C Sc 127B Practice Test 2 Spring 13Answers

1. Write the output generated by the following code. (6pts)

OurQueue<String> q = new LinkedQueue<String>();




while(! q.isEmpty()) {

System.out.println(q.isEmpty() + " " + q.remove());


2. Complete method doubleQueue that will cause every element in the OurQueue argument to be duplicated.

public void doubleQueue(OurQueue<String> q) {

OurQueue<String> temp = new OurQueue<String>();

while (!q.isEmpty()) {

String front = q.remove();




// This loop is required. It would be incorrect to use q = temp

while (!temp.isEmpty())



3. Write the return values from each call to the method named mystery. (6pts)
___1___mystery(25) ____6___mystery(19) _____9__mystery(9)

public int mystery(int n) {

if (n > 20)

return 1;

else if (n > 10)

return 5 + mystery(n + 5);


return 3 + mystery(n + 8);


4. Write the output generated by the method call mystery2("X", 6); ______(4pts)

public void mystery2(String s, int digit) {

if(digit <= 1)


else {

s = s + "<";

mystery2(s, digit - 2);

System.out.println(s + digit);



5. Implement the trib method recursively. (6pts)

public int trib(int n) {

if(n <= 3)

return 1;


return trib(n-1) + trib(n-2) + trib(n-3);


6. Use recursion to complete method oddDownEvenUp so it first prints all odd integers from the largest odd number <= argument down to 1.

oddDownEvenUp(4); // 3 1 2 4

oddDownEvenUp(9); // 9 7 5 3 1 2 4 6 8

public void oddDownEvenUp(int n) { // Or have two private helpers

if (n > 0) {

if (n % 2 == 1)

System.out.print(n + " ");

oddDownEvenUp(n - 1);

if (n % 2 == 0)

System.out.print(n + " ");



7. Complete occurrencesOfto return how often an int element occurs in an array on integer. Use

int[] a = { 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2 };
assertEquals(2, occurrencesOf(1, a);

public int occurrencesOf(int value, int[] x) {

return occurrencesOf(value, x, 0);


private int occurrencesOf(int value, int[] x, int index) {

if (index == x.length)

return 0;

else {

int foundOne = 0;

if (x[index] == value)

foundOne = 1;

return foundOne + occurrencesOf(value, x, index + 1);



8. Complete sum to return the sum of the array elements. Use recursion. Do not use any loop. (12pts)

int[] a = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
assertEquals(10, sum(a));

public int sum(int[] nums) {

return sum(nums, 0);


private int sum(int[] nums, int index) {

if(index == x.length)

return 0;


return nums[index] + sum(nums, index + 1); // never use index++


9.To class LinkedListusing a singly-linked structure, add method removeAll(E element) so all

assertEquals("B X B", list.toString());


assertEquals("X", list.toString());

assertEquals(1, list.size());

public void removeAll(E el) {

removeAll(first, el);


privatevoid removeAll(Node ref, E el) {

if (ref == null) // base case


elseif (el.equals(first.data)) { // see if first needs to be adjusted

first = first.next;


removeAll(first, el);


elseif (ref.next != null & el.equals(ref.next.data)) { // peek ahead if there is one

ref.next = ref.next.next;


removeAll(ref, el);



removeAll(ref.next, el); // didn't match, so removeAll beginning at the next node



10) Write the output generated by this code (9pts)

public void hardCodeATree() {

root = new TreeNode("root");

root.left = new TreeNode("c");

root.left.left = new TreeNode("s");

root.left.right = new TreeNode("1");

root.right = new TreeNode("2");

root.right.left = new TreeNode("7");

root.right.right = new TreeNode("B");


private void toString(TreeNode t) {

if (t != null) {

result += t.data + " ";






11. Use the following binary tree to write out each of the three traversals indicated below. (9pts)

/ Preorder traversal __A B D E C
Inorder traversal __D B E A C
Postorder traversal __D E B C A