Schoolkit Implementation Rubric

1.Develop a vision that prioritizes academic, social, and emotional learning.
Current Score / Notes
Performance Levels for Item 1
Fully functional level of development and implementation / 3
Mostly functional level of development and implementation / 2
Limited development or partial implementation / 1
Little or no development and implementation
  • There is a vision for school-wide SEL implementation.
  • A wide-range of relevant stakeholders (e.g.,teachers, families, student support personnel, support staff, community members) helped develop the vision.
  • The SEL Team has made a public commitment to implement the SEL vision as a priority for student learning.
  • The majority of teachers and staff are aware of the vision for school-wide SEL implementation.
  • School leaders demonstrate their commitment to SEL by modeling social and emotional competence in their interactions with others.
  • There isa vision for school-wide SEL implementationbutthe development process only involved a portion of relevant stakeholders.
  • The SEL Team has made a public commitment to implement the SEL vision as a priority for student learning.
  • Somebut not all teachers and staff are aware of the vision for school-wide SEL implementation.
  • An SEL Leadership Team has been formed and is planning a process to develop a vision for school-wide SEL implementation.
  • The SEL Team has not made any public statements about an SEL vision but has begun discussing the process with small groups of staff or individually with colleagues.
  • Members of the school community are beginning to learn about SEL but are not aware of the vision for SEL implementation yet.
  • School leaders are beginning to discuss the value of SEL with key members of the school community and an SEL Team has begun to organize and take initial steps toward promoting SEL.

2. Conduct SEL-related resource/needs assessment and planning.
Current Score / Notes
Performance Levels for Item 2
Fully functional level of development and implementation / 3
Mostly functional level of development and implementation / 2
Limited development or partial implementation / 1
Little or no development and implementation
  • The SEL Leadership Teamhas conducted a resource/needs assessmentof current strategies that support SEL in classrooms, across the school building, and with families and community agencies.
  • The school has plans to assess resources/needs regularly (every two years or less).
  • Findings from the resource/needs assessment were shared with stakeholders and their input was gathered regarding the development of goals for school-wide SEL.
  • The school has an SELimplementation plan with clear & specific goalsthat are linked to action steps for launching and supportingSEL and indicators of progress.
  • Goals for school-wide SEL and related implementation tasks are included in keydocuments (e.g., school improvement plan and strategic plan).
  • The SEL Leadership Team has conducted a resource/needs assessment of current strategies that support SEL in classrooms, across the school building, and with families and community agencies.
  • The school is in the process of sharing findings from the resources and needs assessment with stakeholders and gathering their input on goals for school-wide SEL.
  • The SEL Leadership Team has identified some goals for launching and supporting SEL but has only developed a preliminary SEL implementation action plan.
  • SEL implementation tasks appear in some key documents (e.g., school improvement plan and strategic plan).
  • The SEL Leadership Teamis in the process of conducting a resource/needs assessment of strategies thatcurrently support SEL in classrooms, across the school building, and with families and community agencies.
  • The SEL Leadership Team has begun to discuss a systemic SEL implementation plan.
  • The school is planning a resource/needs assessment of current strategies that support SEL in classrooms, across the building, and with families and community agencies.
  • Silos of SEL implementation exist in the school but they are not yet part of a coherent plan.

3. Design and implement effective professional learning programs to build internal capacity for developing academic, social, and emotional learning.
Performance Levels for Item 3
Fully functional level of development and implementation / 3
Mostly functional level of development and implementation / 2
Limited development or partial implementation / 1
Little or no development and implementation
  • The SEL Leadership Team and other school leaders have participated in professional learning around basic SEL concepts and how to facilitate school-wide SEL.
  • Professional learning regarding basic SEL concepts is offered at least once a year to all staff as part of an in-service day and the majority of the school staff has participated in one of these sessions.
  • Ongoing support (e.g., observation with feedback, coaching) for implementing school-wide SEL is provided .
  • The SEL Leadership Team has developed a sustainable plan for systematic professional learning in SEL (e.g., PLCs, permanent budget allocated to SEL, teachers provided with release time for SEL training, peer coaches support implementation).
  • The SEL Leadership Team has participated in professional learning around basic SEL concepts and how to facilitate school-wide SEL.
  • The majority of staff members in the building have participated in professional learning around basic SEL concepts.
  • Professional learning in basic SEL concepts is offered at least once a year to all staff as part of an in-service day.
  • PLCs incorporate learning about SEL as a topic and teaching staff support each other in strengthening their SEL practice.
  • The SEL Leadership Team has participated in professional learning around basic SEL concepts.
  • Professional learning for teachers and other staff members is limited (e.g., SEL is occasionally included as part of staff meetings, teachers receive articles/ SEL readings).
  • The SEL Leadership Team has begun to make plans for how to offer more extensive professional learning in SEL to members of the school staff .
  • School leaders and staff members have not yet participated in professional learning on basic SEL concepts.

4. Adopt and implement evidence-based programs for academic and SEL in all classes.
Current Score / Notes
Performance Levels for Item 4
Fully functional level of development and implementation / 3
Mostly functional level of development and implementation / 2
Limited development or partial implementation / 1
Little or no development and implementation
  • The school has adopted evidence-based programs/approaches that foster a full range of social and emotional competencies for all students at most grade levels.
  • The majority of teachers have received training in the adopted evidence-based programs/approaches from a certified trainer.
  • The evidence-based SEL programs/approaches are being implemented at high levels (e.g., dosage, fidelity, quality of delivery).
  • The SEL practices/concepts from the evidence-based program are being infused throughout the school (e.g., being used by adults, supported in settings like the playground).
  • The school has adoptedan evidence-based SEL programs/approaches but it is only being used at some grade levels.
  • Some teachers have participated in training for the adopted evidence-based SEL program/approach.
  • The evidence-based SELprograms/approaches are being implemented at a sufficient level (e.g., dosage, fidelity, quality of delivery).
  • An evidence-based SEL program/approach has been adopted but implementation is in the early stages (e.g., being piloted in a subset of classrooms, low levels of implementation).
  • The school is the process of adopting (e.g., reviewing materials, discussing options with peers, visiting schools) evidence-based programs/approaches for promoting students’ social and emotional competencies.

5. Integrate SEL at all three levels of school functioning (curriculum & instruction; school-wide practices & policies; family & community partnerships).
Current Score / Notes
Performance Levels for Item 5
Fully functional level of development and implementation / 3
Mostly functional level of development and implementation / 2
Limited development or partial implementation / 1
Little or no development and implementation
  • Classroom teachers are supporting SEL and this programming is aligned with tier 2 and tier 3 service that promote students’ social and emotional competence.
  • Adults model SEL and the administration manages the school (e.g., how meetings are run, the way decisions are made) in a way that fosters adult SEL.
  • The school communicates regularly with families and community partners about SEL and these stakeholders are actively engaged in practices at the school (e.g., serve on or lead SEL-related committees, participate in SEL events, etc.) that support student SEL development.
  • Teacher are supporting SEL in the classroom andconcepts are reinforced outside of that setting (e.g., language or practices are used on the playground or in the cafeteria, after-school providers are also trained in classroom program).
  • Adults model SEL in the ways that they interact with one another and students.
  • The school communicates regularly with families and community partners about SEL and how to support student SEL in the home and outside of school.
  • The SEL Leadership Team has identified ways to integrate SEL into the school’s policies/practices and has shared these ideas with staff.
  • SEL implementation has begun in classrooms (e.g., teachers are providing SEL skill instruction and/or using teaching practices that support the development of SEL).
  • Policies and practices at the school level (e.g., discipline guidelines) are supportive of student SEL student.
  • The SEL Leadership Team has identified ways to integrate SEL at the three setting levels within the school(classroom, building, and community)but no changes in practice have happened yet.

6. Establish processes to continuously improve academic, social, and emotional learning programming through inquiry and data collection
Current Score / Notes
Performance Levels
Fully functional level of development and implementation / 3
Mostly functional level of development and implementation / 2
Limited development or partial implementation / 1
Little or no development and implementation
  • A multiyear SEL plan has been developed and the SEL Leadership Team revisits key planning and implementation activities at regular intervals making adjustments to programming based on this review.
  • The SEL Leadership team shares data with key stakeholders at regularly planned intervals so they can provide input on what this information means to them and how it can inform decision making.
  • Data are regularly used by the SEL Leadership Team to make decisions about SEL programming and to improve the quality of practice.
  • Teachers are provided with data related to SEL program implementation and have regular meeting times to discussand solve problems as they occur.
  • Data regarding student social and emotional competence is collected and provided back to teachers.
  • An SEL plan has been developed and the SEL Leadership Team revisits key planning and implementation activities at regular intervals and some adjustments have been made to programming based on this review.
  • Data are discussed within the SEL Leadership Team but not with other stakeholders in the building.
  • Data are intermittently used to make improvements to programming.
  • Teachers are provided with data related to SEL program implementation but there is no process in place to discuss or solve problems as they occur.
  • Data regarding student social and emotional competence is collected and provided back to teachers.
  • An SEL plan has been developed and the SEL Leadership Team revisits planning and implementation activities (e.g., team membership has been reconsidered, vision has been reviewed for continued relevance, etc.)but on an intermittent basis. No adjustments have been made to programming.
  • SEL programming has started and implementation is monitored but the information is not reviewed in any systematic way to improve practice.
  • Teachers have begun to reflect on how SEL is being implemented but this process could be improved.
  • Data regarding student social and emotional competence may be collected but it is not provided back to teachers in any systematic way.
  • An SEL plan has been developed but there is no formal system for reviewing implementation activities.
  • SEL programming has started butthere are little or no opportunities for teachers to formally reflect on their SELexperiences and implementation is not monitored regularly.
  • Data regarding student social and emotional competence is not collected.