DECEMBER 18, 2013
9:30 A.M.
“Early Is On Time, On Time Is Late”
NOTICE: The Board of Commissioners complies with ADA. If anyone needs interpretative services while attending a Commissioners meeting, please notify this office 24 hours in advance!
9:33 a.m. Karen Lecorchick, EMA retires December 31, 2013 with 25 years of services
#1. Job and Family Services Bills
#2. Investments
#3. Appropriations
#4. Transfers
#5. Authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners (at the conclusion of today’s Board meeting, the Commissioners may recess into an Executive Session to discuss: personnel/new hires)
#6. Approve & waive the reading of the minutes for December 11 & 16 (emergency), 2013
#7. Appoint Tim Moore as Lorain County’s Apiary Inspector for the year 2014. The total annual appropriation is $3,400 with mileage reimbursement of $0.52 cents per mile.
#8. Authorize County Administrator to provide and execute all necessary documents, effective December 19, 2013 – December 31, 2013 for the year-end close activity including but not limited to transfers, advances/repayments, appropriations, requisitions, travel, bills, payroll related transactions and payments.
#9 Approve the 2014 special revenue annual appropriation
Community Development:
#10. Amend NSP3 agreement with City of Elyria for purpose to adjusting budgets. Said increase for acquisition/rehab activity from $191,000 to $242,135 and demolition activity from $262,000 to $272,000, thereby deducting $51,135 from county’s acquisition/rehab and $10,000 from demolition to increase City of Elyria agreement not to exceed $644,135
#11. Advertise RFQ/RFP’s for CDBG which includes CHIP FY14. Notice to be in Chronicle on December 20 and receive until January 21, 2014 at 4 pm
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#12. Award contract to Olde Towne Windows, Inc., Milan in amount of $75,072.80 which includes a contingency for any unforeseen change order for the rehabilitation of 759 Oliver Street, Sheffield Lake in accordance with NSP3 to be paid from Acct#contract services; Issue Notice to proceed on or before December 18; Authorize Administrator to notify Auditor to release retainage at completion of project
Job & Family Services:
#13. Authorize various personnel to utilize the various credit cards not to exceed $4,000; Said usage is for work-related expense, food, transportation, gas and oil, motor vehicle repair and maintenance, conference, telephone and lodging.
#14. Authorize purchase of service contract with El Centro de Servicios Sociales, Inc., Lorain to provide Spanish consultant services forCFY14 in amount not to exceed $800, effective January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014; Authorize Director to execute on behalf of the board with prosecutors approval as to form and amend for changes in programming connect and increase
#15. Approve & enter into the renewal agreement with Maximus, Concord, Ohio in amount of $3,700 to update space cost report
Sanitary Engineer:
#16. Enter into an agreement with K.E. McCartney & Assoc., Mansfield in amount of $150,000 for various general engineering consulting services on a task order basis for 24 months paid through Acct#prof serv – sanitary
#17. Amendment #5 to K.E. McCartney & Assoc., Mansfield miscellaneous sanitary & water services agreement to include additional cost of $7,500 to complete the monitoring work on the excessive I/I flow coming from southern Amherst 104 area along South Oberlin Road and flow meters have been placed at intersection of Middle Ridge Rd and Telegraph Rd. Data from these meters will determine if I/I flow is from Lorain’s Oberlin Road trunk sewer or from County’s Airport and 104 collectors; Authorize County Administrator to execute on behalf of Board with Prosecutors approval as to form
Solid Waste:
#18. Extend contract with RET3 JobCorp, Inc., Cleveland for e-scrap transportation and recycling services for 2014 to be paid from Acct#e-scrap recycling services
#19. Approve request from Boys and Girls Club of Lorain County for twenty (20) refurbished computers to be used at their community events for education and programming purposes
#20. Approve request from Connect Lorain County for sixty (60) refurbished computers to be distributed to qualifying residents who complete a specified computer training course at Lorain County Community College
#21. Extend contract with Environmental Recycling Group, Bowling Green for fluorescent lamp, ballast collection and recycling services for 2014 to be paid from Acct:#fluorescent lighting
#22. Approving and entering into an Agreement with the City of Oberlin to provide transportation service effective January 2 – December 26, 2014. City of Oberlin will provide $25.07/hour used as grant match, plus $50 monthly fee to cover administrative expenses, no county general fund dollars will be used
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Domestic Relations:
#23. Authorizing Court’s Juvenile Branch Judges and staff to utilize the county’s’ Lormet visa credit card
#24. Proceed by force account for normal and general maintenance and repair during the year 2014 on county roads for the safety of the traveling public
#25. Post load limit signs that state weight limit reduction by 25% on various county roads for the thaw and moisture period in accordance with ORC 5577.07, effective February 1, 2014 – May 1, 2014
#26. Request NOACA to place 2 projects on their Transportation Plan for Federal HSIP funds; Authorize Engineer to execute applications and local will be paid by OPWC if available
· Baumhart Rd (CR51) and Middle Ridge Rd (CR32) intersection improvement FY17 total project cost $720,000; 80% HSIP $576,000 and 20% local is $144,000
· Oberlin Road (T39) and Middle Ridge Rd (CR32) intersection improvement FY17 total project cost $257,000; 80% HSIP $205,600; 20% local is $51,400
#27. Authorize Sheriff Stammitti and Lt. Debbie Reinhardt to utilize the Visa Credit Card not to exceed $3,500 for conferences, food, lodging, transportation, telephone, gas and oil, or vehicle maintenance and emergency repairs of county owned or leased vehicles and payment on internet services used in criminal investigations.
C Mr. James R. Cordes, County Administrator -
D Mr. Jerry Innes, Assistant County Prosecutor
E. Commissioner’s Report:
F Clerk’s Report:
#1. January 13 at 9:30 a.m. – Commissioners organizational meeting
#2. January 13 at 11 a.m. – Transportation Improvement District meeting
#3. January 21 at 11 a.m. – Stormwater District
#4. January 22 at 9:30 a.m. – Commissioners board meeting
#5. State of Ohio mileage reimbursement for 2014 will be .52 cents.
G Board Correspondence:
#1. February 28 from 9 am – 1 pm, LCCC, Spitzer Center – Cultural Competence approach for communities of colors: Mental Health Conference presented by International Council for Urban Peace, Justice & Empowerment Lorain County. More info call Paul Hasan Iman, 258-3114; Marcus Atkinson 258-7062or Tim Carrion 258-9968
#2. February 21 at 6 pm, LCCC Spitzer Center – 2014 Difference Makers Gala, Leadership Lorain County. More call 366-4700 or
#3. Western Reserve Land Conservancy donor report July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013
#4. Grand Jury Report – Judge Miraldi
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#5. Commissioner Kalo executed Oh family and children first county council operational capacity building funds application SFY14 (org: CFFC)
#6. Publications: “Governing”: “Government Product news”; “Horizon Herald”: “Inside Business”; “The Municipal”; “Ohio Contractor”; “JVS update”; “Greater Ohio on the go”; “News Notes, MS Consultants, Inc.”; “Bricker & Eckler – construction bulletin/bad bidders”; “Chamber news December”; “
#7. March 1-5, 2014 – NACO Legislative conference, Washington D.C.
#8. First Energy Construction Notice for Beaver-Brownhlem 345kV transmission line temporary line extension project. 3 poles will be temporarily installed within, approximately 50 feet of new transmission line will be installed and 4 new temporary wood poles will be installed and will be removed after all permanent transmission connections are established
#9. OHEPA notice of violation to Karvo Paving, Stow on Cowley Rd (CR59) storm water construction, Eaton Township need NPDES permit, sediment controls, stabilization, off site tracking (org: Engineer)
#10. Black River Remedial action plan – November 6, 2013 meeting minutes and next meetings are;
- March 13 at 2 pm, Sandy Ridge Reservation, N. Ridgeville at 2 pm
- July 10, time and location to be announced
- November 13 at 2 pm, Carlisle Visitor Center, LaGrange
- March 18-19, Areas of Concern annual conference, EPA regional 5, Chicago, IL
#11. December 19 at 2 pm, County Planning Commission tentative meeting packet
#12. OH Dev Services Agency reduced the county’s notice available funds for grant B-F-11-1BQ-1 in amount of $4,089 (cc: LCCDD)
#13. 2014 Lorain County Common Pleas Court General Division has ordered their budget in amount of $3,248,796
#14. January 8 from 9:30 – 10:30 am, webinar sponsored by CCAO on social media and the impact on employment. Register at https://www3.gotomeetting.com/register/845296286
#15. December 20 at 12:30 pm, Developmental Disabilities will meet at 1091 Infirmary Rd., Elyria
#16. Ohio Division of Liquor Control new application from MA & PA S Lil General Store, LLC, One Pheasant Run Dr., Suite 11A, LaGrange Township
#17. December 1 at 6:30 pm, Camden Township – Township Association meeting
#18. Lorain County Urban League Road 2 Success college tour April 7-11, 2014. Donations are being accepted to offset cost of transportation, lodging and meals, mail to 1530 W. River Rd., Suite 300, Elyria c/o Betty Halliburton
#19. CORSA 2014 defensive drivers training limited classes available. Reserve at 419-428-2189
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#20. Lorain County Chamber of Commerce January events. Register at www.loraincountychamber.com
- January 14 from 5-7 pm – Business after hours – T3Performance, Avon, cost $15 for up to 5
- January 30 from 11:30 – 1:15 pm, annual meeting, cost $25/person
#21. Commissioner Kalo & Kokoski executed request for payment and status of funds (org: LCCDD)
#22. ODOT – state on track for least deadly year on Ohio roadways, so far this year 945 people have died, which is the lowest number since the state began keeping tabs in 1936 when 2,389 people died on Ohio roadways.
H Public Comment: (Please limit comments to 3 minutes Thank-you)
Please note that the Commissioners’ meetings are open to the public. The scheduled air times for the meetings will be shown on Sat. at Noon & Mon. at 11 p.m. and subject to change at the discretion of the Lorain County Community College. The meetings might be also broadcasted in additional time periods as scheduling permits. If anyone wants to purchase a copy of the Commissioners Meeting Tapes, please call Lorain County Records Center at (440) 326-4868
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