in Physical Education
Objectives / Outcomes / Action / Cost
Employing a Sports Coach as PE subject coordinator and ensuring she has access to appropriate CPD opportunities. / Employing a dedicated member of staff to coordinate PE & Sport ensures time is dedicated to this ever growing role without having it as added pressure to a class teaching role. We ensure that the PE coordinator is up-to-date with events in the partnership and also up-to-date with national news and events. / The PE coordinator attends meetings throughout the year where they get national and local updates at PE network days delivered by NOSSP and YST. They are also able to network with other teachers and share good practice to take back to school. They also attend CPD to update knowledge including Power of an Active School. / Part of the NOSSP affiliation, YST affiliation & Co-ordinators salary)
Increase staff subject knowledge and confidence in PE
Ensure all children are gaining access to a variety of high quality Physical education encompassing areas of the National Curriculum.
To assess PE ensuring that information is passed up the school and skills built upon each year, ensuring progression. / Address PE equipment storage issues to ensure it is easy to use/access our equipment.
PE coordinator to keep staff informed of all courses through NOSSP & NGBs. Annual staff questionnaire to identify staff training/equipment needs
Purchase necessary equipment to enable staff to deliver high quality lessons.
Work with coaches from local clubs, independent schools and sporting programmes to enhance curriculum PE and act as CPD for teachers where necessary. / Both indoor & outdoor PE storage has been changed: racking and cupboard made more secure.
PE coordinator to monitor courses and advise staff. We aim to send at least 1 member of staff on each NOSSP course. This includes support staff who are involved in PE..Staff share information at staff meetings.
Previously a gym teacher has worked with teachers in years 2 & 4 who identified the need for support in this area.
Use of Sainsburys Active Kids Vouchers to top up equipment. Additional purchases include Low bounce tennis balls.
Being part of the Chance To Shine Cricket scheme run by ECB. Provides curriculum lessons, staff training & equipment in terms 5/6.Coaches from Banbury Tennis Club provides tennis lessons for years 2 & 6 & CPD for teachers in terms 5/6.
Regular whole school cross country events are held and finishing places recorded against previous events. BG Core Proficiency Awards run through the school showing gymnastic progression. Swimming certificates are awarded in KS2 ensuring that progression is monitored in this important life skill. Introducing assessment using FLIC and a whole school fitness scheme this year. / £623.
NOSSP membership
Inc. in Sports coordinators salary
School Sports Premium Impact at Bishop Loveday Primary School 2016– 2017
Total money: £9790
Membership to North Oxfordshire Schools Sport Partnership (NOSSP) £2000
Youth Sport Trust (YST) membership £ Included in NOSSP membership.
PE co-ordinators salary £4056
How has the money been spent and what impact has it had?
Healthy Active Lifestyles: / Ensuring all our children have access to regular exerciseObjectives / Outcomes / Action / Cost
Supporting children in selecting the right healthy lifestyle choices including food and exercise.
Ensure parents have access to information regarding healthy lifestyles. / We have provided opportunities throughout the year to support children with trying new foods and cooking new things.We have provided opportunities to help children make and understand how some foods are healthier than others.
We operate a healthy snack and lunchbox policy.
We run a daily Breakfast club & Afterschool club offering healthy food options. School Lunch Company provide healthy hot school meals.
Parents are informed and support healthy lifestyles at home. / Pupils are given the opportunity to cook and work with food where appropriate as part of topic work. EG. Year 3 Scrumdiddlumptious topic making smoothies.
Pupils are aware what can and cannot be included in their lunchbox. With reference to pupil questionnaire.
Chef and School Lunch Company work with School Council regularly to design healthy lunch choices.
C4L information shared via the newsletter and website.
School Lunch Company run taster sessions at Parents evenings.
We are ensuring all children have access to 2 hours of PE lessons a week / Teachers are offered and attend courses to update and increase their knowledge to ensure the delivery of PE is of a high quality. CPD is also offered by way of qualified coaches working alongside teachers. Lessons consist of indoor, outdoor and swimming lessons.
Free swimming booster sessions offered to year 5 & 6 pupils who haven’t reached 25metre distance by the end of the year. / Courses – NOSSP membership
Increase number and choice of clubs. / In response to a pupil survey, we have increased our offer of after school clubs. These are run by members of staff, some of which are supported by local community clubs, and some coaches are paid to deliver sessions. The majority are free of charge; however others are run independently by the instructor. / £ 1720
We are ensuring that all children are being active at lunch times and making the correct healthy choices. / We trained up some Playground Leaders who run activities for the younger children. This builds up the leader’s confidence and encourages the younger children to make active choices.
We updated the equipment for outside play through the Sainsbury’s vouchers catalogue.
Sports Leaders attended a training course at BGN and now run 2 lunch time multiskills sports clubs for the KS1 children.
Active Friends Club is a lunchtime club for invited year 5 & 6 pupils. / In house training
NOSSP membership.
Competitive School Sport: / Increasing pupils’ participation in extra- curricular sport
Objectives / Outcomes / Action / Cost
Increase participation in competitive sports for all pupils / Increasing the number of children competing in level 1 competitions through increased staff awareness and confidence in delivering small competitions / Teachers plan opportunities for these within curriculum time. These can range from competitions within the class, within a year group and also inter year group. / Part of the NOSSP affiliation
Allowing children to access level 2 sports competitions and festivals and learn through the sports games values how to be a good sportsman. / Using the NOSSP competition calendar, children are able to attend festivals in a range of sports. / Part of the NOSSP affiliation
Coach to x country
Pupils to represent the School in sport’s fixtures against other schools as part of the after school club membership.
Competitions and festivals run by local independent schools allow pupils to compete at different venues and against pupils outside of our partnership / Continue to develop relationships with local Primary and independent schools. Arranging after school matches and teams for inter school competitions/festival. / Inc in Sports coordinators salary
Whole school impact: / Increasing the impact that PE has on the whole school development
Objectives / Outcomes / Action / Cost
Using PE in the whole school development plan.
Keep all stakeholders informed of PE & Sport across the school. / We are making links to PE in other areas of the curriculum.
Termly PE & Sport report on website.
Match and competition reports in newsletters and website.
Display board in school.
Photographs on display in school and where appropriate on website.
Sponsored events to help raise funds for school equipment.
Sport Relief event. / PE Coordinator attended Power of an Active School YST workshop and fed back information at staff meeting.
1 TA attended Change 4 Life workshop
2 TAs attended Dance workshop
1 teacher attended Sports course
1 TA & 1 Teacher attended NQT support day.
1 teacher attended Differentiation in PE workshop.
Sports coordinator PE network day 1.
Plan for staff attending these to run part of a staff meting to share ideas.
Whole School House Art event to create House banners for Sports Day.
Fun run and sponsored walk to help raise money for Wi-fi and school ICT equipment.
Mile event run across the school day to raise money for this National event. / NOSSP affiliation
Co-ordinatores salary.
Keep up to date with International sporting events. Seeking opportunities to use in PE and cross curriculum activities. / Using events to inspire and motivate pupils in all areas: physical, healthy, social & thinking.
We identified inactive and vulnerable pupils for a change4life club. We have called this Active Friends – as decided by the children / 1 x TA attended C4L training to gain experience and confidence with Carl Hamilton.
10 year 5/6 children identified and the club was run with good success. Pupils attended an inclusion festival at BGN with 3 other schools.
8 vulnerable/pupil premium children funded for 1 week at CDC Holiday Hubs in the summer holidays. / NOSSP affiliation