the hypothesis.
Conduct the experiment and record observations.
Make a table, or chart, for data. Draw one or more graphs of the data.
Write the project report.
Make the project display, or exhibit.
Present the project at the Science Fair
5 4 3 2 1
The problem is clear and testable. It is a question with no errors. / The problem is clear and testable with a few errors. / The problem is clear and testable with errors. It is not written in the form of a question. / The problem is not clear, is not written in the form of a question and has many errors, but is testable. / The problem is not testable.The hypothesis is a reasonable prediction. It is a complete sentence with no errors. / The hypothesis is a reasonable prediction. It is a complete sentence with few errors. / The hypothesis is a reasonable prediction. It is not a complete sentence and has errors. / The hypothesis is not a reasonable prediction. It is not a complete sentence with many errors. / The hypothesis is not related to the problem.
The procedure is written in an easy to follow step-by-step pattern with no errors. The list of materials is complete. The experiment tests the hypothesis. / The procedure is written in a step-by-step pattern with few errors. The list of materials is complete. The experiment tests the hypothesis. / The procedure is written without materials. It is not easy to follow. The experiment tests the hypothesis. / The procedure is missing many steps, materials, and has many errors. The experiment tests the hypothesis. / The experiment does not test the hypothesis.
The results are clearly displayed in a chart/graph/ table. All pieces of the chart or graph are clearly labeled. The experiment was tested more than once. / The results are clearly displayed in a chart/graph/ table. All pieces of the chart or graph are clearly labeled. / The results are displayed in a chart/graph/ table. / The results are displayed in a chart/graph/ table with many errors and the information presented is hard to understand. / The results are listed, but there is no chart/graph/table.
The conclusion includes the answer to these questions: Was my hypothesis correct or incorrect? Why did the results turn out the way they did? The “why” is answered using research or resources from the internet, library, etc. How could the experiment be changed next time? What did you learn? / The conclusion includes the answer to these questions: Was my hypothesis correct or incorrect? Why did the results turn out the way they did? The “why” is answered using research or resources from the internet, library, etc. / The conclusion includes the answer to these questions: Was my hypothesis correct or incorrect? Why did the results turn out the way they did? / The conclusion includes the answer to this question: Was my hypothesis correct or incorrect? / The conclusion does not support the results presented in the chart/graph/table.
My Data Chart
(You may not need all of the rows in this data table. If you need more rows, ask your teacher for a second copy of this worksheet. If this data table doesn’t seem right for your project, ask your teacher for help.)
Independent Variable(Describe the thing that yow will change in your experiment) / Dependent Variable
Trial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3 / Average
(Add the three numbers together and then divide by three)