Science 5, 4thedition ©2014 BJU Press

Lesson Plan Overview

Lesson / TE
pages / ST
pages / AM pages / Objectives and Christian Worldview / Process Skills
1 / 1–2 / 1 / •Define worldview
•Recognize that everyone has a worldview
•Identify characteristics of a Christian worldview
Chapter 1: Minerals and Rocks
2 / 2–5 / 3–5 / 2 / •Recognize the interrelationship of science concepts
•Distinguish facts and assumptions in the evolution/Creation debate
•Evaluate evolutionary assumptions from a Christian worldview
Mankind’s imitation of God’s creation
The Bible as the final authority
God as the only Creator
3 / 6–9 / 6–9 / 3–4 / •Identify and locate the layers of the earth
•Describe features of the core, mantle, and crust
•Explain how weathering and erosion affect sediment
•Define humus
The Flood’s effect on the earth
Fall of mankind
Mankind’s use of God’s resources
4 / 10–11 / 5–6 / Answers in Genesis
•Explain why it is necessary to look at the world with a biblical perspective
•Justify from a biblical viewpoint that the layers of the earth did not take millions of years to form
5–6 / 12–17 / 10–15 / 7 / •Define mineral
•Identify crystal structure, luster, hardness, color, and cleavage as characteristics of minerals
•Explain how the Mohs scale is used to determine hardness
God’s design for the earth’s resources
God’s design for the human body
7 / 18–19 / 8 / Activity: Measuring Mass and Volume
•Measure mass to the nearest gram
•Measure volume to the nearest milliliter
8–9 / 20–21 / 16–17 / 9–10 / Activity: Salty Crystals
•Follow directions
•Observe the formation of Epsom-salt crystals
•Collect and record observation data / Measuring
Identifying and controlling variables
Collecting, recording, and interpreting data
10 / 22–26 / 18–22 / 11–13 / •Differentiate between characteristics of precious and semiprecious stones
•List some common uses of minerals
•Recognize that some minerals are metals
•Identify where minerals are found
God’s creation for mankind’s enjoyment
God’s salvation through Christ
11 / 27 / 23 / 14 / Exploration: Munching Minerals
•Research a mineral found in foods or beverages
•Display foods or beverages that contain the mineral
•Prepare an oral presentation
God’s design for the human body
12 / 28–29 / 15–18 / Study Skill: PQ3R
•Use the PQ3R method to read informational text
13 / 30–33 / 24–27 / 19 / •Define rock
•Identify three types of rock and explain how each is formed
•List examples of igneous rock, sedimentary rock, and metamorphic rock
Consequences of sin
The Bible as the final authority
14 / 34–35 / 28–29 / 20–21 / Activity: Rock Hounding
•Label rocks in a collection
•Classify rocks according to chosen criteria / Observing
Defining operationally
15 / 36 / 30 / 22 / Chapter Review
•Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 1
•Apply knowledge to everyday situations
16 / 36 / Chapter 1 Test
•Demonstrate knowledge of concepts taught in Chapter 1
Lesson / TE
pages / ST
pages / AM pages / Objectives and Christian Worldview / Process Skills
Chapter 2: Fossils and Dinosaurs
17 / 37 / 31 / 23 / •Evaluate evolutionary assumptions from a Christian worldview
Faith in the Word of God
God’s orderly design
18 / 38–40 / 32–34 / •Define fossil
•Compare and describe some types of fossils that form in sediment: petrified fossil, mold, cast, carbon film, trace fossil
•Identify other materials in which fossils are sometimes preserved
The Flood’s effect on the earth
19 / 41 / 35 / 24–25 / •Compare beliefs of evolutionists and Creationists
The Flood’s effect on the earth
Faith in the Word of God
20 / 42–43 / 36–37 / 26 / Activity: Fact or Theory?
•Identify phrases or statements that indicate a Creationist or evolutionist viewpoint
•Make inferences as to the viewpoint from which literature is written
Discerning what is true
The Bible as the final authority / Inferring
Collecting and interpreting data
Defining operationally
21–22 / 44–45 / 38–39 / 27–28 / Activity: Molds and Casts
•Make models of fossils
•Relate models to fossils
23–24 / 46–49 / 40–43 / 29–30 / •Define paleontology
•Describe how fossils are excavated and reconstructed
•Explain why rock layers do not indicate the age of a buried fossil
•Describe how paleontologists use carbon dating to guess the age of fossils
The Flood’s effect on the earth
Faith in the Word of God
25–26 / 50–51 / 44–45 / 31–32 / Exploration: Fossil Dig
•Model the procedures a paleontologist uses while excavating
•Complete a site map
27 / 52–55 / 46–49 / 33 / •Recognize that what is known about dinosaurs is based on the observations of fossils
•Name some of the types of information that are known from fossils
•Recognize some of the types of information that can be inferred from fossils
Mankind’s God-given curiosity
Faith in the Word of God
God’s perfect creation
28 / 56–59 / 50–53 / 34 / •Realize that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time
•Recognize that some dinosaurs survived the Flood
•Identify biblical animals that may have been dinosaurs
•Name some causes of extinction
•Identify reasons why dinosaurs may have become extinct
Faith in the Word of God
God’s orderly design
29 / 60–61 / 35–36 / Answers in Genesis
•Justify from a biblical viewpoint that dinosaurs existed and that dinosaurs and people lived together
•Examine scientific evidence to show that dinosaurs are thousands of years old and not millions
30 / 62 / 54 / 37–38 / Chapter Review
•Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 2
•Apply knowledge to everyday situations
31 / 62 / Chapter 2 Test
•Demonstrate knowledge of concepts taught in Chapter 2
Lesson / TE
pages / ST
pages / AM pages / Objectives and Christian Worldview / Process Skills
Chapter 3: Matter
32 / 64–67 / 55–57 / 39 / •Recognize that God created different kinds of matter to melt at different temperatures
•Recognize that learning about matter and how it works is important to glorify God and serve others
•Give an example of how God’s design of the properties of matter benefits people
Christian behavior as showing God’s love to others
Christians as a reflection of God
33 / 68–71 / 58–61 / 40 / •Define matter
•Explain how to find the volume of a solid and of a liquid
•Differentiate between mass and weight
•Recognize that volume, mass, and weight are ways by which matter can be measured
•Explain how density is related to mass and volume
Mankind’s use of wisdom to serve others
God’s provision for mankind
God’s perfect design
34 / 72–73 / 41 / Activity: Measuring Length, Volume, and Temperature
•Measure length to the nearest millimeter
•Measure volume using cubic centimeters
•Measure temperature to the nearest degree
35–36 / 74–79 / 62–67 / 42–44 / •Identify and describe the three states of matter
•List examples of solids, liquids, and gases
•Define physical change
•Recognize that a change of state is a physical change
•Differentiate among melting, freezing, vaporization, and condensation
God’s orderly design
37 / 80–81 / 45–46 / Activity: A Science Experiment
•Use a scientific method
Discerning what is true
38 / 82–83 / 68–69 / 47–48 / •Identify atoms as small particles of matter
•Differentiate between elements and compounds
•Contrast chemical changes and physical changes
39 / 84–85 / 70–71 / 49–50 / Activity: Separating a Mixture
•Plan a procedure for separating the parts of a mixture
•Apply the physical properties of the items that make up a mixture
•Experiment to test predictions
•Infer how to physically remove a dissolved item from water / Predicting
40 / 86–89 / 72–75 / 51 / •Define mixture
•Explain the difference between a mixture and a compound
•Give some examples of mixtures
•Identify some ways that substances in a mixture can be separated using physical properties
41 / 90–93 / 76–79 / 52–54 / •Identify a solution as a type of mixture
•Identify the parts of a solution
•Define concentration
•Explain ways to increase the rate of dissolving
Mankind’s demonstration of God’s love
42 / 94–95 / 55–56 / Answers in Genesis
•Recognize that God created the matter in the universe from nothing
•Provide examples from Scripture of how the universe was created
•Identify the object of faith for materialists (matter) and Christians (God and the Bible)
43 / 96–97 / 80–81 / 57–58 / Activity: A Disappearing Act
•Predict how surface area will affect the rate of dissolving
•Relate results to other situations / Hypothesizing
Defining operationally
44–45 / 98–99 / 82–83 / 59 / Exploration: Float a Boat
•Design a clay boat that will float
•Demonstrate buoyancy
God overruling His natural laws
46 / 100 / 84 / 60 / Chapter Review
•Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 3
•Apply knowledge to everyday situations
47 / 100 / Chapter 3 Test
•Demonstrate knowledge of concepts taught in Chapter 3
Lesson / TE
pages / ST
pages / AM pages / Objectives and Christian Worldview / Process Skills
Chapter 4: Energy and Heat
48 / 101 / 85 / 61 / •Explain the importance of energy and heat in designing useful technology
God’s provision for His creation
Mankind’s use of wisdom to serve others
49–50 / 102–5 / 86–89 / 62 / •Define energy
•Differentiate between potential energy and kinetic energy
•Recognize that energy is often classified as either potential or kinetic
•Recognize that the amount of thermal energy depends on the temperature and mass of a substance
•Differentiate between thermal energy and temperature
People as stewards of God’s creation
51 / 106–7 / 90–91 / 63–64 / Activity: Rock Heaters
•Predict how the mass of a substance affects the amount of thermal energy it can transfer
•Experiment to test a hypothesis / Hypothesizing
Measuring and using numbers
Collecting and recording data
Defining operationally
52 / 108–10 / 92–94 / 65–66 / •Recognize that increasing or decreasing thermal energy can cause matter to change to a different state
•Explain what happens during thermal expansion
•Define calorie
•Recognize that substances differ in their ability to store thermal energy
53 / 111 / 95 / 67–68 / Exploration: Energy for Your Body
•Recognize that a food Calorie is also called a kilocalorie
•Calculate the resting metabolic rate
•Track Calorie consumption for three days
54–55 / 112–15 / 96–99 / 69–70 / •Define heat
•Recognize that heat always flows from a warmer substance to a cooler substance
•Identify and describe three ways that heat occurs
•Differentiate between conductors and insulators
56 / 116–17 / 100–101 / 71–72 / Activity: Keeping Warm
•Predict which type of insulation will best keep hot water warm
•Test different types of insulation to determine which is the most effective
•Measure and use numbers in an activity / Hypothesizing
Collecting and recording data
57 / 118–20 / 102–4 / 73–75 / •Identify some common fuels
•Distinguish between renewable and nonrenewable resources
•Name some ways fuel is used
•Give examples of unwanted heat
God’s design for the human body
58 / 121–24 / 105–8 / 76 / •Explain why controlling heat is necessary
•Explain how scientists controlled heat for the reentry of space capsules
•Name two types of insulation used on space shuttles
•Name some ways that thermal energy is part of our everyday lives
Mankind’s imitation of creation
Mankind’s responsibility to glorify God
59 / 125–26 / 77–78 / Answers in Genesis
•Show how Christian scientists can do operational science in order to exercise biblical dominion
•Give examples of discoveries that show that operational science does not need to refer to evolutionary principles to be successful
•Explain why biomimicry is an example of exercising dominion to love our neighbor and to glorify God
60 / 127 / 109 / 79 / Exploration: Moon Station
•Design a piece of equipment for a moon station
•Research equipment developed for the space program
61 / 128 / 110 / 80 / Chapter Review
•Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 4
•Apply knowledge to everyday situations
62 / 128 / Chapter 4 Test
•Demonstrate knowledge of concepts taught in Chapter 4
Lesson / TE
pages / ST
pages / AM pages / Objectives and Christian Worldview / Process Skills
Chapter 5: Weather
63 / 130–31 / 111–13 / 81 / •Recognize the interrelationship of science concepts
•Recognize, from a Christian worldview, reasons for studying climate
•Understand the role of meteorology in preserving human life
•Apply the biblical teaching on the value of human life to everyday situations
64–65 / 134–37 / 114–17 / 82–83 / •Describe the atmosphere
•Define air pressure
•Recognize that gravity pulls the atmosphere toward the earth
•Name an instrument that measures air pressure
•Identify and describe the two lower layers of the atmosphere
Mankind’s God-given ability to observe
God’s design for the human body
God’s orderly design
66–67 / 138–43 / 118–23 / 84–86 / •Compare and contrast high-pressure air masses and low-pressure air masses
•Define front and describe three types
•Explain how temperature affects wind
•Differentiate between global winds and local winds
•Name examples of global winds and local winds
68 / 144–45 / 124–25 / 87 / Activity: Temperature Changes
•Predict whether water and soil will warm or cool at the same rate
•Identify and control variables
•Measure and record temperatures
•Relate temperature changes to the ability of each substance to hold and give off heat / Measuring
Recording data
69–70 / 146–51 / 125–31 / 88 / •Define precipitation
•Differentiate among rain, sleet, snow, and hail
•Define humidity
•Identify and describe three basic shapes of clouds
God’s provision for His creation
Christian behavior as showing God’s love to others
71 / 152–54 / 132–34 / •Describe characteristics of thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes
•Differentiate between a weather watch and a weather warning
Mankind’s God-given dominion
Christian behavior as showing God’s love to others
72 / 155 / 135 / Exploration: Dangerous Extremes
•Research the safety precautions for a type of severe weather
•Make and present a poster or pamphlet
73 / 156–57 / 136–37 / 89–90 / •Describe the job of a meteorologist
•Read and interpret basic symbols on a weather map
Mankind’s use of wisdom to serve others
Christian behavior as showing God’s love to others
74–75 / 158–59 / 138–39 / 91–92 / Activity: Weather Observatory
•Make working weather instruments
•Correctly use the instruments to gather information about the weather
•Record data
•Use data to make weather predictions / Measuring and using numbers
Making and using models
Collecting, recording, and interpreting data
76 / 160–61 / 93–94 / Answers in Genesis
•Explain how clouds form
•Defend a biblical view of evidence for one ice age against a secular view of evidence for multiple ice ages
77 / 162 / 140 / 95 / Chapter Review
•Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 5
•Apply knowledge to everyday situations
78 / 162 / Chapter 5 Test
•Demonstrate knowledge of concepts taught in Chapter 5
Lesson / TE
pages / ST
pages / AM pages / Objectives and Christian Worldview / Process Skills
Chapter 6: Biomes
79 / 163 / 141 / 97 / •Appreciate the effect of human intervention on a wetland biome
•Apply the Bible’s teaching of stewardship of creation to biomes
•Generate possible solutions to the concerns about destroying or using biomes
Mankind as steward of God’s creation
Mankind’s use of wisdom to serve others
80 / 164–67 / 142–45 / 98 / •Differentiate between a biome and the biosphere
•Identify climate as a major influence on land biomes
•Describe basic characteristics of the tundra
•Name some ways that animals and plants survive on the tundra
God’s provision for His creation
81–82 / 168–71 / 146–49 / 99–100 / •Describe basic characteristics of the coniferous forest
•Describe basic characteristics of the deciduous forest
•Differentiate between conifers and deciduous trees
•Name two ways that animals in the deciduous forest survive the changing seasons
God’s provision for His creation
83–84 / 172–75 / 150–53 / 101–2 / •Describe basic characteristics of grasslands
•Compare and contrast prairies and savannas
•Name ways some savanna grasses and trees survive the dry season
•Describe characteristics that all deserts have in common
•Name some ways that desert animals and plants survive the extreme temperatures and dryness
God’s provision for His creation
85 / 176–77 / 154–55 / 103–4 / Activity: Help Prevent Water Loss!
•Identify some characteristics of water-efficient plants
•Predict how waxy surfaces on plants affect water loss
•Relate the effectiveness of a petroleum-jelly coating on a sponge to the waxy surfaces on some leaves and stems
God’s provision for His creation / Predicting
Making and using models
Recording data
86–87 / 178–180 / 156–58 / 101, 105–7 / •Describe basic characteristics of a tropical rain forest
•Identify the layers of the rain forest
•Name ways that roots benefit the rain forest trees
•Recognize that biomes are only a general way to classify sections of the biosphere
•Explain how a mountain can have several biomes
88–89 / 181 / 159 / Exploration: Build a Biome
•Research a biome
•Create a model of that biome
90–91 / 182–87 / 160–65 / 108–10 / •Name the two categories of aquatic biomes
•Explain why coral reefs are called “the rain forests of the sea”
•Identify the force that keeps river water moving
•Describe kinds of wetlands
•Recognize that people have the God-given responsibility to be good stewards of the earth
God’s provision for His creation
Mankind as steward of God’s creation
92 / 188–89 / 111–12 / Answers in Genesis
•Compare the description of the Garden of Eden to a map of modern-day Iraq
•Explain why the climate and biomes changed after the Flood
93 / 190–91 / 166–67 / 113 / Activity: From Dirty to Clean
•Demonstrate how wetlands purify water
•Infer how the activity models the purifying process of a real wetland
God’s provision for His creation / Making and using models
94 / 192 / 168 / 114 / Chapter Review
•Recall concepts and terms from Chapter 6
•Apply knowledge to everyday situations
95 / 192 / Chapter 6 Test
•Demonstrate knowledge of concepts taught in Chapter 6
Lesson / TE
pages / ST
pages / AM pages / Objectives and Christian Worldview / Process Skills
Chapter 7: Interactions in an Ecosystem
96 / 194–97 / 169–71 / 115 / •Recognize the interrelationship of science concepts
•Explain the relationship between the study of ecosystems and Genesis 1:28
•Apply the Bible’s teaching of stewardship to creatures in a habitat
97–98 / 198–201 / 172–75 / 116–18 / •Identify the two parts of an ecosystem
•Explain the relationships between individuals, communities, and populations
•Identify the functions of producers, consumers, and decomposers
•Explain why scavengers and decomposers are important to an ecosystem
Mankind as steward of God’s creation
99 / 202–3 / 176–77 / 119–20 / Activity: Habitat Investigation
•Investigate a habitat
•Distinguish between living things and nonliving things
•Identify producers and consumers
•Record interactions / Observing
Collecting and recording data
Defining operationally
100 / 204–7 / 178–81 / 121–22 / •Identify the predators and prey in a food chain
•Differentiate between a food chain and a food web
•Describe the transfer of energy from one organism to another
•Explain how competition affects population size
101 / 208 / 182 / Activity: Food-Web Connections
•Identify predators and prey within a food web
•Model a food web
•Recognize interrelationships among organisms in a food web
•Compare the model food web with an actual food web / Making and using models
Defining operationally
102–3 / 209 / 183 / Exploration: A Tangled Web
•Make a visual representation of a food web
•Identify producers, predators, and prey within a food web
•Identify animals as herbivores, omnivores, or carnivores
Mankind’s God-given dominion
104 / 210–11 / 123–24 / Answers in Genesis